"A Stressful incident"...
I think I've uncovered a bug with the GOM. I know, who would have thought
Sooo, in the Hay to Wagga Wagga leg of my recent long trip coming back I had 265km to travel from a 80% SoC start. On the open road with no surrounding cars at 110kmh this is actually pushing it too far. Half way there I figured I'd do a quick top up stop in Narrandera on the way.
I wouldn't normally plan to rely on this stop as it is a single plug only 50kW unit so not that fast and a single plug makes me nervous.
So anyway I detour the few extra k's to go to it and sure enough, there's a Tesla there and on asking how long they expect to be, am told another 35 minutes or so. Sigh.
OK, I'll just slow down and get to Wagga with a small margin to spare.
Off I go but the margin between the GOM calculated remaining distance and my actual remaining journey starts to narrow... Hmm.
Might be time for more extreme energy conservation techniques...
I find myself a nice big B Double semi to sit behind at full "3 Bar" following distance of the ACC. It's actually a bonus to be behind the truck as not only do I get much better energy consumption but it is also going a bit faster than my previous 95kmh so a win all-round.
When following a truck like this be very careful not to "tail gate" it. You want to make sure you are staying the full 3 bar ACC following distance setting to be safe for braking, allowing enough gap for cars that want to pass to be able to, and to minimise the risk of stone strike etc...
You still get plenty of extra range and don't piss off the truck driver
I get to just before Wagga and the GOM shows me with 13km range left and 4% SOC. The GOM vs Actual remaining margin has stayed nice and stable for the last 50 k's. I'm making it to Wagga no problem. Whew
There's a long uphill section of road just before you reach the outskirts of town and an overtaking lane put there just for my convenience! Why not I think!
So I put my foot down, and blast past the truck consuming far more energy in that brief 20 seconds than the past 5 minutes. Hmmm, GOM range remaining has gone from 13km to "---", Huh? That's strange I think. Hmmm, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to pass but... I've still got 3% SoC so no problem.
I get to the Tesla charger. I plug in feeling very relieved.
It doesn't charge.
Nada. No action. I can't remove the charger. It's locked and won't unlock.
I try The Tesla app again and then tap the "commence charging" label in iSmart.
Thinking, thinking... "failed".
Stress level rising.
I find the YouTube video for how to manually unlock the charger. Lucky I read these forums enough to know that was even possible! I manage to use a prong off my phone charger to lever out the cable cover.
Hooray! I manage to get the charger out.
Try a different charging unit. Nope. Same failure.
I'm thinking the GOM algorithm has been tricked by the brief high power drain at such a low SoC and has calculated an invalid number. I'm thinking somehow that invalid result has also affected the cars comms with the DC charger.
I find a pair of 22kW type 2 AC chargers nearby. I'm thinking if I can add a little bit of charge I can get the SoC up enough that the GOM will calculate a valid result and it will be able to DC charge again.
I nurse the car to the chargers... I set up an account on the random small-time charging Company that runs these units. I plug the car in, go to activate and.... the units are down for "maintenance". Of course they are.
Stress levels really up now.
I go to a 50kW "older" DC charger and see if I can get that to kick in. Plug it in and tap "commence charging". It appears to start and then stops with the charger displaying a message saying the car had stopped the charging session.
OK, I tap the "commence charging" button for the charger again and simultaneously tap the "commence charging" button on the iSmart app for the car...
It starts to charge
Well that was freaky. I go and have lunch and let it add 50 kWh over the next hour. The iSmart app displays how much range it thinks it has along with the SoC.
I drive off to Yass for the next leg of the journey and when I plug in there, it works just fine.
I get home two & and a half hours later than I planned.
A valuable lesson learned.