My Android Auto problem solved ?


Distinguished Member
Nov 1, 2020
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Not an MG
I have had constant issues connecting and staying connected to AA. I have bought and used both cheap and expensive cables. In fact I had more success with the cheap (2 for 99p off ebay) than I did with the expensive Anker cable. The phones I have used are all Motorola.
Well I was rummaging around on the interweb last week and came across a setting on my phone which I hadn't seen before. I checked mine, changed it and hey presto, AA is now working marvelously everytime.

For anyone that has also had problems it maty be worth a try.

On your phone -

Settings -> Apps and Notifications -> Advanced -> Special app access -> Notification access -> and then select Google and set it to ALLOW.

It seems to have solved my connection problems, no guarantee for yours but worth a try if you are having similar issues.

Unfortunately, I don't have any of these Apps and Notifications -> Advanced -> Special app access -> Notification access -> options from my Samsung "Settings" menu tree and even using the search for Notification Access I draw a blank. It is a common issue with AA to be very flaky and finding a cable that works one day is no guarantee that it will work the next. The best results I've had so far is to plug the cable in and plug it out to the point just before the capture spring releases the cable. but even then there is no guarantee of it working. If it doesn't then I flip the cable over and reinsert the USB 'C' end in the phone the other way up and often it will then work. Next time it will be a random chance of which way up works. Faced with it I thought to change to iPhone but bulked at the cost so opted for an Android Auto Wireless puck costing around £79 which is due to arrive sometime this month. Reports are that it is the way to go with AA.
Have you considered cleaning your phone USB C jack? My android phone will refuse to charge after a few months and I have to blow pocket lint out of the USB C socket with canned air to get it to work again.
Have you considered cleaning your phone USB C jack? My android phone will refuse to charge after a few months and I have to blow pocket lint out of the USB C socket with canned air to get it to work again.
It is a new phone and I tend not to put my phone in my pocket. I believe it is something inherent to the design of the Android Protocol that it is so sensitive to connection since you don't see these conversations (or at least I've not seen them on the forum) from iPhone users. And another thing as they say, Android phones disconnect the USB port when the battery is full thereby disabling your AA connection and dropping you out of your Google Maps/ WAZE navigation. This will always happen in my experience at the most inconvenient time happens when you are approaching a key junction or when you're really not quite sure where you are. Hence I'm going Wireless!
Unfortunately, I don't have any of these Apps and Notifications -> Advanced -> Special app access -> Notification access -> options from my Samsung "Settings" menu tree and even using the search for Notification Access I draw a blank. It is a common issue with AA to be very flaky and finding a cable that works one day is no guarantee that it will work the next. The best results I've had so far is to plug the cable in and plug it out to the point just before the capture spring releases the cable. but even then there is no guarantee of it working. If it doesn't then I flip the cable over and reinsert the USB 'C' end in the phone the other way up and often it will then work. Next time it will be a random chance of which way up works. Faced with it I thought to change to iPhone but bulked at the cost so opted for an Android Auto Wireless puck costing around £79 which is due to arrive sometime this month. Reports are that it is the way to go with AA.
I don't have a samsung but a quick Google found this.

I'm not sure what it does for the MG really. Unless I'm miss reading it, this connects an iPhone to a car's headunit that supports Android Auto and the only point would be if the Head unit didn't support Apple Carplay.
I don't have a samsung but a quick Google found this.

I was just about to write down the exact sequence as featured in this video - confirmed on a Samsung S21:
Settings -> Apps -> (hit the 3 dots menu on the top-right) -> Special Access -> Notification Access.

However, I don't have "Google" in that list, as was mentioned by Gomev. I do see "Android Auto" though (and by default this is already set to Allowed).

(I can't comment on whether this actually makes any difference, as I don't have my MG5 yet, and currently don't use AA...)
Android Auto is the most annoying thing about the MG right now (well the only annoying thing to be fair).
This morning the map froze when I was part-way through getting somewhere, so I sailed past my destination before realising where I was.
We listen to Audible with the kids - it stops randomly. My kids know to remove the USB-C cable, put it back in, fiddle about and then it hopefully starts working again.
I'll try this trick and hopefully it'll improve things, but I'm not holding my breath.
And yes, I've bought a good cable - I thought that would fix it - it's better than it was, but not fixed..
It was reading stories like this that made me change to iPhone- my HUAWEI phone was 4 years old and so slow that I could make a cup of tea while waiting for an email to open. Works flawlessly with Car Play and is only costing me £16 a month with Sky 2GB data and all calls included. It’s the iPhone SE which is the budget version but is still a great phone. The other bonus is that all my music appeared automatically which I had bought on iTunes years ago and lost access to. Apologies to go off post, it’s just if you were imagining an apple phone is too expensive it might be cheaper than you think…
I was just about to write down the exact sequence as featured in this video - confirmed on a Samsung S21:
Settings -> Apps -> (hit the 3 dots menu on the top-right) -> Special Access -> Notification Access.

However, I don't have "Google" in that list, as was mentioned by Gomev. I do see "Android Auto" though (and by default this is already set to Allowed).

(I can't comment on whether this actually makes any difference, as I don't have my MG5 yet, and currently don't use AA...)
Thanks for that @Gomev I've checked my Galaxy A52 and it has both Android Auto at the top of the List which turned on ie. ALLOW and Google further down which is turned Off ie. NOT-ALLOWed.

I had a long session of well over an hour with Samsung support engineer while he checked everything on my 2021 Galaxy A52 and connected to do remote diagnostics. He certified that the phone was up-to-date in software versions and drivers and yet, my phone cannot download phone contacts from phone book or synchronise call history with my 2020 ZS EV. However, in an MG 5 my contacts phone book downloads but call history will not and in the Facelift ZS LR both Phone Book and Call History down load as they should. But MG still say it is my phone not their phone App on my version ZS
Android Auto is the most annoying thing about the MG right now (well the only annoying thing to be fair).
This morning the map froze when I was part-way through getting somewhere, so I sailed past my destination before realising where I was.
We listen to Audible with the kids - it stops randomly. My kids know to remove the USB-C cable, put it back in, fiddle about and then it hopefully starts working again.
I'll try this trick and hopefully it'll improve things, but I'm not holding my breath.
And yes, I've bought a good cable - I thought that would fix it - it's better than it was, but not fixed..
For what is worth if you go into the Android Auto connection help on your Android phone you'll find a list of car makers with which AA is compatible ie. development partners I guess, but neither MG or SIAC are on that list. That said, Although FORD is on the list, FORD drivers also have these same issues check out Google's AA Forum.
Had no issues with my s20+ and a decent cable. Phone slots into the little pocket by your leg and no hassle.
Thanks for that @Gomev I've checked my Galaxy A52 and it has both Android Auto at the top of the List which turned on ie. ALLOW and Google further down which is turned Off ie. NOT-ALLOWed.

I had a long session of well over an hour with Samsung support engineer while he checked everything on my 2021 Galaxy A52 and connected to do remote diagnostics. He certified that the phone was up-to-date in software versions and drivers and yet, my phone cannot download phone contacts from phone book or synchronise call history with my 2020 ZS EV. However, in an MG 5 my contacts phone book downloads but call history will not and in the Facelift ZS LR both Phone Book and Call History down load as they should. But MG still say it is my phone not their phone App on my version ZS
DId you turn Google to Allow and it still didn't work ? That's a shame as it has altered my experience.
If it helps anyone then that's good but it seems like all the ducks have to be in a row to get it working but we don't know where the ducks are.
DId you turn Google to Allow and it still didn't work ? That's a shame as it has altered my experience.
If it helps anyone then that's good but it seems like all the ducks have to be in a row to get it working but we don't know where the ducks are.
No I didn't in the end as I remembered that the Samsung remote tech said that it was the Android Auto that needed to be set to Allow on my phone and not Google Allow. I can't remember for sure but I think it is that Android Auto on Google 11 (the version on the A52) incorporates Android Auto into the Android Operating system itself and isn't running as an App as was the case with earlier versions. The integration I believe started with Android 10 and I think there used to be (and there possibly there still is) a version of AA on PlayStore for pre-Android 10 and another for Android 10.
No I didn't in the end as I remembered that the Samsung remote tech said that it was the Android Auto that needed to be set to Allow on my phone and not Google Allow. I can't remember for sure but I think it is that Android Auto on Google 11 (the version on the A52) incorporates Android Auto into the Android Operating system itself and isn't running as an App as was the case with earlier versions. The integration I believe started with Android 10 and I think there used to be (and there possibly there still is) a version of AA on PlayStore for pre-Android 10 and another for Android 10.
My android auto was set to allow but I like you still had problems. Why not set Google to allow and try it, you can always change it back.
I am on the latest versions of Google and AA.
Wow my oppo find 2 neo works straight away and works every time connect with cable or blue tooth for just with phone calls etc on my mg5 exclusive ?☺️
I have the mg zs and having the same problems not being able to connect every time.are there no engineers who know how to fix this problem.
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