So until now i tried the following
USB formatted as FAT32
Copy maps folder to root of USB
Copy folders and files inside of maps folder to root of USB
USB formatted as NTFS
Copied RAR file to root of USB
Until now, the same result every time "No map data found"
Next test is copying maps folder to the root of the USB, formatted as NTFS and Copy the stuff in maps folder to root of USB.
JSON file contains the following
"Region": "EU",
"Transaction tag": "DEN1-EU38-391-4J19",
"MapSupplier": "HERE",
"Map Version": "22Q1 202204172242",
"Content license level": "0",
"Part Number": "12345678",
"Jira": "WK-4651"
Technically this means that this map update is not for you guys


No matter if the USB is formatted to FAT32 or NTFS, if i plug it in, the car will make an "android" folder on the drive, this to me, indicates that the drive is recognized and the file system is readable by the car, so now it probably only takes someone to figure out what and where to put the files for the car to be able to find them.