Recent content by snellijw

  1. S

    MG iSmart

    Yes I have tried everything. I did manage to get the phone onto the car but had to do it with a physical cable. It's like it's not sending out connection signal My iSmart is not like that, can't find version 2.0.7 version
  2. S

    MG iSmart

  3. S

    MG iSmart

    Hi, Still trying to get to know all the settings. Have just go access to the remote App, it was bound to the previous owner. I think I have a problem with the Bluetooth connection. On the Ismart App it shows the car with a green light for the WiFi and the Bluetooth symbol is greyed out. I...
  4. S

    Charging Limit

    Thanks for that info
  5. S

    Charging Limit

    HaHa, When I asked about the car, he said, we have done a service. Not happy with that. After a long conversation spoke to MG, and I will get the car serviced again. ( The car is 10 months old. ). Great mines think a like.
  6. S

    Charging Limit

    The dealer isn't MG. I suspect it could still have old owner. Will check it when I get home, and if need be ring MG. Thank You Fred12345
  7. S

    Charging Limit

    Hi Everyone, MG EV newbie, but not EV newbie. I'm collecting my used 24 plate ZS Long Range Trophy Connect on Tuesday. By the time I get it home, I will need to top it up. Because at that moment in time I haven't installed MG Ismart, can I set c.harging Limit from car. I have Octopus IOG...
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