Mg 5 rear heated windscreen


Standard Member
Oct 12, 2021
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I've had my mg5 short rang for about a month and have noticed the rear heated windscreen doesn't work on the bottom 3 lines. Initially the dealer's sticker was over them. I've contacted the dealership and they have removed the sticker and looked at the rest of the mg5 in stock which they bought at the same time as mine. There conclusion was they are all the same but they said they would contact MG to see if this was a faulty batch. The question is. Has all the MG 5s got this problem?
I've had my mg5 short rang for about a month and have noticed the rear heated windscreen doesn't work on the bottom 3 lines. Initially the dealer's sticker was over them. I've contacted the dealership and they have removed the sticker and looked at the rest of the mg5 in stock which they bought at the same time as mine. There conclusion was they are all the same but they said they would contact MG to see if this was a faulty batch. The question is. Has all the MG 5s got this problem?
Hi davet this as been brought up before and apparently the lower lines on the rear screen in the MG5 are the aerial for the radio.
But please do let’s the forum know if you or your dealer fines anything different Les.
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So I’m glad Davet has placed this question because I was wondering how others find the heated rear screen in the 5, I find mine to be quite poor in the demising process even now, as I have said above I believe the bottom couple of lines on the screen or for the radio aerial but the rest of it is very slow to warm up in my view had no frost on it as yet but even misting seems slow to clear, and where the rear wiper parks itself is at the bottom where the aerial lines are, so in the winter I think you would need to be very careful to release it from any frost as I’m sure you could easily damage it if you didn’t as that part of the screen would stay frozen for quite a while I think, some of you would have had the car last winter so how did you find if when it Was frosty ☃️
Hi davet this as been brought up before and apparently the lower lines on the rear screen in the MG5 are the aerial for the radio.
But please do let’s the forum know if you or your dealer fines anything different Les.
Hi Les ,thanks for your reply. I will post the findings from the dealer. If they do find out it is the aerial, you who have thought they would have know in the first instance.

So I’m glad Davet has placed this question because I was wondering how others find the heated rear screen in the 5, I find mine to be quite poor in the demising process even now, as I have said above I believe the bottom couple of lines on the screen or for the radio aerial but the rest of it is very slow to warm up in my view had no frost on it as yet but even misting seems slow to clear, and where the rear wiper parks itself is at the bottom where the aerial lines are, so in the winter I think you would need to be very careful to release it from any frost as I’m sure you could easily damage it if you didn’t as that part of the screen would stay frozen for quite a while I think, some of you would have had the car last winter so how did you find if when it Was frosty ☃️
I find mine clears ok for light condensation but we decided to have fish and chips and eat them in the car. 15 mins sitting with no ignition when the sun had gone down. Started to travel the 8 mile home and it wasn't clear before we got home. So poor in my opinion.
Mine, bought Sept is the same bottom of screen no demisting weird if it's the audio input aerial who would have guessed that!
I too started to worry but after a look around and a google this taken from
Your questions answered

Screenshot 2021-11-14 145823.jpg
I've had my mg5 short rang for about a month and have noticed the rear heated windscreen doesn't work on the bottom 3 lines. Initially the dealer's sticker was over them. I've contacted the dealership and they have removed the sticker and looked at the rest of the mg5 in stock which they bought at the same time as mine. There conclusion was they are all the same but they said they would contact MG to see if this was a faulty batch. The question is. Has all the MG 5s got this problem?
I've got the same on my long range.
likewise (5LR) - I too was slightly surprised - but only because I was sure I had read somewhere that the top and bottom 'element' lines were the antenna, but the top demisted and the bottom few didn't....

That does leave me slightly more reassured about fitting a rear dashcam though. I had read about these sometimes interfering with the DAB signal, but if the antenna is at the bottom and the camera at the top then this 'should' be better. Just need to figure whether the antenna cable routes through the left or right of the boot now to keep them separate.
Hi Les ,thanks for your reply. I will post the findings from the dealer. If they do find out it is the aerial, you who have thought they would have know in the first instance.
Hi Davet,/ stuwhit46 today I have written to MG head office to try and get to the bottom of this rear screen misting issue the reason being a few days ago a neighbour of mine who purchased his MG5 a week after having a drive in mine well he told me the other day he had been back to the dealer to have is brake lights update for regen and he asked them to check th3 rear screen was working ok while he was there after a few very cold and frosty mornings recently tell you what I will copy the letter here so you know what’s been written you will see below I have taken 3 pictures but the contact form on MGs site won’t take pictures so I have asked for a contact reference and email address to send them to but they will have my letter so here’s the said letter
Now when you look at the pictures as your car got the same gaps in the line near the bottom my neighbour car and mine are identical plus I have seen others as well the same

Dear sir/ madam

I’m writing to ask for your opinion on an issue with the MG5 vehicle,my car is the exclusive model, and I am a seeing quite a few question being asked on the MGEV forum, off which I am a member, about the rear window heater on these cars, l and many offers I noticed that the screen heater does not appear to work very well and that the bottom half does not clear at all for quite a long time

This can and is at times a visibility hazard, reported by many owners and also in this now colder winter weather the rear wiper could quite easily be damaged if the screen is frozen and the rear wiper is operated which it can do when the fronts are switched on or when reversing.

A few weeks ago now a friend of mine took his car back to his dealer to ask about this issued of misting, and it was pointed out to him by the dealer that the screen appears to have been damaged in one off the lower lines in the screen and said to him that there was nothing they could do and the rear screen would have to be changed to cure it, the dealer pointed out to him where the marks he was calling damage to the screen where to him.

So he’s was telling me about his visit to the MG dealer, and I told him mine was just the same never clears at the bottom half, so we took a look at my car and mine had exactly the same marks in exactly the same place has his car has.

Since then I have looked at several MG5s and all have the same marks in exactly the same place on there rear screens.

Looking through our forums there are many question and comments concerning this issue, which is the reason I am writing to ask for your views.

Some have reported that the lower part of the screen is the radio antenna, others say their dealers where unable to offer a answer or solution to the misting and visibility’s problems, or even what damage could occur to the rear wiper blade, arm, or even the motor for the rear wiper.

I have enclosed some pictures so you can see what I am asking your opinion upon, the white area in the rear screen is where these marks appear on all the cars I have look at

Thank you for you time in this matter and I trust you will Respond shortly

Yours sincerely

Mr Leslie Burrows



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Hi again,finally today got a reply from MG Motors about the rear screen heating on the MG5 saying that it is most definitely the Radio antenna in the bottom 2 elements in the rear screen and they or not heated below is the e-mail that they have sent to me today.

I have made this reply to the mail from MG head office posted above #13

Thank you for you mail yesterday, so this has as now made it official if you like that that bottom part of the rear screen
Does not de-ice and is not heated I have place a note to this effect on the forum for MG5 owners, so they can be aware of the problems it might cause
and possible damage to the rear wiper that could occur if care is not taken when frost or icing is present.

I would like to request that your research and development people are made aware of this issue and feedback
And therefore on new or updated models from MG it could be addressed and the radio antenna could maybe be repositioned elsewhere so that the area
Where the rear wiper parks has a chance to de-ice and avoid possible damage
It does appear by myself and other owners to be a poor design problem that nobody had considered in the design and development of the vehicle
And as I said, I would appreciate if this consumer feedback could be past on to them for consideration.
Thank you very much for your time.
Kind regards
I do hope they do some consumer research before accepting any requests for mods as I am getting quite used to the way the car is now and I'd sooner not have it changed just because someone else makes a fuss about the way something is.

I am not anti-change, far from it, but as one of the quieter majority I get a bit fed up with people claiming to speak on my behalf (or on anyones , for that matter)!! Not aimed at you Les, as this is probably a good suggestion, just a general point really.
Hi Somkie, yeh I total understand what your talking about, the only reason I got involved in this thread was when my neighbour went to his dealer to ask them to look at the missing problem he was having saying his rear screen was perhaps faulty.
They had a look at it and explained to him that the elements at the bottom of the screen ( I’m trust you have seen my pictures in#12 above ) had somehow got damaged and told him he would need a new screen to cure the problem this was an MG main dealership.
Then the next day when he was telling me about this vist to the dealers so, I ask him to show me where it was damaged, and when he did we then compared it with my car and they where exactly the same, so with that I started to look at other peoples cars in car parks and everyone I saw was the same so, I then found a couple of threads about this on here and other forums, and found it might be the radio antenna but different options where being put about, so I decided to take some pictures and e-mail them to MG and ask for a positive answer in writing, as to if there was an issue with the screens or was the gaps in the elements meant to be there as shown in the pictures, and after a week or two I got it confirmed that it is the radio antenna, you see if you look at the MG5 it’s the only one in the range of MGs I think I’m right in saying that has not got an aerial on its roof as its in the rear window if a little bit more thought had been put into the design they could have put an aerial on the roof and avoid the rear screen misting issue altogether so maybe in the future they might I have a think about it as Feedback from owners can and does work sometimes.
I have wondered if the wiper was frozen to the screen one morning and it tried to wipe, as it can do if you have the front wipers switched on, or even just press the stork down for single wipe of the front wipers, if the car in reverse the rear will wipe as well which could if frozen do damage to the rear wiper blade, the arm or even the motor would that be covered under warranty I very much doubt it.
I know one or two members have commented that you should check and clear all screens before setting off and that’s very true, but not everyone does and how many sit in the car with the heater going and use the wipers to see when it’s cleared the screens that’s also very true

Anyhow I thought I put on the forum, the official reply from MG Motors, so that everyone’s aware of what’s been said and what to watch out for to avoid doing any damage you know Smokie you would not believe the amount of cars I have seen since I started on this thread with torn wiper blades and not just MGs wiper manufacturers must be making a lot of money of that I’m sure.
Take care
P.s this post only concerns MG5 owners I know that some HS owners have mentioned that they have a similar issue but there’s is at the top of the screen.
As I said Les, my comment wasn't really aimed at you, but there have been others who have talked about sending a wish list to MG for future models which is fair enough - but some of the desires would push it up a notch or two into a more expensive bracket - which I don't' care about, as I already own mine, but it is an entry level car (in its class) and it would do well to stay there, as we need to encourage EV driving by keeping is affordable.

Not all suggested features suit everyone, same as not all existing don't. (I don't get on with the intelligent speed thing but I'm sure some do, if MG in their wisdom have decided to include it I'm not going to ask them to review that).
I can see where you are coming from.
There is too much stuff that adds unnecessary cost to the base price of the car. In my mind it would be better if you could choose (and pay for) each "feature" individually.
I can see where you are coming from.
There is too much stuff that adds unnecessary cost to the base price of the car. In my mind it would be better if you could choose (and pay for) each "feature" individually.
I guess there is a fine line between custom build options adding complexity (and cost) to the manufacturing process vs there being no options. I suppose that some companies (I'm thinking of Tesla specifically here - but sure others do similar) make cars with features which can only be activated for an optional cost so you can 'add' features later during ownership - which simplifies the process but at the expense of installing unused (and unpaid for) features.
Some options will be deleted at the build stage on the production line but a “£500” upgrade may only cost a few £10s in rhe factory and they may avoid 2 different inventory items. Then any software related is worthless to delete, just disable it instead.
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