DB Go Rex
Prominent Member
I have taken it up with the dealer and that's the answer they gave. They can't do it, and they have my exact car.Then I would be asking the same question to your ordering dealer then ?.
If I was not satisfied with their answer, then I would have taken up the offer from either Miles or Sam who had been offered some extra SR models direct from MG themselves.
The Chorley group alone, had 80+ extra SR models offered to them and made this general knowledge on the pod cast.
I am sorry to say, but I do feel that some dealers are not trying as hard as others, to find alternative solutions to customers long wait times.
Vote with your feet !.
I know that Chorley do offer a delivery service also.
The LR models are different story of course !.
There is no voting with my feet here as I am buying this through my company work scheme. The only current stock cars they have at the moment are Tesla's - out of my price range.