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  1. Lguk

    How satisfied are you with your MG EV?

    Space saver was an option for the mg5, as the Roewe petrol vehicle it's based on has a wheel well. The MSP they're building new EVs on though doesn't have a wheel well so I can see it not being available at all in the future. I drive 18-19k a year and wouldn't dream of relying on a can of spray...
  2. Lguk

    Are micro-top-ups okay if they don't take the SOC above 80%?

    I charge my car daily to 100% using works free charger (large solar array) initially I was going out and regularly stopping it at 80% at first but after some research concluded the biggest issues is leaving it at 100% or below 20%. It's now been 15 months and 18,000 miles, SoH is still 100%. My...
  3. Lguk

    Finding the right wiper blades

    Measure the existing blades. Buy same size. They're all universal fitting. Many vehicles I've owned aren't listed in the books in Halfords, and therefore websites are the same. Packs for specific model vehicles just contain 2 blades of the correct length. The screenshot you posted implies a...
  4. Lguk

    Charging port MG5

    There was a thread here a while ago, the poster was having similar issues that turned out to be overvoltage on their inbound power feed. The safety features built into the evse meant it was shutting down.
  5. Lguk

    Why no app for the 2022 MG5 non facelift model?

    EU data rules meant they couldn't offer it as was on the Mk1, as it wasn't going to work, the required kit wasn't installed to save a few quid. Subsequently they did a deal with Amazon AWS to host the data/systems required and ticked the data law boxes for the EU and other markets that don't...
  6. Lguk

    Hello Everybody

    I do the same. Slot it in the passenger side one if I'm solo, knocking the cable in anyway can cause a tiny hiccup in the connection to AA and will make the infotainment unit reboot, and drivers side if I have a passenger. Also the same on forgetting it 25% of the time.
  7. Lguk

    Hello Everybody

    As I learned. On a Rapid if you initiate a charge by the app, you stop it by the app, if you start it with a card, you stop it with a card. Makes sense in hindsight, but caused 5 minutes of 'oh crap, im stuck'
  8. Lguk

    Stopping at a Petrol Station

    At some point (talking back in early days of Mobiles) there were fires attributed to mobiles but this was debunked. Same as the rumour it was about interfering with the pump metering mechanism.
  9. Lguk

    Unable to Tax online / phone

    Did mine by phone 3 weeks ago as the website was broken. Went through no issue. If your reminder says nil, it's nil, I think a phone call is required because there's definitely something wrong with the paperwork somewhere.
  10. Lguk

    How brave do you feel?

    Bargain if the state of health on the battery is still in the high 90s (indicating it wasn't purely charged on rapids) that kind if mileage is possible without using rapids and if the previous owner treated it well will continue for another 150-200k miles. This mental barrier people have when...
  11. Lguk

    Consumer Unit Rating

    I can see the potential logic here... The fuse board may have circuits totalling nearly 100amp already (although through diversity is unlikely to trigger) the spark wants a board rated to 200amp with 2 x 100amp banks so that they can safely add a 40amp circuit for the EV charger. In a...
  12. Lguk

    eCall Fault

    Had this for the first time yesterday driving the same route to work as normal. Guessing there's been some network maintenance going on thats resulted in several people getting the warning lately. I wish it was a better warning when it's just a signal issue, system failure makes people worry...
  13. Lguk

    New owner 71plate exclusive - speed sign recognition issue

    On the plus side. Googles Android Auto upgrade to the Coolwalk UI means I now get GPS/map related speed limits on the infotainment display. These are usually more accurate than what the car reads. My 22 plated LR will not read 20mph signs. It picks up stickers on the backs of lorries. To...
  14. Lguk

    Can you chaps tell me who has the best INSURANCE deals for BEVs?

    42, clean licence, full no claims, live rural-ish, 18k miles, £430. But as I said this takes into account other policies and everyone's experience will vary. The insurance industry is still very wary of EV, particularly high costs to repair and parts availability. Im yet to find a company that...
  15. Lguk

    Can you chaps tell me who has the best INSURANCE deals for BEVs?

    I use A Plan in Thatcham, but have multiple vehicles with them. This year the MG went down £20, as its value has dropped down being a year old. If you have more than one vehicle, it's often cheaper to speak to a broker who can get you deals based on what you have as a total. Currently my MG (15k...
  16. Lguk

    MG5 First impression

    Get the 12v battery checked. Many people are having issues related to sub optimal 12v batteries due to the delays with cars sitting at the docks for months.
  17. Lguk

    Mg ismart

    Starting to think this needs a sticky... And MG need to update their app to tell people the pre face-lift models aren't compatible.
  18. Lguk

    Automatic locking, turn off

    If I'm giving people a lift and dropping them somewhere, I've got into the habit of popping the door locks off as I'm pulling up. As a taxi it's probably best to get that into your routine, save them door handles being ripped off.
  19. Lguk

    MG5 Brake failure

    I would take up the poor PDI with the supplying dealer. That brake line clearly doesn't look like the other side or other vehicles and should have been spotted. Given the seriousness of brake failure, due to their lack of check I would be discussing options to change vehicle due to lack of...
  20. Lguk

    MG5 12v Battery Replacement Cost?

    With chip shortages and production delays, we truly don't know the state of the original battery when the vehicle was delivered, there's clearly evidence some peoples brand new cars had duff batteries from the outset due to sitting around dockside for months. Given we don't need cold cranking...
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