Recent content by BarryH

  1. BarryH

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    My dealer told me that when I bought my Mk1 first Gen ZSEV until there was a major update the kind of thing Microsoft would do for free and call a Windows Service Pack bundling a whole stack of updates together. However, MG Motors call the so-called "Comfort Update" an "Upgrade" and dealers...
  2. BarryH

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    It does exist but I believe that MG regard the fix as an upgrade which it isn't. If you purchase a car with CCS charging, which, lets face it, is surely an EU requirement and applicable also to UK car sales, then the car is faulty if it fails to charge on any CCS network Tesla or any other. The...
  3. BarryH

    Charge to 100%… or not?

    Balancing also sets the GOM range of the BMS so you are not correct in what you say. BMS will only initiate it's balancing once the 100% SoC has been reached and once it has completed the regular 7 kW charge. It then selectively trickle charges cells or groups of cells at a low range to equalise...
  4. BarryH

    Charge to 100%… or not?

    Cell balancing is only started by the BMS once the SoC reaches 100% on an AC charge. It then trickle-charges the cells or banks of cells which have the lowest voltage without further charging the cells that have already reached 100%. The BMS will also to a lesser extent balance when driving at...
  5. BarryH

    Warranty still valid? - Bought 2022 ZS EV with no proof of first service

    But that doesn't cover the missed service. Return the car and go to another dealer there are more reliable dealers out there who will give you sight of the service history
  6. BarryH

    Home Charging Solutions

    I couldn't recommend a Granny Cable as a regular charging option as the 3 pin domestic socket isn't intended for sustained (several hours regularly) high current draw required when charging an EV. A correctly installed EVSE (wall charger, although technically not a charger) is a small investment...
  7. BarryH

    Aargh! Got my first scratch on the MG4. Need help with paint colour/code

    Sorry no that I sold via the Forum pretty soon after posting it. It's worth getting, but keep it to just scratches as MG colours I'm told by my local ChipsAway do vary from batch to batch. The best way to apply it is with a cocktail stick. You need 3 of them. Shake each bottle (colour and...
  8. BarryH

    MG ZS Mk II Tesla Charging Software update

    I'm guessing this is the Braintree dealer which charged me extra back in the day when I had the so-called "Comfort" update to my original Gen 1 ZS. The thing is MG Motors does not pay these dealers for the time our cars are sat blocking a repair bay downloading SW and being checked and...
  9. BarryH

    AA wireless dongle

    Yes the AAWireless to give the dongle its full name is the one I have and used without a hitch. I have called it such in previous posts on other threads on the forum.
  10. BarryH

    Active Cruise & cornering, is this an issue?

    Absolutely the way I used the MG ACC and MG Pilot even around county lanes as it takes a lot of effort out of the steering. The slow down at bends is intentional and is meant to prevent overspeeding through the bend, but it isn't the way you would naturally drive and power through a bend and...
  11. BarryH

    AA wireless dongle

    Simple answer Yes I had an early AA Dongle (in fact, I still have it). It worked brilliantly and solved all the issues I had with mobile phone compatibility with my 1st Gen ZS when using a cable connection.
  12. BarryH

    Will NACS win (eventually)?

    Many have commented on the lack of 3 Phase support on the NACS connector but fail to say why and this impacts across Europe and many other countries which have not adopted the US Standards for power distribution. Fundementally we have 220-230 volts per phase and three-phase distribution staggers...
  13. BarryH

    Front seat is splitting!!

    This isn't uncommon. This issue was raised when I had my ZS on order back in 2019 when I was also looking at KiA Niro First Edition and Kia is no different it is just each car company jiggles around their priorities on their warranty list.
  14. BarryH

    Car won’t shut down

    Dumb question but the second key isn't still in the car somewhere? I've had this numerous times with my wife leaving something tucked in the car somewhere and then leaving it when she's taken "everything" (Oh really) out and I've been unable to lock several cars. She never learns
  15. BarryH

    Solar SCAMs

    Back in the day when I would survey homes for Solar PV and Solar Thermal, I would always point out to homeowners the potential damage to their savings/earnings caused by bird droppings. Just look at the houses near where you live and see the colour of the roof tiles near chimney stacks...
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