Recent content by Layzell86

  1. L

    ISmart App

    I tried to unbind my car from the previous owner and lost patience after 3-4 attempts then left it for about 72 hours went back tried it again and connected first time to my phone and tablet.
  2. L

    Previous owner didn't unbind my MG app

    If you email mg direct and send them a copy of your v5 document they will reply quite quickly emailed mine last night (Sunday) and got a reply today (Monday).
  3. L

    MG ZS EV can’t connect to iSMART app

    I had trouble binding my devices to the car and lost patience and left the whole thing for about 72 hours went back to it and connected first time so that might be a solution..
  4. L

    iSmart App

    I had the same problem so l downloaded the app onto my tablet set up an account on there and connected straight away to my tablet and my phone using the same password ..At the moment working fine..
  5. L

    MG Ismart

    Thanks for that, Fred. I found out car was not connected to home WiFi, have now conected to home WiFi and it says the car is still bound to the last owner. Tried to force unbinding. Does that automatically inform last owner to unbind ?? r
  6. L

    MG Ismart

    When i open the Mg ismart app on my phone all the icons are greyed out does that mean my car [ did not ] connect to the app. The car is a 2022 MG TROPHY Long Range..
  7. L

    Ownership so far with public charging only!

    I have a public charging point at the Quays pub which is handy to plug in and go for a meal while it is charging.left it for an hour and charges to 80 pe cent and not bad price
  8. L

    Advice on where to put a 7kW charger point

    I had to have mine fitted on the front wall of the bungalow as to fit it in the garage would have meant digging up the drive to lay the cables to the garage all fitted by Octopus in 4 hours and very satisfied with their service..
  9. L


    Is there a definitive way to determine whether my zsev is a long range model or a standard range.. is it govened by the vin mumber or the chassic number or any other details.. thanks
  10. L

    New member.

    Hi DAB reception is good in the village.. Haven,t used the ISmart app lately but worked the last time tried..
  11. L

    New member.

    Having tried again I now have the Sat Nav working and have got all radio systems working with AM FM and DAB tuned in.. Hope you get your problems sorted out..
  12. L

    New member.

    The standard manual you download from the website only contains a rudimentary section on satnav and radio. You want the satnav and infotainment system seperate manual for the ZS. Hope this helps.. If anyone can give me info on DAB radio as mine does not tune in. AM and FM working fine...
  13. L

    Say Hello

    Good evening I have just bought an MG ZS EV 2022 model and already have used the forum to sort my SAT NAV which was not working.. Due to advice in the forum it took me about 2 minutes to fix.. I now have another problem my radio works fine on FM and AM but not on DAB.. Any suggestions would...
  14. L

    New member.

    I downloaded the Manual for an MG ZS EV TROPHy and it worked for me..
  15. L

    New ZS sat nav not working

    Thanks for all the advice have been trying for a week to get my SatNav sorted.. 10 minutes on this Forum and 5 minutes in the car and sorted.. THANKS>>
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