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  1. F

    ZS- EV Floor mats and 5m 32amp cable - NOW SOLD

    Hi @Bogrole, I have an excite model and would like to buy your roofbars off you assuming your model is Exclusive, if you are allowed to do so, and of course only if the price is right. Regards Frank
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    Another new shiny bit

    Ah, I see, the reflection of the clouds!!!!! Regards Frank PS At first I thought it was a reference to my taste (Bad) but then I looked closer at the photo!!!
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    Another new shiny bit

    Help me, I just can't stop, here is a picture of another shiny bit added to the car, also added to my show case. Regards Frank
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    AC charging rate

    Hi Dangerous Doug, Fully understand that when parking and time restrictions are in place. Here is another example which annoyed me, I went to Glasgow to see a show at the Hydro and the only Chargeplace Scotland Charger convenient to the Hydro was in their car park and charging free but £5.70...
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    AC charging rate

    Hi DangerousDoug, I suppose at the end of the day, one does NOT care what or how the charger you are using is classified as but how quickly it charges your car (whatever type of EV it is) as you say. With our cars the only thing we need to consider on long trips that the only feasible way to...
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    Chrome Wind Deflectors

    hi @Portgordon , As the Amazon Wind Deflectors appear to be out of stock this link takes you to an alternative which I would have bought but I already had the wind deflectors. Chrome Bright work I think they are worth buying and make the car look brighter (no pun intended). Regards Frank
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    Chrome Wind Deflectors

    Yes, link shown below, you get them from Amazon, I am also waiting for other chrome bits and pieces from Ali Express that fit the black bits still showing on my photograph but they are taking ages to arrive. Regards Frank Chrome Wind Deflectors PS Sorry just noticed that Amazon stated they...
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    AC charging rate

    Hi All, Yes it is in the name but the definitive UK classification of types of chargers is Slow up to 3kw, Fast up to 7kw but over 3kw and Rapid greater than 7kw and up to whatever. Regards Frank
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    AC charging rate

    I think someone was heard to say when a person was just about to charge their car from the 3 pin charging lead, "bloody hell man, don't use that, " it's as slow as your Granny" ?
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    Range Anxiety?

    Hi Chris, It's a bit ironic that the DeLorean you have a picture of has MG in its registration!!! Did you go back in Time!! to do that!! Regards Frank PS If your Flux Capacitor does work can you go back to Stranraer in 1975 and tell me NOT to get married to my first Wife!!!
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    AC charging rate

    Hi, The term "Granny Cable" quite simply originated from the fact that stereotypically Granny's are slow and that is apparently all there is to it. Frank .
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    Show us pictures of your car

    Hi All, I have just added some new accessories to my car which are now showing in my showcase (titled: Share some accessories I have fitted to my MG ZS EV Excite). Regards Frank
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    Exceeding speed limit flashing speed sign icon

    Dave, No problems, see you came from Buckie. I worked at Kinloss Barracks on the SAR for a couple of years from 13-14, so know the area. Anyway glad it helped. Regards Frank
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    12v battery level

    Hi Kithmo, Just charge your car up EVERY night with the podpoint home charger no matter what the SOC and you will NEVER have to worry about the 12v bty. Problems arise when one sits in a car park waiting for returning shoppers and listening to the radio too long when not in the ready mode. I...
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    Exceeding speed limit flashing speed sign icon

    Hi, Just go into the car settings by pressing the little grey car icon and turn off the intelligent Speed warning thingy, that should do it. Regards Frank
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    Popped my cherry - First charge

    Hi Kithmo, I have often used a rapid charger to charge to a 100% and as long as you are not stopping anyone using the charger stay as long as you NEED. Of course if the mileage you need to go before you get home or to another charger does not require a FOC then only charge as much as you need...
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    AC charging rate

    Dear All, Yes when charging AC the input goes via the onboard charger which will ONLY accept "up to 7Kw which is ok for overnight charging. For ANY distances over the range of the car the only feasible way to charge the car is using RAPID charges (a lot of people on this forum keep using the...
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    At the risk of annoying some members (Potential Range)

    Doug, You will see a large difference, however even with the 170 plus showing it still does not mean you will get that, however I think that in City driving only I reckon you could easily get 170 or more, I have never tried as I ALWAYS charge my car up every night regardless of the State of...
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    Best deals

    Sam, Hopefully not teaching you to suck eggs. With the PCP deal you have got the option to keep the car with PCH you have no option but to hand it back regardless and off course hopefully without incurring penalties on the mileage which can mount up very quickly if you are not careful, if you...
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    How do I connect my Pod Point Charger to the internet?

    Hi All, If as Chris says you get very little off the Pod Point I don't think its worth the hassle as I have had the charger fitted for the last 7 months without connectivity. I suppose my main reason for connectivity was that Pod Point can repair some faults on line sometimes and also as I was...
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