Recent content by hequals4

  1. hequals4

    Archived V2L - Vehicle To Load - Cable Adapter

    When I was waiting for my MG4 I bought a V2L cable but then I went and cancelled my MG4 order so the cable is now up for sale. It's the same as this one on Amazon It's £94 on Amazon inc p&p. You can also sometimes find it on Ebay for £89 (old ad : MG ZS MG5 MG4 EV 2022+ V2L - Vehicle To Load -...
  2. hequals4

    Still not got my red MG4 Trophy

    Part ex's dropping but new prices are also dropping. You can now get a new Trophy for £29994.
  3. hequals4

    Should we be worried? ?

    I haven't posted in weeks but this is a pertinent thread for me. Ordered my MG4 in October and initially I found the whinging in this forum really odd, especially certain people who are here every single day saying the same things over and over. However, as time has gone by, the more I've read...
  4. hequals4

    0% SoC

    Nobody is suggesting that you intentionally drive it down to 0% but own an EV for long enough and do enough long trips and there comes a reasonable possibility that you end up on a journey where things don't go to plan and, if that happens, it's useful to know how the car behaves. Ask me how I...
  5. hequals4

    0% SoC

    Well done for adding unnecessary complexity to a simple thread that that really didn't need it. You do know that you don't have to reply to every single thread on here don't you?
  6. hequals4

    New MG4 Shipment?

    hi - I ordered exactly that same spec through my work scheme (via Octopus EV) at the end of October and they gave me an expected delivery date of September! I queried it with them because I'd never seen anyone else mention such a long lead time but they said that's what they were being advised...
  7. hequals4

    New MG4 Cost

    Yep, it's still worth it via salary sacrifice combined with free workplace charging. Both perks took a bit of time and effort to obtain at my place of work but it's worth asking for if you can. Shy bairns get nowt as they say....
  8. hequals4

    0% SoC

    Thanks - useful to know. So it sounds as though zero might be zero with the MG4? A friend with an ID3 got himself into a pickle last year and ended up running out of charge. He said the car went 4 miles beyond zero before it stopped.
  9. hequals4

    0% SoC

    Has anyone driven their MG4 down to 0% SoC yet? Or seen a review where this is done? Obviously it's not something you really want to be doing but it'd be interesting to know how the car handles that. Does it have any spare miles in 'reserve' or is zero on the GoM really zero? I know that...
  10. hequals4

    Long runs without charging

    Nice one. Decent average speed as well (y)
  11. hequals4

    Airbag partially deployed whilst parked up after dealer update

    What I said was that none of the OTA updates made anything worse which was the concern expressed in the post that I initially replied to. Whilst the auto-wipers and the phantom braking weren't great none of the OTA updates made anything worse. I maintain that the OTA updates were a very positive...
  12. hequals4

    Locked in my MG4 & unable to escape - Serious Safety Issue

    Ah yes, the Renault Lemon : Help with Lemon Saw your post on there about the MG4, had to laugh - for someone who's never owned one it was a very thorough summary :ROFLMAO:
  13. hequals4

    Definitive List of Differences between MG4 SE’s Long and Standard and Trophy’s

    We do have that figure - can work it out from the info in the brochure
  14. hequals4

    Active Grille Shutters

    Unless it's a SR in which case it's a bonus ;) Yeah, I'd say fault as well. That's a lot of road salt, very low temps? You'd like to think that MG have tested everything down to the extreme temps but differential expansion and actuators can be a tricky combo to solve.
  15. hequals4

    MG4 Restricted speed - weird

    Does the car 'acknowledge' that by showing reduced power in the power meter? Or does it display full power even though it's not?
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