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  1. Sloucher

    OBD2 Data on Infotainment??

    Well, considering that the same car scanner and the dongle I have reckon my main battery voltage alternates between 400V and 0V and motor rpm is constant at 68000 RPM I'd say pretty much nothing works with the MG4!
  2. Sloucher

    OBD2 Data on Infotainment??

    I think it works well enough with ABRP, it's just that I don't see any advantage in using it. I have got to know my car well enough now to be able to predict its range, so I can't see any advantage of using an OBD2 device. I'm using a Maclean MCE200 dongle, one of the dongles recommended by ABRP...
  3. Sloucher

    OBD2 Data on Infotainment??

    Begin rant. Well, if anyone is considering getting an OBD2 dongle for their MG4, save your money. None of the OBD2 scanner apps (Car Scanner, Torque etc) offer any sensible information that can be of any interest to anyone but a geek. Neither of those two apps are really interested in electric...
  4. Sloucher

    Google Maps - Add Stop not very responsive

    I've found that sometimes, licking the end of your finger helps. Oh, that and then using the same finger to touch the screen ;)
  5. Sloucher

    Android auto and Car play connection problems.

    I mean the button on the door handle. Sometimes it works first push but sometimes it needs to be held in for around 10 seconds or so. Sometimes it won't work at all. The passenger side door button is fine, as is the key fob and the app V?V. I think the issue with Android Auto and now the door...
  6. Sloucher

    OBD2 Data on Infotainment??

    Oh no..... Android Auto no longer works Never even got as far as seeing any sensible OBD2 data
  7. Sloucher

    Android auto and Car play connection problems.

    Well, this is annoying. Up until now (since December 2022) with all the different revisions of the infotainment system that has been loaded and superseded over that time, Android Auto has worked, sort of, flawlessly. I'm currently on R46. Tonight however..... It may be just coincidence, but I...
  8. Sloucher

    OBD2 Data on Infotainment??

    Good news. Is this the one? - Torque OBD2 Repeater (beta) - Apps on Google Play EDIT: Or, more likely, this one: GitHub - agronick/aa-torque: Performance Monitor for cars with Android Auto Unfortunately, it seems that if you have Android 14 (I do), then the plugin won't install, even using AAAD
  9. Sloucher

    OBD2 Data on Infotainment??

    I'm looking to buy an OBD2 dongle to use with Carscanner (Android) but I have some questions (sooo many questions....) I hope can be answered here please? I want to display the OBD2 data on the infotainment screen, so: Firstly, is Carscanner compatible with Android Auto? If not, would I be...
  10. Sloucher

    Corrupt ISMART software update.

    Only this: App cancelling charge
  11. Sloucher

    iSmart undemanded resetting of charge limit

    Has anyone else run into this problem?: If I have my charge limit set to 100% and the current charge is between 80 and 100%, the car charges just fine (using Zappi and solar power (eco+)). However, if I log off from iSmart, when I log back on to it, it has reset the charge limit to 80% and has...
  12. Sloucher

    MG4 Lane assist, speed assist keep resetting

    I have had the coffee cup warning come up just once. It was on a long (5 hour) journey that was 90% motorway, so perhaps it notes lack of steering input?
  13. Sloucher

    MG 4/Mulan after crash. Drive with deployed airbags. Crash reset. Cable and Software.

    Very strange. It's coming up ok for me on my phone but still "Page Not Found" on my PC, despite turning off VPN and ad blockers ?
  14. Sloucher

    Warning Chimes with no visual clue

    It happens to me when I have the dog in the car on the back seat. Unless the two outer seatbelts are plugged in, whenever the dog moves to one side and puts weight on the seat, the car assumes that there's someone in the back seat not wearing a seat belt and "bongs". Took me ages to find that out!!
  15. Sloucher

    MG4 Windows dropping?

    First time I stood back and proudly looked at my freshly washed MG4, after using my brand new pressure washer, and only then noticing the passenger window was open by 1/4 inch :eek:?
  16. Sloucher

    Really stupid ABRP routings

    I must admit, I've cancelled my ABRP subscription as I just don't get the use out of it I thought I would. I find Google every bit as good when I do need any charger info, so I prefer to save myself 5 Euros each month.
  17. Sloucher

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    Yeah, like others, mine comes up with the "login token expired" after about an hour and requires me to login again. Whilst I was logged in, I enabled biometric login, but it fails to offer that option and I have to enter all my login details again :rolleyes: Why don't MG just bite the bullet...
  18. Sloucher

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    However, tyres normal???
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