I hate my MG4!


Standard Member
Aug 9, 2023
Reaction score
MG4 Trophy LR
MG4 Trophy, 2023. Last software update August 2023

Hi there all! Now I know that using the MG Forum to say I hate my MG4 is perhaps a little controversial, and I certainly don’t intend to upset anyone, but please hear me out…

Firstly, I know that ‘hate’ is a strong word. And if I’m honest, I don’t always hate my car. When all’s going well, and it hasn’t done anything to annoy me in the previous 30 minutes, I do actually very much enjoy driving it. It’s my first electric car, and I really like the smooth, rapid acceleration and lack of gear changes. But - and it’s a very big ‘but’ - there are just too many problems with it. Some major and some minor.

I’ve compiled a list below of the faults and grievances that spring to mind. There may be others that I’ve forgotten but I’ll try to edit this post as and when anything else pops up from the recesses of my brain.

I’d be really interested to hear from you all in the community to get your thoughts and to read about your experiences.

Some background… I received my MG new in July 2023. I very quickly noticed problems, which is why I joined this excellent Forum in the first place. I thought ‘surely it’s not just me that’s noticing these things?’, and I was so pleased to find many like minded souls. I emailed MG UK with my initial concerns, and they replied very quickly, but all they could recommend was a software update (for a new car that I’d only just received. Thanks MG…). I diligently booked the car in under warranty and got the update. But alas, as far as I could tell, nothing had changed. So forlornly I pretty much gave up. I resigned myself to the fact that I’d have to put up with this hugely frustrating car for the next three years, the length of my lease. And so now, after 16 months of ownership (as of Nov 24) this list shows what really, REALLY grinds my gears(!). I know from reading certain forum posts that some of these problems have supposedly been sorted, but again, I’d be really interested to hear which ones and how successful the fix has been.

Important note: I have asked for a software update on my car (currently on R33) but my local dealership (Southampton) believes none of the issues below mean they can do it under warranty, and I have no intention of paying the quoted £120 to get it done, especially when as far as I know it only involves plugging a USB in for a few minutes. And, obviously, it should be done absolutely free of charge.

LKA is overly aggressive and frankly dangerous, as all owners are very aware of. Should never have been allowed on the car in that state. I always have to turn it off before driving for safety's sake.

Infotainment sometimes doesn't register touches, despite beeping to register a selection.

DAB Radio sometimes doesn't find radio stations on start, and won't update the available list all journey, meaning no (or very limited) radio.

No sound from the speakers after pressing ‘play’ button on radio after getting in the car. I have to cycle to another input then back to radio, and it suddenly bursts into life.

1 x emergency stop for no reason, on a straight, clear road, though with one car approaching on the other side. I was indicating right while slowing to turn behind the approaching car (I’m in the UK) but remained fully in my lane. Happily at slow speed and no one behind me.

Air Conditioning occasionally doesn't work at all. Magically resets itself when the car's been off and locked for a time. Making for some sweaty summer journeys. Miserable before arriving at work.

In colder, wet weather, the car sometimes steams up very easily, requiring full blower all journey (probably same fault as above i.e. no conditioned air).

Loses 3 or 4 mph around shallow bends when using ACC.

Ridiculously aggressive braking to maintain gap in front when using ACC. Dangerous with cars behind on a motorway. I rarely use ACC because of this.

Speed limit recognition often shows incorrect limit, rendering it pointless. Flashes constantly if just 1mph over. I always turn it off.

No interior light in rear cabin. I often have to get my phone torch out when it's dark to help my children buckle up, which of course is bonkers. My kids hate the car because of this.

Rear seat belt plugs 'disappear' into seat when trying to plug the seat belt in. Again, my kids absolutely hate this.

Auto dipping headlights have a mind of their own (and not in a positive way!). I always have to go manual to avoid dangerously blinding other drivers/cyclists/pedestrians. The system absolutely is not good enough. A safety concern.

Regularly have to 're-pair' mobile phone Bluetooth connection.

MG App often won't show any information from the car (i.e. battery percentage) despite good WiFi connection on both car and phone.

Rear under tray has warped and now needs replacing.

The infotainment screen brightness is always set as dim as possible. The other night my wife mentioned how bright it still was, and I agreed with her, saying it’s as dim as it will go. From the passenger seat she went into Settings to see if I was telling the truth, and sure enough the slider was at the fully dim position. But then to my amazement, she moved it a little to the right and then back fully left, and it did get noticeably more dim! For some reason it seems to reset itself to a fixed brightness every time I get in the car, so to get it actually dim, I have to give the slider a little wiggle every single time. Just bonkers!

There must be others you've experienced that I’ve missed/forgotten about. Please do let me know! I firmly believe MG (SAIC) should never have released the car like this. I suspect it was probably rushed out to meet some board room deadline. And you’d think they’d now be desperate to correct the issues customers are experiencing asap, before word spreads to too many potential buyers. I for one now have no intention of buying from MG again. It’s been a miserable experience at times, and sadly, so far, it appears they don’t really seem to care!
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As you say, you have been reading this forum for a while, so you know full well that other SAIC testers frequent this space.

Did you know I was the first SAIC Consumer Tester for the X Power?

Free of charge I might add and still 'testing' it to this day.

Not sure for how much longer that might be though!

You have many common issues that will be sorted providing you get the latest software, although still things are not all Rosy in the garden after.

I've R 59 and ACC is now spot on, no deceleration if the road curves which is as it should be and keeps a decent gap to the car in front.

LKA is now softer in its action but still hasn't really got a clue unless the road is arrow straight and well marked, just like it was designed for, to pass NCAP.

Despite the latest software my car still frequently loses the saved stations, e call disappears most days and you have to come out of some screens to access the HVAC!

Disabling LKA is one step shorter though.

Misting shouldn't be an issue providing you leave the AC on permanently, with a quick Full Demister blast to clear early morning fogging.

You are certainly not the only one dissapointed by the lack of rear interior lights either.
A quite stupid omission IMO.

Auto dipping permanently off for me.
Can't be trusted.

I think MG are going to lose an awful lot of customers once various terms come to an end.

I myself was happy to give MG a chance and had things been different perhaps a very loyal customer.

But they have pissed off far too many decent folk who have genuine complaints, followed up by some clueless and rude dealers, coupled to a customer service department that just fobs off at every opportunity to be seeing any brand loyalty. All IMO.

Folk will just move on to something else.
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As you say you have been reading this forum for a while so you know full well that other SAIC testers frequent this space.

Did you know I was the first SAIC Consumer Tester for the X Power?

Free of charge I might add and still 'testing' it to this day.

Not sure for how much longer that might be though!

You have many common issues that will be sorted providing you get the latest software, although still things are not all Rosy in the garden after.

I've R 59 and ACC is now spot on, no deceleration if the road curves which is as it should be and keeps a decent gap to the car in front.

LKA is now softer in its action but still hasn't really got a clue unless the road is arrow straight and well marked, just like it was designed for, to pass NCAP.

Despite the latest software my car still frequently loses the saved stations, e call disappears most days and you have to come out of some screens to access the HVAC!

Disabling LKA is one step shorter though.

Misting shouldn't be an issue providing you leave the AC on permanently, with a quick Full Demister blast to clear early morning fogging.

You are certainly not the only one dissapointed by the lack of rear lights either.
A quite stupid omission IMO.

Auto dipping permanently off for me.
Can't be trusted.

I think MG are going to lose an awful lot of customers once various terms come to an end.

I myself was happy to give MG a chance and had things been different perhaps a very loyal customer.

But they have pissed off far too many decent folk who have genuine complaints, followed up by some clueless and rude dealers, coupled to a customer service department that just fobs off at every opportunity to be seeing any brand loyalty. All IMO.

Folk will just move on to something else.
An excellent and useful summary, thank you Bricktop. I do hope that the update I should be getting next week will help, as you suggest. And I'm glad the SAIC testers frequent these pages, and why not? What a wonderful world of free analysis! On the de-misting, I never turn the AC off. I suspect the issue may stem from one of the other points I made - the AC just sometimes doesn't work, despite it all be switched on. I notice when this is the case immediately on a hot summers day, but on a cool, damp autumn/winter day, I'm less likely to realise the lack of conditioning, as the fans still run. This may explain the occasional unsolvable misting.

I for one am a customer lost for MG. I've never 'hated' a car in my life. All the cars I've ever had just did what they were supposed to, more or less. I can't wait for the next 20 months to pass so I can get rid of the thing! For me, the MG4 falls well short. SAIC have embarrassed themselves.
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I don't hate mine, it just annoys me, I wrote a similar write up on another thread. Rushed into production is my summary.

I think MG are going to lose an awful lot of customers once various terms come to an end.

I myself was happy to give MG a chance and had things been different perhaps a very loyal customer.

Yep, my MG4 will be my first and only SIAC MG.
My wife's car had a lot of the faults youve listed, most have been fixed eventually all though took months.
By the time most, not all, of the issues were made slightly more bearable she had already had enough of the car.
She uses it for work and I use it if I'm taking the dog places, or moving stuff or rubbish.

We never had a test drive the wife's company just said they were getting them, like you, barring all the faults it's the cabin that disappointed me the most. If I'd went to see one I wouldn't have spent my own money on it

It could have been so much better as it actually drives ok.

Stack em high sell them cheap has been used about them and that sums them up for me
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Charlie, I'll be interested to hear of your dealer experience and the results of the software update. Is the car going in to Richmond Southampton? I bought mine outright from Richmond Portsmouth. I got them to fix the warped understray but haven't yet requested updates to the software. Why? Because what I use works as long as I make a number of preflight settings. The AC works, it charges at home OK. I switch LKA and speed sign recognition off, put AEB on low sensitivity, don't use ACC at all, don't use Android Auto. I've had my seat belt spontaneously unbuckle on two occasions so I'm being careful to check it.. Mines the SE LR, not the Trophy.
There does seem to be a trend developing where some are saying that at the end of their lease/pcp deals they will dump MG . this will lead to a glut of 3-4 year old cars on the auction market and the low values they will fetch. MG won't care, they will have by then shiny new models out with enticing deals ready to catch the new batch of EV converts, the now old models phased out , not being able to compete on price with their secondhand siblings. Not just MG I think! The marketing strategy seems to be aimed at the well heeled wanting either by choice/ peer pressure or desperation in changing to newer and more profit making models (Upgrade Sir, suits you ).
For us , in it for the long run , plebs, will there still be updates available or will it become like Windows XP,7,8 and 10? where support will cease to exist.
Built in obsolescence? You have had it how long sir,? Blimey!
Please do let me know!
To be honest I think we've had a very similar experience to you.

Our software/screen doesn't seem to be as glitchy but we had a single phantom emergency braking incident.

Had a steamy journey once when my parents were in the car but when it is just me and Pebbles or one of us on our own it doesn't seem too bad. And you just press the strong demist button and it clears quickly.

Despite having a somewhat similar experience we don't mind the car at all!

We don't turn off the LKA, don't mind the speed limit being wrong sometimes. I use the ACC and love it - only problem is that it gets a bit closer behind the car in front than I would myself before slowing down more abruptly than I would have.

Maybe we just have lower expectations, or we haven't had such an advanced car before (our previous car was a 13 year old Seat Ibiza with no screen or technology or cruise control)
MG4 Trophy, 2023. Last software update August 2023

Hi there all! Now I know that using the MG Forum to say I hate my MG4 is controversial, and I certainly don’t intend to upset anyone, but please hear me out…

Firstly, I know that ‘hate’ is a strong word. And if I’m honest, I don’t always hate my car. When all’s going well, and it hasn’t done anything to annoy me in the previous 30 minutes, I do actually very much enjoy driving it. It’s my first electric car, and I really like the smooth, rapid acceleration and lack of gear changes. But - and it’s a very big ‘but’ - there are just too many problems with it. Some major and some minor.

I’ve compiled a list below of the faults and grievances that spring to mind. There may be others that I’ve forgotten but I’ll try to edit this post as and when anything else pops up from the recesses of my brain.

I’d be really interested to hear from you all in the community to get your thoughts and to read about your experiences.

Some background… I received my MG new in July 2023. I very quickly noticed problems, which is why I joined this excellent Forum in the first place. I thought ‘surely it’s not just me that’s noticing these things?’, and I was so pleased to find many like minded souls. I emailed MG UK with my initial concerns, and they replied very quickly, but all they could recommend was a software update (for a new car that I’d only just received. Thanks MG…). I diligently booked the car in under warranty and got the update. But alas, as far as I could tell, nothing had changed. So forlornly I pretty much gave up. I resigned myself to the fact that I’d have to put up with this hugely frustrating car for the next three years, the length of my lease. And so now, after 16 months of ownership, this list shows what really, REALLY grinds my gears(!). I know from reading certain forum posts that some of these problems have supposedly been sorted, but again, I’d be really interested to hear which ones and how successful the fix has been.

Important note: it’s booked in for another software update next week (Nov 24). I’ll report back once I’ve tested the car for a bit. I do so hope things have drastically improved. I won’t hold my breath!!

LKA is overly aggressive and frankly dangerous, as all owners are very aware of. Should never have been allowed on the car in that state. I always have to turn it off before driving for safety's sake.

Infotainment sometimes doesn't register touches, despite beeping to register a selection.

DAB Radio sometimes doesn't find radio stations on start, and won't update the available list all journey, meaning no (or very limited) radio.

No sound from the speakers after pressing ‘play’ button on radio after getting in the car. I have to cycle to another input then back to radio, and it suddenly bursts into life.

1 x emergency stop for no reason, on a straight, clear road, though with one car approaching on the other side. I was indicating right while slowing to turn behind the approaching car (I’m in the UK) but remained fully in my lane. Happily at slow speed and no one behind me.

Air Conditioning occasionally doesn't work at all. Magically resets itself when the car's been off and locked for a time. Making for some sweaty summer journeys. Miserable before arriving at work.

The car sometimes steams up very easily, requiring full blower all journey.

Loses 3 or 4 mph around shallow bends when using ACC.

Ridiculously aggressive braking to maintain gap in front when using ACC. Dangerous with cars behind on a motorway. I rarely use ACC because of this.

Speed limit recognition often shows incorrect limit, rendering it pointless. Flashes constantly if just 1mph over. I always turn it off.

No interior light in rear. I often have to get my phone torch out when it's dark to help my children buckle up. My kids hate the car because of this.

Rear seat belt plugs 'disappear' into seat when trying to plug the seat belt in. Again, my kids absolutely hate this.

Auto dipping headlights have a mind of their own (and not in a positive way!). I always have to go manual to avoid dangerously blinding other drivers/cyclists/pedestrians.

Regularly have to 're-pair' mobile phone Bluetooth connection.

MG App often won't show any information from the car (i.e. battery percentage) despite good WiFi connection on both car and phone.

There must be others you've experienced that I’ve missed/forgotten about. Please do let me know!

Yeh, but apart from that? 🙂👍
The LKA I turn off every drive (horrible), all the rest just doesn't bother me. Different people have different expectations which is fine, however I do believe some are expecting Lexus/Mercedes etc levels of refinement for MG money.
i'm not expecting that level of refinement! It's an otherwise great car that drives as well as any other electric car in several price points above, apart from the still awful AEB and LKA. There is no excuse at this point for not having fixed these - and yes I have the latest updates (or at least the latest at August, 2024). When my loan term is up, I likely won't be paying the remainder. I'll be moving onto something else because the competition will have more or less caught up on price by next summer, and MG won't have addressed their issues. I want a car with more space anyway, my children are growing...
The LKA I turn off every drive (horrible), all the rest just doesn't bother me. Different people have different expectations which is fine, however I do believe some are expecting Lexus/Mercedes etc levels of refinement for MG money.
I have an expectation that the stuff fitted in the car works, I have an expectation that an over £30k car has lights in the back, a cabin that doesn't rattle and creak after a year and fake pleather seats that don't start cracking after two years.

And a big one for me I have an expectation that if something goes wrong with the car I receive a reasonably efficient service from the garage and not a massive drawn out fight to get things done, that's not Lexus mercedes levels that's just basic levels.
I'm expecting a basic car, I don't mind a few rattles and some cabin noises, doesn't bother me on any mechanical device. Had the same in BMWs, Porsches and VWs I've owned, all my cars have had them, par for the course with products that have hundreds of thousands of parts, many moving. I've always been realistic with man made objects.
The LKA I turn off every drive (horrible), all the rest just doesn't bother me. Different people have different expectations which is fine, however I do believe some are expecting Lexus/Mercedes etc levels of refinement for MG money.

That's true to a certain extent. But even in an MG price bracket, you do expect everything to work. And to work well.
In the X Power's case, even though you can now get one, for about 25 grand, which is a bargain for what's on offer,
it's still 25 GRAND, a lot of dosh for most people. 🙂👍
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Have experienced pretty much everything on the list in my 2023 R40 XPower, but a few of the niggles are not unique to MG

Speed sign recognition - pretty much useless on ANY car. Issues for all manufacturers include: Picks up side street signs
Ignores signs that are smaller than standard size
Uses out of date sat nav data on roads sign limited or no signs

LKA and other driver aids - again not limited to MG, look at enough EV reviews and pretty much every one complains about this. The irony being a manufacturer like Renault gets praised for having a one button disable feature.

ACC - for some strange reason in my car the larger the vehicle in front the closer my car will follow it, usually leads to me turning the ACC off when I am behind a lorry as it does not give me the safe gap of me being able to see the lorries wing mirrors.

The only upside of the ACC in the MG is that is uses radar as well as the camera, in my previous car it was camera only and would throw a hissy fit in low sunlight, or excessive road spray (obscured the camera).

ACC breaking aggressiveness changes with drive mode and regen setting, so can have some control over this.

ACC slowing down when steering more than a couple of degrees off centre - yup a real pain so either drive through it with accelerator or turn ACC off in the twisties

Auto main beam - agree, so never use it

Issues with radio and cellular connectivity leading to poor radio station reception and issues with anything using the mobile data signal such as SOS call service and connection iSmart app (which goes to sleep after just over 24 hours without the car being on or charging).

Software - all modules seem to have been written by different teams and they have never tested the whole suite together. Leads to random and inconsistent error messages and boot sequence.

In general maybe a few more niggles than previous cars I have owned but nothing out of the ordinary. Can give examples of other manufacturers with ridiculous issues, e.g. VW group and the engine cover for the EA888 engine, they had an issue for which the solution was to just remove the cover, so now they sell them new and used with a part missing.

Has been a great first EV and as a first leasing experience it has been interesting. I would never lease again as I have no control over any decision about the car (as it's not my car). I would probably not have an MG again, but I have hot had to liaise with the dealer network so might be judging unfairly.
An excellent and useful summary, thank you Bricktop. I do hope that the update I should be getting next week will help, as you suggest. And I'm glad the SAIC testers frequent these pages, and why not, what a wonderful world of free analysis! On the de-misting, I never turn the AC off. I suspect the issue may stem from one of the other points I made - the AC just sometimes doesn't work, despite it all be switched on. I notice when this is the case immediately on a hot summers day, but on a cool, damp autumn/winter day, I'm less likely to realise the lack of conditioning, as the fans still run. This may explain the occasional unsolvable misting.

I for one am a customer lost for MG. I've never 'hated' a car in my life. All the cars I've ever had just did what they were supposed to, more or less. I can't wait for the next 20 months to pass so I can get rid of the thing! For me, the MG4 falls well short. SAIC have embarrassed themselves.
What cars did you have before that? So that after 20 months there is no even greater disappointment
LKA is overly aggressive and frankly dangerous, as all owners are very aware of. Should never have been allowed on the car in that state. I always have to turn it off before driving for safety's sake.
There are software module updates that improve it a lot and we are still apparently all going to get a definitive update to fix this, although there's been a lot of waiting already for this.
Infotainment sometimes doesn't register touches, despite beeping to register a selection.
This is greatly improved in the later Infotainment updates (R59/R33).
DAB Radio sometimes doesn't find radio stations on start, and won't update the available list all journey, meaning no (or very limited) radio.
Again, this has improved in later infotainment updates.
No sound from the speakers after pressing ‘play’ button on radio after getting in the car. I have to cycle to another input then back to radio, and it suddenly bursts into life.
1 x emergency stop for no reason, on a straight, clear road, though with one car approaching on the other side. I was indicating right while slowing to turn behind the approaching car (I’m in the UK) but remained fully in my lane. Happily at slow speed and no one behind me.
Yes, this is characteristic and can happen on many different makes of car, official advice I received was to switch AEB to 'alert' only, so the car cannot slam on the brakes. Has to be done every journey.
Air Conditioning occasionally doesn't work at all. Magically resets itself when the car's been off and locked for a time. Making for some sweaty summer journeys. Miserable before arriving at work.
I think this is relatively rare.
The car sometimes steams up very easily, requiring full blower all journey.
Never had this, I leave Air Conditioning on year round (to reduce humidity) and leave the system on ECO mode with Fan set to 2, never mists. If it is bad even with AC on, suggests water leak into cabin somewhere.
Loses 3 or 4 mph around shallow bends when using ACC.
ACC improves with module updates from unusable to usable. It is still fussy and not as good as most makes.
Ridiculously aggressive braking to maintain gap in front when using ACC. Dangerous with cars behind on a motorway. I rarely use ACC because of this.
Reduced with lower regen settings, I use Adaptive and improves somewhat with ACC updates.
Speed limit recognition often shows incorrect limit, rendering it pointless. Flashes constantly if just 1mph over. I always turn it off.
I always turn it off, every journey.
No interior light in rear. I often have to get my phone torch out when it's dark to help my children buckle up. My kids hate the car because of this.
I fixed this with LED replacement bulbs in overhead lights in the front, see accessories forum.
Rear seat belt plugs 'disappear' into seat when trying to plug the seat belt in. Again, my kids absolutely hate this.
I fixed this with cheap red rubber selt belt plug wrappers, again see accessories forum.
Auto dipping headlights have a mind of their own (and not in a positive way!). I always have to go manual to avoid dangerously blinding other drivers/cyclists/pedestrians.
I turned these off permanently.
Regularly have to 're-pair' mobile phone Bluetooth connection.
Again, better with later Infotainment or if using Apple, just use CarPlay. Or you could buy a £25 wifi dongle for wireless AA/CarPlay, which I did.
MG App often won't show any information from the car (i.e. battery percentage) despite good WiFi connection on both car and phone.
Works best for me when car isn't connected to Wifi, just 4G. Usually have to pull down 2 or 3 times for it to update properly.
There must be others you've experienced that I’ve missed/forgotten about. Please do let me know!
It is good that you've avoided some of the other issues people have had, here's some hardware ones reported:
  • Sagging undertray
  • Oil leak
  • Broken footrest
  • Rattling boot latch
  • Ticking from steering column area (can be wheel bearing)
  • Premature seat wear
  • Broken door handle latches
  • Stuck charging flap
  • Noisy AC compressor
  • Failed CCU (charging unit)

Later cars seem much better, mine dates from November 2022 so I have had a bunch of these issues.

It should also be said that most newly launched cars have minor issues, that is expected. What is key is how quickly the maker sorts them out and how well they look after customers with these problems.

To be honest I think we've had a very similar experience to you.

Our software/screen doesn't seem to be as glitchy but we had a single phantom emergency braking incident.

Had a steamy journey once when my parents were in the car but when it is just me and Pebbles or one of us on our own it doesn't seem too bad. And you just press the strong demist button and it clears quickly.

Despite having a somewhat similar experience we don't mind the car at all!

We don't turn off the LKA, don't mind the speed limit being wrong sometimes. I use the ACC and love it - only problem is that it gets a bit closer behind the car in front than I would myself before slowing down more abruptly than I would have.
The follow distance has three settings close, middle and far which are changed by clicking the left joystick left and right while ACC is engaged.
Maybe we just have lower expectations, or we haven't had such an advanced car before (our previous car was a 13 year old Seat Ibiza with no screen or technology or cruise control)
A lot of this is EuroNCAP forcing tech on all new cars which people don't want and didn't ask for.
Charlie, I'll be interested to hear of your dealer experience and the results of the software update. Is the car going in to Richmond Southampton? I bought mine outright from Richmond Portsmouth. I got them to fix the warped understray but haven't yet requested updates to the software. Why? Because what I use works as long as I make a number of preflight settings. The AC works, it charges at home OK. I switch LKA and speed sign recognition off, put AEB on low sensitivity, don't use ACC at all, don't use Android Auto. I've had my seat belt spontaneously unbuckle on two occasions so I'm being careful to check it.. Mines the SE LR, not the Trophy.
Hi Francis. Yes, it's going to Richmond Southampton. I'll certainly report back, once I've had a little time to assess any improvements. It's worrying to hear about your seatbelt not always locking properly. I've actually had that a few times on our old Volvo - a terrifying fault!
The follow distance has three settings close, middle and far which are changed by clicking the left joystick left and right while ACC is engaged..
I have it on the furthest setting but it still gets closer than I would like.

I'm very much into smooth driving - start slowing a long time before the lights etc.

Apparently that is how limo drivers drive.

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