Recent content by Mark Torre

  1. M

    Checking whether the PD052 update has been installed.

    The same here, I wrote to MG EU but they refuse to acknowledge a problem just saying again that it’s the nature of the engine, which yesterday was revving at 5.5k up a shallowish hill!!
  2. M

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine

    Thanks, the video was interesting but a shame there couldn’t have been a representative from MG! My dealer still insists high revving is normal (mines in the up to 6k bracket) and now refuses to look again so I’m just stuck…
  3. M

    Strange goings on.. (over-revving change in behaviour)

    That’s strange, mine ran perfectly at first then the over-revving started almost as soon as it was run in. Mine is particularly bad on an incline, up to 5k and vibrating - sounds like a 20 year old diesel! It’s been in four times and they keep saying it’s normal, and are now refusing to look...
  4. M

    Checking whether the PD052 update has been installed.

    Mine was updated (Spain) this week. They came out with me after completed and it did seem “like new” a few days later and it is worse than before, revving at 4.5k going downhill! I’m at a loss for what to do now…
  5. M

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine

    Took mine back to dealer, armed with this and they still deny there’s a problem. I still think there’s a second issue that causes confusion, some of this issue is “normal” for hybrids but mine is also incredibly noisy, and always feels like it’s in the wrong gear - while this happens. Of course...
  6. M

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine

    With my first message to MG they replied to say that I should go and see the dealer, my subsequent message has been ignored :-(
  7. M

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine

    Thanks - do you have a name or reference for the update? The dealer here is denying one exists…
  8. M

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine

    You’re lucky, on a motorway up into the mountains this week mine slowed from 110 on cruise control to 80 with revs at 4.8 and sounding like a 20 year old diesel! I don’t get though, if it’s software, why only some cars affected?
  9. M

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine

    Have you been to the dealer? Mine says there’s nothing wrong!
  10. M

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine

    I live in a very hilly area, the other day someone pulled out in front of me going uphill on the motorway, I put my foot down to overtake and nothing happened except the revs increasing. It’s dangerous, but I can’t get the dealer to acknowledge the issue!
  11. M

    Does the MG3+ struggle with hills?

    I get this problem all the time as I am in a hilly area but my dealer won’t acknowledge an issue. Does this update have a name or something I can refer them to?
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