Recent content by ChrisR

  1. ChrisR

    MG4 in Australia

    Yes you can. I have an AAWireless (I assume the Carlink works the same) and I never take my phone out of my pocket.
  2. ChrisR

    MG4 in Australia

    Good explanation, thanks. With 'mere act of observing' I first thought we were going to delve into quantum mechanics :unsure: ;)
  3. ChrisR

    Solar energy systems in Australia and Netherlands

    OVO is available in some Essential areas. I switched to them here in Tweed. Currently on the 8c/kWh midnight to 6am rate but might go to the free lunchtime rate as I'm home enough days for it to work.
  4. ChrisR

    MG4 in Australia

    That's the same here (for my Excite 51). I think the Essence versions have it ending in R11 for the latest update.
  5. ChrisR

    Putting a figure on wind resistance

    Yes, that was another slight variable but as the start and end of the journey was higher elevation it would add a bit more to the difference.
  6. ChrisR

    Putting a figure on wind resistance

    After a couple of months of mostly around-town driving with some 100km/h stretches (averaging 13 kWh/100km) I did my first real motorway drive today with a 184 km round trip in my Excite 51 (SE SR). I still got pretty pleasing efficiency in Eco mode with one-pedal and ACC, with aircon on about...
  7. ChrisR

    MG4 in Australia

    Speaking of units and particularly SI, I've always been a bit confused by the UK retention of miles as a unit of distance when metric seems to have been taken on for most other measurement. Always sounds a bit weird to hear people talking about the car's dimensions and capacity in mm and litres...
  8. ChrisR

    Perfect spot for the fifth headrest

    There's a tab at the base that you have to press and it releases the headrest, then pull up.
  9. ChrisR

    Perfect spot for the fifth headrest

    Yes, the length and spacing of the prongs is just right to fit in the cubby and friction from the upholstery does the rest I guess.
  10. ChrisR

    Perfect spot for the fifth headrest

    For those who've removed the centre headrest to improve rear vision I've found that, rather than leaving it at home or have it loose in the boot, it fits perfectly between the back of the front seats if you put the two prongs into the centre console storage space. It hasn't moved in over 2,000...
  11. ChrisR

    MG4 24 Month Service Interval.

    I think it's partly due to the points @Ian Key makes but also because MG made a plan a while ago to introduce and aggressively market the brand here and in NZ. With some recognition here of the MG history (but not nearly that of UK) they started about 5 years ago with the cheapest ICE hatchback...
  12. ChrisR

    MG4 Reviews from various online publications

    Here's an interesting review from a young family point of view, where a big consideration is fitting 3 child seats in the back row and the boot is measured in how many shopping bags/prams/dogs you can fit. Also one of the benefits of an EV being "you have all the lovely benefits of driving your...
  13. ChrisR

    What's Your 100% Driving Range Versus Official Figures?

    I have the Standard Range in Australia (Excite 51) and have done over 2,000 km of mostly urban and rural driving with weekly longer trips (50 to 100 km) on motorway at 100-110 km/h using mix of Eco and Normal with OPD. It's been mostly ideal temperature around 25° and only occasional HVAC use so...
  14. ChrisR

    Accumulated total zeroed itself.

    I've found it resets after 1 hour.
  15. ChrisR

    Changing drive mode vs one pedal driving

    I've noticed this too but hadn't realised it was because of the regen restriction in Snow mode. I can't see why the Star button for Drive modes doesn't allow you to go up (to Sport etc) or down (to Eco) via the joy stick rather than cycle through the whole selection.
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