What did they do to murder them?
Apologies for the long post, feel free to skip over it if you have no interest in understanding how LFP cells die an early death
Bypassed the BMS allowing some of the cells to discharge to 0v, then put a battery charger on the whole battery at higher than an amp or so until the low cells reached above 3v .... and often reset the system by pressing the momentary relay latching switch as soon as the voltage is high enough to hold the contactor closed, and full solar and inverter charging also slammed into the cells ....... Then often leaving a dumb transformer type charger on the battery resulting in cell hitting 4.5v ..... all of these things will murder an LFP cell.
The over voltage charging on its own just increases the internal resistance, so when a cell reaches 3.6v, the charger is programmed to drop into float mode, but with the high internal resistance adds up to 0.5v to the actual cell internal voltage when charging and drops the voltage by the same amount when discharging ..... so the cell that cut off the charging @ 3.6v was actually only at 3.1v, then a load is applied and the voltage seen at the terminals is 2.6v ... and the BMS again isolates the battery ..... so they turn the bypass on again and yet another low voltage drain
Charging rapidly with the cell voltage below 1v will result in lithium actually transferring onto the graphite plate ... and that spot is always the spot where anything will attach to .... till it passes through the separator material and shorts out that plate in the cell ....
The rubbish that separates from the electrolyte coats the graphite material until no lithium ions can penetrate .... this results in the terminal voltage climbing rapidly till it trips the BMS, or gets that hot it boils off the electrolyte ..... No electrolyte, no method of transferring lithium ions from the active plate to the graphite plates ... so zero capacity, the same terminal voltage rapid climb and drop to 0v as a load is applied
T1 Terry
Everything degrades over time, it's just a matter of the rate.
Sure, but not the calendar drop shown in the graph previous and not the calendar shelf life of 10 yrs that is promoted across the interweb.
Manufacturers paid research labs big $$ to test their cells .... and they all use rapid aging techniques, then use the rapid cycling equivalent of 3 mths use (90 cycles) and extrapolate and expect cycle life from that .... LFP cells don't respond well to the rapid aging techniques, the electrolyte never has the chance to cool ... so it starts to breakdown ... resulting in rapid deterioration over short term, this false result multiplied by what ever they decided looked about right, and gave a cycle life based on that ......
The shelf life/use life is determined by the % capacity lost over time on a fully charged battery that is held at fully charged, then, with smoke and mirrors and using the page number and date into the equation, come up with 10 yrs .... yet ne explanation when queried on that number of yrs because they hadn't had any of the modern manufactured cell for 10 yrs to know ....
I guess you have all seen the reports that EV batteries are outlasting the lab test results that often gave a very short cycle life/kms travelled/age expectations, LFP have a better cycle life than NMC or any of the cobalt/lithium compounds, so treated correctly, they have a very long cycle/calander life.
T1 Terry
the theory is,that even black holes will eventually evaporate.
The other theories are the black holes eat each other, till there is one super massive black hole that can no longer find anything to feed itself ...... and it collapses ..... The Big Bang ....... and the cycle repeats ......
There is a theory, and well supported, that the solar system as we know it is the product of multiple repeats of a star collapsing in on itself .... until one such event resulted in the gas giants being in the wrong orbital position if compared to many other solar systems .... earth only has an abundance of carbon because of this, carbon along with a number of other elements, are formed in the centre of a star ......
T1 Terry