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  1. DYWLC

    New car

    You'll be sorry!
  2. DYWLC

    Towing Mode

    All in all the software oon the MG's is underdeveloped
  3. DYWLC

    Rear window flaps

    I agree. My Trophy has the spoiler in that location. Look on the inside of the tailgate and there's screws (or bolts) to hold the spoiler on so I assume yours will have something to retain the "rear window flaps".
  4. DYWLC

    MG4 service - what is covered? Low vs high mileage

    Had my MG4 Trophy serviced this morning. £120 to check the coolant levels really. Could have taken a photograph and sent it to them!!
  5. DYWLC

    MG4 long range suddenly throwing multiple errors

    Couch mechanics at it again.
  6. DYWLC

    MG4 service - what is covered? Low vs high mileage

    My b ugbear with garage servicing is when they spray the hinges with this white grease. It doesn't get into the wear surfaaces it just hands on the outdide of the hinges and looks a mess. A good thin oil like hydraulic oil is much better as it penetrates into the moving wear parts of the hinges...
  7. DYWLC


    It's an MG 4. You're lucky it charged at all ! ! ! !
  8. DYWLC

    Touch screen achieves a new low.

    When starting from being parked in a lay-by and wanting to turn off Lane Keep Assist I was unable to get out of SAFETY - POWER OFF - CONFIRM screen. Another reason to get rid of the awfully under developed car. In my opinion it's a real crock of s**t. My wife video's herself trying to exit the...
  9. DYWLC

    Minus kwh/100km

    If you take it off charge at home and your house is at the top of quite a long hill then it will tot up a minus kWh. Believe me it doesn't last long
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