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  1. Shrink Proof

    New 150kw Highlands charger

    Anything that increases the number of chargers in the North of Scotland is good news, though it's a shame it isn't in the North West where the need seems greatest rather than just 12 miles from Inverness. Still, it's definitely a step in the right direction.
  2. Shrink Proof

    Fisker Ocean

    Not as far as for me...
  3. Shrink Proof

    MG5 new symbol on screen

    It's to warn you that you have the misery of Bank Holiday traffic ahead. Happy Easter!
  4. Shrink Proof

    Happy Easter everyone. ??

    I shall be avoiding all crowds by hiking up a Highland mountain in the (checks view out of window) brilliant sunshine.
  5. Shrink Proof

    Bit Of Fun On A Tuesday.

    The problem with doing this is that Ferrero Rocher are utterly vile.
  6. Shrink Proof

    Funny signs, graffiti etc. ?

    You don't trust what's in your newspaper?!? That's ridiculous - Britain has the best journalists money can buy...
  7. Shrink Proof

    Bealach na bà

    Don't tell them about it, they'll all want to come to the Highlands!
  8. Shrink Proof

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    No need to worry. It's only on the internet, they'll never think to look there...
  9. Shrink Proof

    Key battery warning

    Once I'd turned the battery over I did indeed find a picture of a baby with the slogan Repulsive Tasting. Which I considered irrelevant as I've never wanted to eat a baby anyway.
  10. Shrink Proof

    Key battery warning

    I reopened the key and solved the mystery - a (very small) sticker on the bottom of the disc battery, something I've never encountered with previous disc batteries. This was the first one from a brand new pack. Following the instructions in the MG handbook, I dutifully inserted it +ve side up...
  11. Shrink Proof

    Home charging - charger suggestions?

    Another vote for Hypervolt. Their online support has been fast and efficient too.
  12. Shrink Proof

    Key battery warning

    I got the low key battery warning around Christmas. Thought it was a function of Highland winter temperature as all was OK for a few weeks. Then it returned. It started appearing with increasing frequency so I changed the disc battery in the key; I inserted a brand new Duracell disc. Outcome...
  13. Shrink Proof

    MG5 Maximum luggage length with seats down?

    Possibly the MG5's biggest drawback for those of us who just want a car that moves us and our gear around reliably without having any effect on blood pressure.
  14. Shrink Proof

    More new rapids in Inverness

    Are these from Charge Place Scotland or some other outfit?
  15. Shrink Proof

    MG5 Pre-FL GOM query

    The seasonal GOM variation is huge. The highest figure I've seen is 280 miles in high summer last year. But last month, here in the far North of Scotland, with more than one day when the maximum temperature recorded by the car was -3°C and the lowest was -12°C, the GOM said just 178 miles.
  16. Shrink Proof

    Speeding. ?☹

    Some years back I received a letter containing the evidence gathered by a speed camera, proving that about 300 yards before the end of the 30mph limit on the road out of Hull, I had been clocked doing 34mph. So would I please phone the number below to arrange payment of the fine. Oh, and here...
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