Hallelujah! I have a working charger! Apparently one of the screws holding a wire in place had been over tightened and cut the wire. All fixed and finally charging!
Thank you to everyone that's replied, I've learned a lot about this subject from you and really appreciate the input.
I followed all the advice, removed all the schedules from the car and the charger and still no joy. I've currently got the granny charger plugged in and it's charging, so i...
I've only used the Be.Ev chargers, so with the exception of one 50kW charger, all the others were 150, I don't know much about the different types, I'm afraid!
I've had the car for 2 months now, so been using public chargers the whole time without any issues, almost always the 150kW ones. Not tried the granny charger at all.
I've recently got an MG4 SE LR and had a Podpoint charger installed at home last week. All lights were showing as ready to charge (flashing blue/pink) but when i plug the car in, it goes yellow, as in ready to charge, but when i go on the Podpoint app and tell it to start charging, it changes to...
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