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  1. BarryH

    Wallbox now compatible with Octopus Intelligent

    I have been on Octopus Intelligent for the past few months and it has worked quite well for me. But my daughter, who has a First Gen ZS EV is currently on GO and wants to switch to Intelligent when her contract ends later this month. She has an OHME charger. Has anyone experience of using the...
  2. BarryH

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    My "one-time" refers to me going against the fitter's advice not that the breakaway only happened "one-time". To be clear I've proven this to be the case with several cases and the advice is based on the physics that the end of the vehicle with the lowest traction will breakaway first. It is...
  3. BarryH

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    I have to say you are missing the point. We all know that a Cross Climate or All Seasons tyre is going to be a compromise and accept that there are lots of things impacting range but the assertion that "Most discussions relating to EVs relates to range anxiety and cost of charging" is frankly...
  4. BarryH

    Secret engineering mode menu. What do the settings mean?

    No apparently not. The module would need the Thai software running on the Infotainment Head Unit to talk to the GSM iSmart hardware. So I guess it depends on what you want from the iSmart functionality for a work-around. There have been quite a few people go down the route of installing the...
  5. BarryH

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    Not all tyres/tires can be rotated as you used to. If you have directional tyres you'll get in a right pickle. if you rotate then two of the tyres will end up on a corner of the car facing the wrong direction. If directional then you can only swap front to rear on the same side of the car. The...
  6. BarryH

    Best All Season Tyres for MG4

    Hankooks are a reliable brand and standard fit to Kia and certain Tesla models including the newly announced Model 3 Refresh for Tesla watchers
  7. BarryH

    Aargh! Got my first scratch on the MG4. Need help with paint colour/code

    My MG touch-up paint kit for Dynamic Red is "Red RSJ 10208618"
  8. BarryH

    Heat Pumps

    I had a Quote for £14k from I forget who now because there was no way I was paying that last year and in January the provisional from Octopus was around £10-11k for 11/14 kW ASHP after the full 3-hour survey and heat loss calculation. Last week another reputable provider (the one who did the...
  9. BarryH

    Heat Pumps

    I've had a full and I mean full room by room heat-loss survey done on my house so I won't have some salesman (no offence I used to be one) try to pull the wool over my eyes and the upshot is that my house fitted with an 18 kW gas boiler has a 4.7 kW heat loss with -2C outside and +20C inside. It...
  10. BarryH

    X-Power for £33,788

    I was going to ask the same myself. I'm also ex-BT and joined back in the days when it was GPO and signed the Official Secrets Act and all that. If I said any more though I'd probably have to kill I think ... I'll have to read the aforementioned Act
  11. BarryH

    Aargh! Got my first scratch on the MG4. Need help with paint colour/code

    I bought the Dynamic Red two-part official MG touch-up paint kit from a local MG dealer but I've never opened it. I'm happy to sell it to anyone who wants to make me a reasonable offer £? as I've parted with my Red car now. The paint originally cost me £17.51 inc VAT but happy to sell if for...
  12. BarryH

    X-Power for £33,788

    Blue Badge holders and educators are first in line aren't they?
  13. BarryH

    Heat Pumps

    I suppose that rather than "forcing" everyone (which be honest is an urban myth) to have a heat pump it would be cheaper and better for everyone to carry on burning gas and oil and give away free silver foil sun shades a fan and dingy for when the sea rises to flood most land masses. What ever...
  14. BarryH

    Heat Pumps

    Interesting. I looked at Tepeo but since it can only store 40 kWh from your off-peak overnight charge and last winter despite extensive insulation I used up to 130 kWh a day Gas and average winter day 70-80 kWh I figured it was not for me. I will have my Heat Pump fitted hopefully very shortly...
  15. BarryH

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    It strikes me that yesterday (1/8/2023) evening's BBC 1 programme on Heat Pumps needs a fair bit of fact-checking too.
  16. BarryH

    Buying an EV Beware and watch this first

    I think it is just as much a distortion to look at the rapid drop in used EV values in 2023 as it was to look at the non-depreciation in EV values last year. My 1st Gen red ZS Exclusive see pictured in my profile I bought in 2019 and after several months I took delivery in Jan 2020 just before...
  17. BarryH

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    None of us can fail to have noticed the kickback against EVs and the move to more sustainable motoring with countless misinformation stories run and re-run. Is now the time to kick back at the EV Kick Back, Fully Charge Show and FairCharge think so. "Misinformation about Electric Vehicles and...
  18. BarryH

    British Gas Hive EV Charger

    Twenty years ago I moved into a new build house by a small developer and tried to move my E.ON Gas and Electricity to my new home which had gas central heating only to be told there was no gas connected despite many attempts to convince the supplier that I was heating my house and hot water and...
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