Recent content by DrCAN

  1. DrCAN

    Insurance Renewal time again, any recommendations?

    I have had a very bad experience with Darwin so I would advise steering clear!
  2. DrCAN

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Not absolutely to the point but my March 23 Trophy has had no recent updates but has suddenly started activating emergency braking when it, ACC and, of course, LKA are all seemingly switched off.
  3. DrCAN


    Apparently the car is now in Antarctica with abnormal power steering, according to iSmart. Only a few yards away here in Westmorland! Crazy!
  4. DrCAN

    MG4 Charging port lights stopped working

    In contrast mine stopped working last August; dealer tried everything to no effect; came back in December and have worked ever since. (My Christmas present from MG?)
  5. DrCAN

    MG4 randomly stops charging

    I am pretty certain that it is a CCU failure. Mine always stopped after just one minute, so useless; the fact that your stop times are variable could, however, suggest that a software solution is possible. A visit to a garage is needed but beware that MG UK will insist on a load of checks before...
  6. DrCAN

    I'm sorry but....

    Did the same trip in reverse a few weeks back. Agree about the Tesla charging but not about the MG: DC charging yes but wouldn't charge AC thereafter. Got the car back 35 days later with a new CCU.
  7. DrCAN

    Tips before setting off on first long journey

    I really like the Tesla arrangements but have found great difficult with the app. Friendly Tesla drivers nod in understanding so it must happen a lot. The chargers I use are at country locations so the mobile signal can be poor. I find it very difficult to connect early morning - maybe the...
  8. DrCAN

    Driver's window is dead

    Had this issue all last summer. It took until October to solve - with a new motor which had to be sourced from China. (Admittedly both offside windows didn't move in my case!)
  9. DrCAN

    MG4 Charging port lights stopped working

    Same happened to me. The recommended fix didn't work. Erratic functioning is a definite feature of my Trophy!
  10. DrCAN

    so.. who misses their ICE car....

    Quite a long time since I had one. As far as I can gather newer ones are stuffed with the sort of half blown software we now all suffer from. My previous EV (BMW I3) was delightfully bug-free as was its hybrid predecessor. So ownership 10-15 years ago was probably the optimal time for owning...
  11. DrCAN

    MG SANTANDER - Blendio Birmauto - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    I am leasing my MG4 Trophy from this outfit. I have had it for seven months. Twice during this period I have received a "nasty" letter telling me that I had incurred charges because I had defaulted on payment. It seems that they are unable to understand why their Direct Debit system doesn't work...
  12. DrCAN

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    A few weeks ago I had a module update for "lights and that" - not the reason the car was in - since that time the day/night threshold seems very reasonable. No change to the infotainment though - still on R33 for Mk1 Trophy UK.
  13. DrCAN

    Left shortcut button forgetful

    Since a recent set of updates on my Trophy the left star button - set to 360 - activates the AC screen first. I have to wait for it to disappear before I get the desired display which I can see is opened behind. Really annoying.
  14. DrCAN

    MG4 Owners - Reflections.

    Note according to the garage who had disconnected the battery to fix the window problem.
  15. DrCAN

    MG4 Owners - Reflections.

    Six month old Trophy. Not my first EV. Pleased with it as a car but not with having to switch off the LKA and emergency braking each time. Not had any of the more common physical faults but lost window wind-down for 3 months and have now lost the external charging lights. The process of...
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