Standard Member
Hello everybody - I am amongst the luckiest boys in the world, for I have a brand new HS PHEV (ok, that may be an exaggeration, but I do really like it!).
In 90% of circumstances, it is the perfect car. It carried all the Christmas shopping yesterday, it’s good at long distance runs l, easy to drive around town, and the 75 mile (alleged) EV range is enough for most of my needs.
It isn’t without its quirks, but I may post a new thread about those, as this one is to ask a specific question.
It’s quite rainy here in the UK at the moment, and I’m finding that whenever it starts to rain, the windows mist up and I have to keep the demist function running permanently to keep the windows clear, which is noisy and annoying.
I’ve got the AC turned on, temp set to 22, recirc off (bringing air in from the outside). I don’t see how it would be relevant, but I use the car in HEV mode rather than EV.
I’ve cleaned the windows properly, and checked the carpets for any sign of leaks (I hand washed the car over the weekend and checked all of the openings afterwards). No leaks are obvious.
I did wonder if it was a quirk of the car, so I rang the salesman I bought it from, but he said that he’d sold the same model to numerous people without any streaming issues I thought, well, he would say that, wouldn’t he? So I called my brother in law who also has a new HS and he confirmed that he had no issues with steaming, so the sales guy may well have been telling the truth (shocker!)
Has anybody else had an issue with steaming windows on the new HS, and if so, how did you resolve it?
In 90% of circumstances, it is the perfect car. It carried all the Christmas shopping yesterday, it’s good at long distance runs l, easy to drive around town, and the 75 mile (alleged) EV range is enough for most of my needs.
It isn’t without its quirks, but I may post a new thread about those, as this one is to ask a specific question.
It’s quite rainy here in the UK at the moment, and I’m finding that whenever it starts to rain, the windows mist up and I have to keep the demist function running permanently to keep the windows clear, which is noisy and annoying.
I’ve got the AC turned on, temp set to 22, recirc off (bringing air in from the outside). I don’t see how it would be relevant, but I use the car in HEV mode rather than EV.
I’ve cleaned the windows properly, and checked the carpets for any sign of leaks (I hand washed the car over the weekend and checked all of the openings afterwards). No leaks are obvious.
I did wonder if it was a quirk of the car, so I rang the salesman I bought it from, but he said that he’d sold the same model to numerous people without any streaming issues I thought, well, he would say that, wouldn’t he? So I called my brother in law who also has a new HS and he confirmed that he had no issues with steaming, so the sales guy may well have been telling the truth (shocker!)
Has anybody else had an issue with steaming windows on the new HS, and if so, how did you resolve it?