Yes - It is weird alright !.
The wall box is a 5 year old dumb Rolec unit, with a Wi - Fi relay installed inside to give me access to timed charging on cheaper “Off Peak” rates.
I had a long conversation with one of the Tech’s at Rolec when it was acting strangely with I put the car on charge.
He assured me there was NOTHING inside of the unit or the tethered cable, that had the ability to ramp down the charge received by the car.
He said that in simple / crude terms, the wall box could be described as a giant light switch !.
I understand where he was coming from.
He also said it would be the car that was reducing the demand, there was no other explanation !.
He even offered to speak to the dealer directly, if the problem persisted and there intervention was needed !.
That though, gave me a cold shiver down my spine.
I mean, where do you even START explaining that problem over to them !.
It actually took almost two weeks of trying to plug in the car and get the magic 7.1 kw’s - before the car started to get the idea of what I wanted and started doing the right thing !.
Did I try it on another post, yep - this was the very first thing that I though of.
But we where in full lock down in Wales and trips to the super market was down to one per week.
Our local Tesco had just had two brand new Pod Point 7.0 kw units installed.
I tried the new posts on a couple of occasions, but I could not reproduce the same problem.
I know, this could point to our wall box being the problem.
But I was more than confident is was NOT the wall box.
I have to say, I was extremely happy when the car started excepting the full load / demand on a fairly regular basis.
That was way back in Jan 2021 now and I have now forgotten how many times our wall box has been used to provide a full powered charge to the car.
Thank the Lord !.
I know you are a big supporter of resetting the accumulative trip prior to taking a longer drive.
I am more comfortable with type of practice.
For this very reason, I offer this small example.
We had a pretty decent distance to do today, so last night I topped up the battery.
I charged to 100% and then allowed the car to perform a balance.
The balance took around 3 hours to finally complete.
This morning, when booting into the Ready mode, the voltage on the pack was 449 volts ( all okay here ).
The car was in the default normal mode and Regen level 3.
The predicted range on the GOM was 201 miles !.
I knew this was a very optimistic figure, so I cleared the accumulative total on the trip.
Instantly, it revalued the prediction back down to 159 miles !.
That’s more like it GOM !!!!!!.
My point here is this, you could be fooled into thinking that you can much further than you think, given this 201 miles of predicted range.
Yes !!!!! - I know it is only a prediction folks.
But I can see how some people could be lured into a false state of security and try to achieve that predicted range and fall a lot sort !.
Hacking 40 miles straight off the head of the prediction range in seconds is hard for some people to get their heads around.
It could be seen as “Fools Gold”.
I have owned my ZS EV for 18 months and over 12,500 miles covered.
Therefore I have a better idea than the GOM of what the car can and can not achieve ?.
When the trips are reset, the GOM reflects the usage fairly well and is easy to live with.
You just have to be a little cautious when it reports a predicted high milage estimate, that has been predicted against the accumulative miles covered on the trip.
Everybody wants to see a range reported on there GOM as 200 miles.
But we all really know the truth here folks !.
For local stuff, I don’t even bother resetting the accumulative trip.
Trips that are likely to stretch the range ?.
Yep - I am resetting the range before I set off.
What say you !
@JodyS21 .
I think I know the answer already my friend.
Well folks ……… Are you a accumulative tripb“Reseter” before a long trip, or are from the camp of believe what the GOM reports based on that accumulative trip recording ???.