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  1. Scorpion

    My first 1000 EV miles of steep learning...

    Don't get me wrong i can't wait to get my MG5 back, it's so frustrating being without it, I'm certainly going to change my charging habit from now even though this would have been it's first charge the next morning
  2. Scorpion

    My first 1000 EV miles of steep learning...

    Will update you as soon as i know what went wrong, all i got told on Friday is they would need to charge the car for 14 hours then look for other issues
  3. Scorpion

    Beyond angry!!!???

    I always have a front and rear dash cam running with a GPS tracker to capture my speed, that ends alot of arguments
  4. Scorpion

    Boot liner

    Thanks for enquiries, i need to put a mobility scooter in the boot and just want to keep the boot clean no matter what the scooter has been driving through as the car is only on lease for 3 years and it would be nice to pass it on clean and knock free from loading and unloading.
  5. Scorpion

    Roadside Assistance Tested LV

    My cover with RAC must cover running out of electrickery as at one point they were going to send a van with a recharge capability to give me an emergency charge. This would have been a waste of time as the car wouldn't recharge when it was connected to a charger.
  6. Scorpion

    Roadside Assistance Tested LV

    Yeah nothing like 3 hours wait in -4 temperatures and not being able to stay in the car because of the location to run over your regrets
  7. Scorpion

    Roadside Assistance Tested LV

    Like i have just replied to Mark i think something failed somewhere because I still had 34 miles showing when the car came to rest.
  8. Scorpion

    Roadside Assistance Tested LV

    I can't wait to get it back, feel foolish for getting in that position but I've heard people saying they've been down to 6 miles range left looking for a working charger so didn't expect this to happen, don't know what went wrong but i believe something did go wrong with 12V charging first and...
  9. Scorpion

    Roadside Assistance Tested LV

    My car is supplied through motability so i need to use there recovery operator which happens to be RAC
  10. Scorpion

    Roadside Assistance Tested LV

    I had a worse experience last week, with 18% battery and 34 miles range showing my MG5 went into limited speed mode on the M1, within 1/2 mile i had battery charge fail warning light then the drive batteries went offline and i coasted to a standstill, took the RAC 3 hours to recover me, the car...
  11. Scorpion

    Boot liner

    Yeah i did see that but as it's not available currently and i can't check the hopefully different options I've just left it in a wish list so i get notified if it ever comes back into stock. Thanks for the input. ?
  12. Scorpion

    Boot liner

    Yeah i guess will have to wait for someone to manufacture one
  13. Scorpion

    Boot liner

    This is a boot liner
  14. Scorpion

    Boot liner

    Yeah that's just a boot mat not a boot liner
  15. Scorpion

    MG5 Roof rails decorative only

    So you can use a gutter mount roof rack no problem then
  16. Scorpion

    Boot liner

    Yeah but still haven't seen a picture of this liner
  17. Scorpion

    MG5 Roof rails decorative only

    Just a thought but if the roof can't hold 50kg on it what happens if god forbid you roll the car onto it's roof, do you become a squashed tomato because that's putting alot more than 50kg on the roof
  18. Scorpion

    Boot liner

    Was just wondering if anyone has found a good fitting boot liner yet for the MG5
  19. Scorpion

    My first 1000 EV miles of steep learning...

    Cars covered by RCA only got a hybrid until it's repaired
  20. Scorpion

    Android auto phone list

    Officially the Google and Pixel phones will connect wirelessly, i also have a Pixel 3a Xl which does connect all the time wirelessly. Phones with Android 11 should all connect either wireless or by cable with no issues, it seems earlier versions are temperamental to say the least
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