Such as? For what I've researched the two components that are likely to retire your car are either the battery or the transmission. There's nothing else.
OPD auto turns off when you go on snow mode.
I use OPD all the time and it's amazing. I've noticed it uses the front camera when you approach a stop line to decrease speed faster.
It works very well on 2025.
First day I got mine I coated it with graphene. Then I re-apply as spray version every month when I wash the car. It looks always slick with minimum effort.
Long story short I've replaced the built in tweeters by
But after the change, I can hear noise and distortion at all sound levels. How could I troubleshoot this?
SOLVED: Solved by ensuring the ground cable was properly connected. I also trimmed...
I just tested Lane Assist during 120Km in Spain (car shipped this month), and it works delightfully well.
Also I was impressed by the semi autonomous driving experience. That's more than just "semi". I barely get to drive at all.
In my (short) experience:
Custom mode > one pedal + pedal sensitivity 'sport'.
That makes the car brake more intensely as you release the pedal. I use it instead of the brake pedal 90% of the time (which is often not enough on the default 'normal' pedal sensitivity).
Also take into account if...
I've tested and
It's indeed cycling over snow mode what disables one pedal automatically (and also lane assist?).
Additionally: I've found when one pedal is on, the 'regen' star button is locked (this is intentional).
The best solution I've found is to just forget about the lame "driving mode...
That I can get it.
But why would one pedal turn off when changing driving mode?
It makes no sense. It can be even dangerous if you don't expect it.
MG4 is a great car, but it feels like they really don't want to pay a quality team to finish software. Some parts are very polished, and others...
Every time I change conduction mode, one pedal is automatically disabled. When i stop the car, one pedal is automatically disabled. It's almost like MG don't want you to use the feature at all. There's any reason for this?
Always have a grannylead, you never know. I keep the one that comes with the car inside the car for emergencies, and for charging at home I bought a 3.6kwh more powerful grannylead for 100 bucks.
People say what you notice the most is upgrading the tweeters and it looks feasible to do so I've ordered a tweeter+crossover kit from ebay.
Will update once they arrive :)
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