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  1. Sloucher

    MY23 and XPower Manuals

    Yup, I'm aware of that one thanks, I actually offer cost price hard copy versions of it: I'm looking to add the '23 model and XPower model manuals to the list ??
  2. Sloucher

    Software update woes broke my car

    I believe the main problem with software updates to the MG4 lies with the process with which the updates are applied by the dealer. Now, hear me out on this, I (fingers crossed ?) have had all the software updates that have been uploaded to my car result in total success. By that I mean the...
  3. Sloucher

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I've only had this "feature" since I had the R46 update. Prior to that, the AC page was only present when called for, but was the old style.
  4. Sloucher

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Each and every time my infotainment system starts up, i.e. on power up, it always defaults to the A/C page, which is an annoying "feature".
  5. Sloucher

    MG4 12v battery connector loose

    I wonder if a so-called leisure battery, such as those used in camper vans would be better suited? Or, why not a lithium 12v battery such as the type used in the advertised booster batteries?
  6. Sloucher

    MG4 12v battery connector loose

    A lot of these 12v battery problems have been down to bad, or loose, battery terminal connections. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the cars are shipped with the 12v battery disconnected to avoid it going flat during the sea voyage. If the people tasked with reconnecting them again don't...
  7. Sloucher

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Did anyone on here with an orange Trophy overtake a similar Trophy heading north on the M5 near Bridgewater, around 4:30 ish yesterday (Thursday 7th)? If so, that was me you passed :). I did wave, but didn't see if I got a wave back.
  8. Sloucher

    Software niggles?

  9. Sloucher

    MY23 and XPower Manuals

    Does anyone know whether MG have produced manuals for the latest versions of the MG4 yet? I've had a good look around MG's website and grilled a couple of main dealers, but no one has seen any yet. If anyone sees any sign of them, can they DM me please, and I'll try to arrange to get hard copy...
  10. Sloucher

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    You have to bear in mind that Tesla are a software company that make cars (shoddily, if my son's is anything to go by) and MG are a car company that probably outsource their software to someone else.
  11. Sloucher

    DIY V2L cable "waterproof"? Or

    I'd totally agree with that if it weren't for the fact that the washing machine doesn't start up immediately. First of all (when plugged into the mains) the display on it lights up in order to then program it, so the only current being drawn should only be measured in mA. When attached to the...
  12. Sloucher

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Unfortunately losing that one star off the NCAP rating would probably have an extremely unwelcome affect on our insurance premiums :(. I'd rather have to switch off LKA than find a few extra hundred pounds for insurance. I had it done a couple of weeks ago and it seems to be fine - so far! Even...
  13. Sloucher

    DIY V2L cable "waterproof"? Or

    While on the subject of V2L (and I've had no problems with the safety aspect of the "dodgy adapters - they are only basically connectors after all), I've noticed something odd about using it to power our washing machine. I had charged my Trophy to 100% in anticipation of a long journey this...
  14. Sloucher

    DIY V2L cable "waterproof"? Or

    Linky There you go :)
  15. Sloucher

    DIY V2L cable "waterproof"? Or

    I've got one of those and use it when charging. Doesn't leak at all (y)
  16. Sloucher

    Unresponsive car

    I don't know if this has been asked before, but if autohold is holding the car on the footbrake, do the brake lights remain on? Could be annoying to cars behind, especially at night.
  17. Sloucher

    Infotainment Screen Failure

    Unfortunately for me, the screen on my car has started the same old flicking from one screen to another again ?. I'm sure it's a graphics circuitry/driver issue as each screen when displayed is smaller than normal. Yet again, I can't try the DAB radio selection fix as I can't select the radio...
  18. Sloucher

    V2L - vehicle to load adapter / cable

    Yes, I did get it working just fine by changing the resistor to a 470 ohm one. It only needs to be a low, say 1/4w resistor as it's only a 5v signal on that line. It's a simple mod to do.
  19. Sloucher

    Unresponsive car

    Ah, ok. MG4 doesn't yet support true one pedal driving though.
  20. Sloucher

    Unresponsive car

    To engage auto hold, firstly it needs to be switched on in the settings. Then its a simple case of when stopped, pressing the brake pedal a bit harder to engage autohold.
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