Seems to be a bit of a panic on software updates. If your car is working fine I see no need to have the Latest Software
I think this stems from the mobile phone software updates where people seem to think that having the latest and greatest software updates will impart some magical properties to their phone, when most of the time it just screws things up and then needs another update to fix the previous one.
Then before you know it you need a new phone because all the updates have filled it up and there is no more space for Applications.
So SKA. Is there a problem with your car that you think a software update will fix it?
I think a lot of this stems from people either owning other EV's that gets OTA updates as well or as you devices.
I have a Tesla and OTA updates actually bring new features to the car.
Since MG does not seem to do any new features and software updates are mainly / only to fix problems i agree, that if you do not have a problem with the current features, then there is no real need to get it updated.
That being said, if MG had just used the OTA update system, they used as a salespoint, the infotainment could just have the latest version at any time, updated via OTA. (But typical for Chinese products "Can be updated OTA" does not mean "will be updated OTA"....)
I just had our ZS EV delivered and the seller said it had been on the computer all day, updating all of the modules, so i am guessing that since i have the latest software, there will be no sudden need to have something upgraded as all of the "big" problems have been ironed out. (Car bricking at charger....Car not wanting to charge at Tesla charger, etc...)
I also expect MG to more or less abandon the car, software wise, as soon as the successor is introduced and the ZS EV is phased out of production, so probably not a lot of software updates available anyhow.