I had the PD052 update, in the UK, nearly two weeks ago and it definitely hasn't resolved my over-revving issue.
It seems that the update has worked for some on this forum but not for others.
Perhaps, it's possible my dealer hasn't installed it properly (as Mickel suggests) but is that likely? - surely they would easily identify failed software?
I really enjoy the car and have driven 3500 miles, averaging 55 mpg and rising. 99% of the time it's a comfortable, smooth, ride but even in the last week -
1. Several times it has inexplicably started revving around 3500+ on minor inclines. It holds the excessive revs until I decelerate.
2. On the M54, on an incline, I started overtaking a van at approx 68 mph. As I drew level the revs went over 4000+ and I had to decelerate which wasn't great given I had several cars behind me also looking to overtake the van.
The dealer says they cannot recreate the over-revving, so the onus is on me to prove it by video evidence. I've tried but it's virtually impossible as some days there is no over-revving. Plus my wife isn't too happy leaning over, trying to video on her mobile, every time we hit an incline.