Recent content by GerritBijlsma

  1. GerritBijlsma

    Engineering Menu

    I just tried it here in Phuket on my friends Cyberster and it works too. ; switch on the car by having the key in your pocket and hit the brake, select the phone tab on the left screen and select keypad, enter the code "dashstardash4479stardashstar" and then the aircon screen and right screen...
  2. GerritBijlsma

    Engineering Menu

    As I observed the MG technician, he selected the telephone keypad and entered #*#4479*#* to get into "Engineering Mode". I tried it myself and see this appears on 2 displays : I have not checked anything out from there yet but I would like to be kept informed about any discoveries from there. [...
  3. GerritBijlsma

    Engineering Menu

    Yes. Here in Thailand I saw an MG Technician enter "Engineering mode" in my car
  4. GerritBijlsma

    Changing tyre pressure from bar to psi in digital screen.

    I thought that in Europe the SI unit for pressure kPa should be used.
  5. GerritBijlsma


    We should focus more on a factory software update that would use the existing cameras as dash cams. The hardware is there and we could easily use a memory stick in a USB port. Like in all Teslas and BYD Atto 3s and Seals.
  6. GerritBijlsma

    What colour has everyone gone for?

    I have my Cyberster wrapped.
  7. GerritBijlsma

    Owner feedback and Suggestions/Improvements

    When will there be an option to get the steering yoke back. I would get one right away. Would it not be nice if the cameras could be used as a dash cam. All that is needed is a software update and a memory stick in one of the USB ports. Something like all the Tesla's have...Or even the BYD Atto...
  8. GerritBijlsma

    Changing tyre pressure from bar to psi in digital screen.

    mmm, in Thailand, mine is in psi and I want it in KPA (as it should be). can't find any settings about it.
  9. GerritBijlsma


    The only indication I can find is on the V2L plug that came with the car. It can handle max 10A/2300W (but is tells more about the plug than the V2T max capacity)
  10. GerritBijlsma

    Owner feedback and Suggestions/Improvements

    They should fix the fact that the volume can't be adjusted on the steering wheel when direction indicators are operated!!!
  11. GerritBijlsma

    Supersport or sport mode whats the actual technical and functional difference

    I have seen that in "Comfort" mode, the Cyberster sometimes (but not always) also switches on the front motor when "flooring" the paddle (as indicated on the center screen too). I have not found out yet when or why this happens.
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