I did not know either that we had LFP on SR. I created a post on me not able to set the target SOC on the car as well as iSmart app and one of our members gave this information. Here is that post - Setting target battery level issue
This is great @thingaby. Thanks for this. I assume you have no charging schedules on your Ohme app? I have a ZS EV SR and this does not allow us to set the battery SOC and always sets it at 100% since its on LFP batteries. But as long as it starts and ends according to the car schedule...
@thingaby : When you plug in as a dumb charger, does it not automatically start to charge? Or does the car control override the Ohme setup. If the car charge setting has start at 9.30pm, and you plug in at say 7.30pm, will it start charging? Or wait till 9.30 pm? Do you setup any schedules on...
Long trips does need a bit of proper planning. Like I had mentioned in the my posts earlier, you are better off looking for a charging point just off the motorway like a Tesco extra etc than taking your chances at the services. Also as many members have mentioned in other posts, try staying...
There is one other thing you can do. Manage the charge schedules with iSmarg app. Ohme unfortunately do not yet have a feature where we can set start times. Thats why we end up doing the setup as mentioned above. But if you want to skip Ohme totally then set up scheduled charging with iSmart...
So here are my settings.
1.First thing is if there are no schedules, the charger acts as a dumb charger. When ever we plug it in, it starts charging until we stop or it reaches 100%. So an active schedule is needed.
2. Set the Save Money toggle under general setting to OFF. This is done because...
Thats a very good info to know!
Like you rightly pointed out smart chargers these days do offer apps now. Ohme is one of them! They have app integrations with most EV cars which means we do not need 2 apps(Ohme and the car app) to control/manage charging. MG ZS EV integration is on the way...
According to all that is mentioned above, I won't be surprised if there would be no fix for this on the SR. Keep us posted though if your dealer comes back with a solution.
Ah!! That explains it all then! I've reached out to MG Customer Service who said they will check with their technical team and get back to me on this. Its a bit of a mixed feeling for me. While I am happy SR is on a technically superior technology of batteries giving more battery cycles atleast...
Does it mean we are safe to charge it to 100% every time? This is something really new that I've known. Wonder why they don't make other MG cars run on LFP too then? A quick read on google/wikipedia suggests they have longer life than the normal Lithium Ions. Certain Tesla's run on LFPs. Wow...
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