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  1. Shrink Proof

    Auto main beam

    I suspect that when MG realised that the Auto Main Beam function had a mind of its own they set about trying to modify it. So they fitted low-strength headlamps that wouldn't dazzle oncoming drivers...
  2. Shrink Proof

    EVs In The News

    The only thing printed in the Daily Express that isn't false is the date...
  3. Shrink Proof

    We've ordered the lot!

    When you are considering the price of a Skoda, remember to factor in the extra cost of a psychiatrist too...
  4. Shrink Proof

    Probably in need of a brain transplant

    OK, as requested, an update:- The various functions on the car that showed warning signs and/or didn't work all reverted to OK a day or two after the 12v battery disconnection. It's driven perfectly since then the only difference being that the trip counter had reset itself to zero with effect...
  5. Shrink Proof

    Public Chargers in Stupid/Ludicrous/Awkward Places!

    Indeed. But as an introduction to public chargers it hardly inspired confidence....
  6. Shrink Proof

    Public Chargers in Stupid/Ludicrous/Awkward Places!

    That one was the first public charger I ever used. The idea was to use it for 5-10 minutes; I thought a quick run down the road to check out how these things worked would be good as we'd planned a trip away. Not a good introduction to public charging. The charger in question's been listed as...
  7. Shrink Proof

    Probably in need of a brain transplant

    Thanks for that. Garage won't look at it until Feb 3rd as it's driveable and hence not as urgent as some folk...
  8. Shrink Proof

    Probably in need of a brain transplant

    Ah, a fellow Skoda sufferer. Weirdly, my previous car was a Skoda Yeti and getting shut of the wretched thing was one of the reasons for buying the MG5. One fault after another; I was at the dealer so often I could've gone to their works parties. If this is a teething problem, well, OK, I'll...
  9. Shrink Proof

    Probably in need of a brain transplant

    OK, completely happy with the MG5. 1,700 enjoyable miles until today. Parked at a friend's place, restarted and then it had a seizure... Screen went blank (noticed immediately as I had to reverse away from my parking spot) Rear radar failed Parking brake light failed And then a string of...
  10. Shrink Proof

    MG5 Tow bar again

    The last time I investigated getting a tow bar fitted to my car was when I had the misfortune to own a Skoda Yeti. I remember reaching such a point of teeth-grinding despair with the wretched thing that I asked the dealer if they could fit a tow bar. On the front...
  11. Shrink Proof

    Plans in England for car chargers in all commercial car parks quietly rolled back...

    Fair point, and I don't want that either, though in mitigation (a) I was simply quoting from the article and (b) the fact that Johnson lies when he promises us all the moon on a stick is hardly a matter of debate. However, whatever you think of it, the transition from ICE to EV will inevitably...
  12. Shrink Proof

    Plans in England for car chargers in all commercial car parks quietly rolled back...

    According to this headline article today. Lousy news by the sound of it. And it would mean that Johnson was lying when he "announced plans last month for a charging point to be required for every new or refurbished residential building from next year amid great fanfare, saying the regulations...
  13. Shrink Proof

    First seen the the wild

    And after 2 more months I finally got to see a another MG5 (after mine and the one in October) - a white one in the Dog Falls car park, Glen Affric, Highland. So now I know there are at least three on the roads.
  14. Shrink Proof

    First real long-range journey in my MG5 LR ... Some observations

    Because the government recently announced that GB plates are on the way out. The plan is to replace GB with UK and specifically ban plates saying CYM or SCO. Apparently this is because they've solved all the more important problems we face so this is now the top priority...
  15. Shrink Proof

    ChargePlace Scotland App not activating any charge points

    This is evidently some peculiar new usage of the word fun of which I was previously unaware.
  16. Shrink Proof

    Electricity price, are BGas taking the P ?

    If they go to the effort of sorting out the prices, then making an offer and presenting it to you "personally" it's because there's something in it for them. Not you.
  17. Shrink Proof

    Charging Help!

    If you truly believe that any government will reinstate a grant once they've removed it, then I have a bridge you might like to buy...
  18. Shrink Proof

    Does 2022 MG5 have 400 mile range?

    "Estimated current range 400m" probably means 400 metres.
  19. Shrink Proof

    Charging Help!

    A couple of other things to consider before you decide:- How likely are you to stay in the same job? Also, even if you do, as things get tougher economically (we are in for serious inflation next year and maybe beyond, etc.), they may start charging staff for electricity. Hell, some NHS Trusts...
  20. Shrink Proof


    Managed 3.1 miles/kWh early on Saturday morning. Inverness --> Aviemore --> Boat of Garten (37 miles). Pitch dark at first (days are short here) but wintry throughout, so lights on, heater on 25C, heated rear window at times, wipers on, demist at times, satnav on. Speed average 30mph - around...
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