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  1. Sloucher

    Owners Manual Rev 2 updates - Beware!

    Hi Alb, The two files are first the original PDF published by MG and downloaded from the MG site and second is the current downloadable version: Manuals
  2. Sloucher

    Owners Manual Rev 2 updates - Beware!

    Ok, here's the list of differences between Rev1 and Rev2 of the Owner's Manual. I don't know how many of you agree with me, but I believe that Rev2 is either not suitable or was never intended for the UK market. Any thoughts? See list HERE Unless anyone can think of a reason not to, I'm only...
  3. Sloucher

    Owners Manual Rev 2 updates - Beware!

    The more I look into this, the more I'm convinced that it's not just a translation thing. Revision 2 has removed the wheel change procedure - including where to position the jack - completely. Why??? I'll post a list of the changes I have found in a short while.
  4. Sloucher

    Owners Manual Rev 2 updates - Beware!

    Has more of a ring to it than thingamy bob or whatchamacallit, doesn't it! :LOL:
  5. Sloucher

    Owners Manual Rev 2 updates - Beware!

    I couldn't agree more!! I am tempted not to supply Rev2 manuals, and to offer printing of Rev1 only. They've also changed all the mph figures to km/h. I don't think Rev 2 is suitable for the UK now.
  6. Sloucher

    Owners Manual Rev 2 updates - Beware!

    I'm afraid I have previous experience working with Chinese technical authors! Our written methods of presenting information are so different I'm surprised there's anything understandable there. It really needed an engineer fluent in both languages to have performed the translation rather than...
  7. Sloucher

    Owners Manual Rev 2 updates - Beware!

    As an exercise, I'm going through Rev 2 of the MG4 manual identifying the differences from Rev 1 (I'll be posting my findings later). What I've found so far though, is that several illustrations have been updated - but only to change the RHD screens to LHD!! The basic information is the same...
  8. Sloucher

    New iSmart App? Better or worse?

    Pointless refreshing the screen, it's shown this state of affairs for mire than a week. The last time the car was actually charged was a 2 weeks ago. To be honest, this app has been about as useful as a chocolate fireguard ever since I've had the car. It worked perfectly for a couple of weeks...
  9. Sloucher

    New iSmart App? Better or worse?

    Hmmmm, according to the iDumb app, my car is at 80% and charging. That's fascinating - I didn't know that MG had developed wireless charging - my car is not actually plugged in and is actually at 68% charge! Oh, and apparently my car is 5 houses away - that's generous of my neighbour to charge...
  10. Sloucher

    Mg4 Veers to the left

    That's why I warned about just that!
  11. Sloucher

    Mg4 Veers to the left

    In order to remember to switch off LKA every trip, I've programmed the vocal greeting to say "Don't forget to turn off suicide mode". Works for me! By the way, just as a reminder, when you first power up, LKA is not there in the MG Pilot page, you have to fully switch on by pressing the brake...
  12. Sloucher

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Admittedly mine has only covered just under 1500 miles, but (touch wood) no drips on the drive yet.
  13. Sloucher

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    I still don't understand how the modified breather works for some people and not for others. In fact, where it's located (i.e. above the crown wheel) I can't see how it can not leak. I can't comment on oil leaks prior to the mod, as my car was fitted with the first modification by the dealer...
  14. Sloucher

    Infotainment Screen Failure

    Oooops, forgot to actually ask the question :rolleyes:! Can 'PaintNuts' match the Volcano Orange?
  15. Sloucher

    Infotainment Screen Failure

    Well, it looks like (he said, desperately looking around for a piece of wood) my infotainment screen may be fixed, without having to have a replacement fitted. As I mentioned before, when I contacted the dealer about it they first had to contact MG for permission to examine the problem...
  16. Sloucher

    Bug Invasion

    Warning to owners of orange MG4s who were thinking of cleaning their cars today. Greenfly love orange! I decided to take the opportunity to wash the car today as there wasn't any direct sunshine. Big mistake, first I found my first stone chip (?) and next I had a swarm of kamikaze greenfly...
  17. Sloucher

    Aircon pump squeak / chirp.

    I must admit, I didn't believe the "they all do it sir" explanation originally, but today I was at the dealers (ironically to get some warranty work done) and each and every MG4 there that had the AC running would make the same noise. I would describe it more as a "ping" or metallic jingling...
  18. Sloucher

    I love how function over form the MG4 spray nozzles are

    I've probably owned more than 20 cars in my driving career, and I have to be honest and say that there was one car I had that was worse., and only one. That was a Mk1 mini, and the reason it was worse? It wasn't equipped with windscreen washers! The MG4 has the most badly designed positioning...
  19. Sloucher

    I love how function over form the MG4 spray nozzles are

    Function? That's the one job these nozzles have - and they can't manage it. No matter where they're pointed, only a slight overspray from bouncing off the wipers or bonnet edge actually reaches the screen. They could be gold plated and project images of dancing girls, so far as I'm concerned -...
  20. Sloucher

    MG4 Traffic sign recognition keeps turning off

    The only time it's made sense (sort of) was on a so-called smart motorway. Normally, of course, it would be 70 but could be restricted to whatever the plastic plod want
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