Recent content by Logan T

  1. Logan T

    Front collision assist / emergency braking software updates

    As an update, I set my alert sensitivity to low but it is not maintained and has to be set on each journey... 🙄
  2. Logan T

    Front collision assist / emergency braking software updates

    Thanks. Hers was set to moderate, so I've told her to set it to low.
  3. Logan T

    Front collision assist / emergency braking software updates

    My daughter, who is pregnant, took delivery of a leased mg4 SE LR a couple of months ago. Today she had another occurrence of spurious emergency braking which pulled severely on her stomach. This is obviously very concerning for her. Are updates available to improve this bug? If so, what...
  4. Logan T

    MG4 & 5 Ventilation

    I had this misting problem all the time and fiddled with lots of settings to try and eliminate it. The only thing that worked for me is to have AUTO on and live with ac being on all the time. This won't be an issue when warmer weather comes.
  5. Logan T

    Car seat cushions

    Thanks, I'm also 6ft 2in. So this may be a good choice 👍
  6. Logan T

    Car seat cushions

    Finding the seats in my MG4 SE LR a little uncomfortable on trips over 100 miles. Had anyone got any recommendations for seat cushions for the front seats?
  7. Logan T

    Inconsistent heat from HVAC

    OK thanks. I'm due a service in the next 8 weeks and will make sure they do the update. Heater should be better for summer 😏
  8. Logan T

    Inconsistent heat from HVAC

    I have MCU software version MPU software version SWI69-29958-1100R33
  9. Logan T

    Inconsistent heat from HVAC

    MG4 SE LR 2023. Apologies if this has already been covered elsewhere (likely). Often set temp to say 24C and auto, cabin warms reasonably. Drop to 23C and the cabin goes cold. Increase to 24C and the cabin stays cold. Really poor output from the Hvac. Anyone else seeing this?
  10. Logan T

    Charging to 100% When Cold

    Do many people pre heat the battery in cold weather ? I thought it was really used prior to fast charging to get the best charging rate...
  11. Logan T

    Minor parking brake issue?

    (note, I accidentally reported this post, sorry for wasting time)
  12. Logan T

    Minor parking brake issue?

    I never use N, nor the handbrake. Why would you need to?
  13. Logan T

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    I've had AEB occur 3 times at speeds of below 5 mph since I had the car 20 months ago. All on bends or traffic approaching from the side. All were unpleasant and could have caused a rear collision. If it occurred at 60 mph I'd be at the MG dealer the next day demanding action.
  14. Logan T

    This MG4 is an uncomfortable place to be

    Indeed, I drive my ev in exactly the same way as well. I've now switched to auto and a temp of 22/23 and all seems well. The ac is on all the time and the fan runs at quite a high speed but the temp and demist works fine. As you say, probably not the most efficient but who cares. The air...
  15. Logan T

    This MG4 is an uncomfortable place to be

    I presume auto puts the A/C on?
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