Check your Free AA Cover


Established Member
Aug 20, 2021
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Just a heads up.... Bought my 1 year old Excite PHEV last year... I was away on holiday and inadvertently locked my keys in the boot (i had them in my coat and put it in the boot) :cry: The car was locked and the boot would not open... ? YEP I KNOW... dumb right!! Phoned the AA but they didn't have my car registered ?‍♂️ Now it seems they do have lock picking kits and it would have been covered... so there would have been a solution. But that's all a mute point. Without options on the table I paid a family friend £200 to drive me all the way home n back over night to get my spare from home... (400 mile round) trip Problem solved ouch!

Could have been worse I guess if we didn't know anyone who could do that for us...

Just rang my dealership and sure enough, seems someone a the dealership hadn't registered the service when I picked up my car, seems its not automatic. So its possible this could happen to someone else.

They have registered it now. I'm hoping the appropriate manager might offer me something of a complimentary service which is due soon as a way of turning things around... I have asked the question. Will let you know what the response is when I get it.

I've now taken to keeping the little key part in my wallet, in the hope i never do it again... another lesson learn't

But the upshot is CHECK YOUR AA COVER HAS BEEN VALIDATED EACH TIME YOUR CAR IS SERVICED . A quick call to the AA is all it takes.
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Just a heads up.... Bought my 1 year old Excite PHEV last year... I was away on holiday and inadvertently locked my keys in the boot (i had them in my coat and put it in the boot) :cry: The car was locked and the boot would not open... ? YEP I KNOW... dumb right!! Phoned the AA but they didn't have my car registered ?‍♂️ Now it seems they do have lock picking kits and it would have been covered... so there would have been a solution. But that's all a mute point. Without options on the table I paid a family friend £200 to drive me all the way home n back over night to get my spare from home... (£400 mile round) trip Problem solved ouch!

Could have been worse I guess if we didn't know anyone who could do that for us...

Just rang my dealership and sure enough, seems someone a the dealership hadn't registered the service when I picked up my car, seems its not automatic. So its possible this could happen to someone else.

They have registered it now. I'm hoping the appropriate manager might offer me something of a complimentary service which is due soon as a way of turning things around... I have asked the question. Will let you know what the response is when I get it.

I've now taken to keeping the little key part in my wallet, in the hope i never do it again... another lesson learn't

But the upshot is CHECK YOUR AA COVER HAS BEEN VALIDATED EACH TIME YOUR CAR IS SERVICED . A quick call to the AA is all it takes.
I suggest you send the dealership the bill to collect your spare keys as, although it was you who locked the key in the boot, their error meant the AA could not attend and fix the issue for you.
I suggest you send the dealership the bill to collect your spare keys as, although it was you who locked the key in the boot, their error meant the AA could not attend and fix the issue for you.
I totally agree, the car will come supplied with fully MG Assist ( via the A.A. ) included in the package and therefore the price paid for the car.
The fact that somebody was negligent in their duties in registering it with the recovery people, is not his fault.
They are therefore 100% liable for the cost,
If they offer him a “Good’s To The Value” offer and you are willing to accept a free service, then that’s fine !.
It’s simple the dealer failed and it cost the OP money, not good enough.
Sorry, does not pay the OP friends time and out of pocket expenses.
He just needs his costs reimbursing.
The should have not locked as the key was in the car. Did you try the front doors?
Its a bit of a moot point but yup I did several times... I can only guess that the fact they were in my jacket meant the signal didn't pick up in the boot. Of course the real issue is the lack of cover that I was told came with the deal. My wife is in a 'vulnerable' health category which is one reason why I don't drive without breakdown cover.

FYI... So the dealership rang me back. and now after initially telling me they had re-registered the digital validation with the AA this morning, they are now saying because the dealership paid for the service when I bought the car the AA cover does not apply. It only applies to a customer 'bought' service. and therefore I still do not have breakdown cover and wont get it. A surprising and disappointing stance for a main dealership to take. Evidently there's been an oversight.. but it wasn't mine. The salesman clearly said the car came with full AA cover and gave me a card with a number on to ring, he told me I didn't have to register anything. I double checked it with him because of my RAC membership.

I've asked them to rethink it and come back to me in writing so I can contemplate options with an evidence trail.

The irony is that I wouldn't have cancelled my RAC if they hadn't told me I was covered. Been with them for over well over 15 years.
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It only applies to a customer 'bought' service. and therefore I still do not have breakdown cover and wont get it.
What the hell does that" load of old clap trap" from the dealer actually mean, plain speaking please dealer !.
As I was aware, MG Assist ( via the A.A. ) is supplied with a new MG.
At least for the full EV cars anyway ?.
Please somebody correct me if I am wrong here folks.
I also am of the belief that this warranty will be renewed FOC each year, as long as the car is serviced at a MG main dealer.
Also that the warranty is transferable ( see below link ).

They need to explain why everybody else who owns an MG appears to have the MG recovery service, and you appear to have been singled out as not receiving it ?.
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That sounds like the dealer is in greasy pole mode ? the dealers rep made the mistake, they should own up to it and recompense the OP. Definitely one to name and shame if they don't, and take it further!
What the hell does that" load of old clap trap" from the dealer actually mean, plain speaking please dealer !.
As I was aware, MG Assist ( via the A.A. ) is supplied with a new MG.
At least for the full EV cars anyway ?.
Please somebody correct me if I am wrong here folks.
I also am of the belief that this warranty will be renewed FOC each year, as long as the car is serviced at a MG main dealer.
Also that the warranty is transferable.
They need to explain why everybody else who owns an MG appears to have the MG recovery service, and you and singled out as not receiving it ?.
To be clear... (soz if i confused you) but my car was 1 year old (an ex demonstrator) it had 1500 miles on it.

BUT... the salesman, at the point of sale, told me it still came with a years MG AA cover as part of the service. He even gave me the red call card, I asked him if I needed to register the car, he said no as its all done as a result of the service. That's why I initially used the heading i did... I wish I'd checked it at the time before cancelling my existing RAC.. I guess I acted in good faith.

They are now saying (i guess) the salesman was wrong. I will wait to see what I get back in writing before considering anymore. Still.... you write I'm beginning to feel..
To be clear... (soz if i confused you) but my car was 1 year old (an ex demonstrator) it had 1500 miles on it.

BUT... the salesman, at the point of sale, told me it still came with a years MG AA cover as part of the service. He even gave me the red call card, I asked him if I needed to register the car, he said no as its all done as a result of the service. That's why I initially used the heading i did... I wish I'd checked it at the time before cancelling my existing RAC.. I guess I acted in good faith.

They are now saying (i guess) the salesman was wrong. I will wait to see what I get back in writing before considering anymore. Still.... you write I'm beginning to feel..
I am just confused WHY they would have NOT registered the car with the A.A. when the car was first registered as the Demo model ??.
Have they just forgotten and now it can not be back dated ?.
In the T&C's of the MG Assist, it clearly states that the cover is transferable to the new owner.
I would take it up with MG motors UK they should confirm in writing that if the car was service by the dealership it should have entered the service on the digital service record and MG Motors UK would have updated the AA annual membership.

Then you can write to the dealership with what MG motors have said.... But the issue is how far your willing to take the matter...such as a small claims court... Which should seriously be considered especially if you still have the AA card they gave you... You can claim mis-sold the item. If it's less then 6 months you can even threaten to reject the car
When you found out you weren't covered by the AA, is there a reason you didn't sign up there and then ? I can't imagine it would have cost more than £200, and you would have got attended to straight away without an overnight trip. I'm surprised the AA never suggested it.

To be clear... (soz if i confused you) but my car was 1 year old (an ex demonstrator) it had 1500 miles on it.

BUT... the salesman, at the point of sale, told me it still came with a years MG AA cover as part of the service. He even gave me the red call card, I asked him if I needed to register the car, he said no as its all done as a result of the service. That's why I initially used the heading i did... I wish I'd checked it at the time before cancelling my existing RAC.. I guess I acted in good faith.

They are now saying (i guess) the salesman was wrong. I will wait to see what I get back in writing before considering anymore. Still.... you write I'm beginning to feel..
Regarding the membership, even if what they say is accurate (does sound ropey, but I could possibly see that MG would expect dealers to sort out their own breakdown cover if they own the car) the representative of the dealer (the salesman) told you, you had the cover, unless they're going to deny he said it.
If something else was missing from the car, when the salesman told you it was there, I think you would have the expectation that they would provide it, not just say the salesman was mistaken.
Or if the salesman had told you the car had 10,000 miles on it, and it turns out the car had 110,000 miles on it, they couldn't just say, oh well the salesman was wrong, oops.

Their actions thus far would suggest you will need to escalate the matter to get a resolution, as others have said, first through MG.
Failing that, small claims, but at that point, you'd need to assess you're personal circumstances as to whether the time and hassle was worth it. Though the threat may suffice.

Hopefully they see sense, good luck.
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On a side note, that is a good friend you have there. I'm a taxi driver...400 miles would be £700, and that includes a discount.
On a side note, that is a good friend you have there. I'm a taxi driver...400 miles would be £700, and that includes a discount.
Yep I know, saved the day. Still i'm not gonna loose sleep over any of it. The dealership is not responding to calls, emails i'd made at all so I guess that speaks for itself. I wont be the only one voting with their feet and that's for them to manage.

I'm not gonna bother naming and shaming (as has understandably been suggested earlier), if anyone wants to know who they are it can be worked out from my location I don't really want to get into any of that.

Safe to say it hasn't affected my bond with MG and I still plan to go FULL MG EV this coming year, but will just rethink who I choose to buy through, there are other dealerships.

I did contact MG with a full break down as to what happened (pun not intended) They said that MG is a franchise as as such their influence is limited. Though they did say they would contact the dealership to ask them to respond. It seems unlikely they will...But its all a bit of a mute point now.

Thanks for the comments if anything changes I will of course post here, but in the absence of anything I think you'll get the picture.
I'm not sure where the reluctance to name and shame comes from.
If you just walk away they win. They lose a 'troublesome' (in their eyes) customer that I'm sure they won't mind losing and won't impact them one tiny bit, since they can sell as many cars as they can get hold of without any effort at all.
By naming at least you can let others know to avoid them too.
Good customer service keeps customers going back, but if we don't know about bad service then we will keep going back too instead of thinking about it.
Your choice obviously but naming and shaming can be beneficial.
Well Mach13 I agree with Gomev #15 So who the heck is the dealer, at least for the sake of others to be aware of, question is who ever the dealer is that others may have purchased vehicles from them, that have not been registered for AA breakdown cover, are there other owners unknowingly driving without cover because some one at that dealership is not doing the right thing, as your title for this thread reads and I quote, ( Check your free AA cover ) unquote, and especially if you purchased your vehicle from ( who the hell is it ) people need to know.

One other question for you is when the AA told you your car was not registered with them, why did you as Rocinate #11 join over he phone for immediate cover and assistance, or telephone phone the misleading dealership to get them to sort out your problem with your AA cover, that would have saved you your 400 mile trip home.

In this forum there is a thread with all the MG dealers are listed where you can place a report on good and in this case bad service from any of them.
BUT... the salesman, at the point of sale, told me it still came with a years MG AA cover as part of the service. He even gave me the red call card, I asked him if I needed to register the car, he said no as its all done as a result of the service. That's why I initially used the heading i did... I wish I'd checked it at the time before cancelling my existing RAC.. I guess I acted in good faith.

They are now saying (i guess) the salesman was wrong.

So you trusted a car salesman. OK.

Anyway, while we're here, I have a bridge you might be interested in buying....
Can I just say that while I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiments expressed by Gomev & Les, it appears to me a little like you are having a go at Mach13, especially in conjunction with ShrinkProof's comment. I don't believe that was intentional, and you are just expressing your opinions. I'm probably just being over sensitive.
In other forums in the past I have shared information that I thought was helpful (while having a moan), before subsequently feeling like I was under fire, and it doesn't encourage further sharing.

He is quite entitled to share as much or as little information as he feels is appropriate, he could have said nothing at all, although from the other members point of view, more is better.
Can I just say that while I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiments expressed by Gomev & Les, it appears to me a little like you are having a go at Mach13, especially in conjunction with ShrinkProof's comment. I don't believe that was intentional, and you are just expressing your opinions. I'm probably just being over sensitive.
In other forums in the past I have shared information that I thought was helpful (while having a moan), before subsequently feeling like I was under fire, and it doesn't encourage further sharing.

He is quite entitled to share as much or as little information as he feels is appropriate, he could have said nothing at all, although from the other members point of view, more is better.
Well Rocinante sorry I or I would think Gomev was not have a go at Mach13 just encouraging him to say who the dealer was for the good of all as you state in your post in the last Paragraph, from other members and owners point of view more is needed, and if any bad service from anywhere it is brought to in attention of the forum I think it is important that other drivers know as much as possible.
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