Should I have watched these before I purchased 2 electric cars?

No. Just nonsense as there are many variables, including long term running costs. Big Beemers are not a good choice and the Peugeots have poor range. Motorway speeds ok for comparison with range, but not necessarily fill-up cost.
I think we all accept that EV’s consume a lot more energy when working hard at high road speeds.
Probably NOT a good idea ( I would suggest ) to be openly exceeding the max speed limit on the motorway, while being filming on a video shot then !.
I guess a few eagle eyed people would have already spotted this school boy error.
The guy first driving the BMW ICE made a comment about how much range the BMW EV had consumed so quickly :- “Wow - It’s not like we where doing 90MPH or something where we ??”.
Excuse me, but did he really just say that ??.
OMG - I do NOT want to be travelling on the same stretch of motorway as him, with my family in my car, if he is driving that recklessly.
Mind you, we have to remember that it’s not his car though, is it !.
While talking about the subject matter here,
I think we should cast our minds back, to a similar situation that happened about twenty plus years ago.
When drivers where actively encouraged to move away from petrol cars and to purchase new Eco friendly oil burners at that present time.
The government supported this switch to clean Eco derv cars, as derv fuel was really cheap at that present moment in time, which it surely was !.
Manufactures quickly jumped onto the band wagon, by charging an increased premium for customers, who wanted the cheaper running costs of a oil burner.
Quickly increasing the prices of new derv powered cars, by charging them on average, an extra £1,500 for the privilege over the same petrol driven model.
Derv is the cheapest types of fuel to refine, much cheaper than petrol and yet it has become most expensive to buy.
The EV market is following down a similar path I feel.
Start off by tempting people to invest in buying an electric car, because it is cheaper to run than an ICE car.
Then, like they did with derv, massively increase the price of the fuel to run them !.
It’s a rinse & repeat excessive if you ask me.
Well, we all know now just how clean those “new clean oil burners” turned out to be, don’t we folks !.
Enough said on that subject I think.
Strong rumours that they intend to start charging EV’s for road fund license in the near future.
This will entail another switch in policy then, by scrapping the present standard of how they grade cars subject to tax then I suspect.
Tax / duty is currently sent against a level of exhaust c/o2 emissions right now.
EV’s are zero emissions - right ?.
So that must be getting scrapped then, which makes perfect sense, when the worlds climate is in such a state !.
It may appear like an absolute joke, but it’s not even remotely funny !.
Just a minor point, I don't think 90 mph is particularly excessive for an experienced driver on the right road and in the right conditions, which includes road, weather and other drivers, including their awareness. In fact the latter is probably the most dangerous part of driving at any speed.

However I've personally got over the "need for speed", especially with the EV but there have been many many times in the past when I've driven considerably faster than 90mph for long distances and lived to tell the tale - abroad of course - but a lot of that was in Germany where there are only two lanes on many the motorways, but drivers are disciplined enough to not hog the outer lane, and also to be aware of anything approaching from behind at speed, and get out of the way, instead of brake testing them as I've seen done here...
Just a minor point, I don't think 90 mph is particularly excessive for an experienced driver on the right road and in the right conditions
Sorry, but “It’s not a minor point” regardless of your skills and abilities as a driver.
It’s 20 mph above the legal limit and therefore it’s breaking the law, end of conversation.
We do not live in Germany ?? where some sections of the motorways are unrestricted.
What is the point of spending billions of pounds on setting out speed limit signs etc then blatantly ignoring them ?.
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Just a minor point, I don't think 90 mph is particularly excessive for an experienced driver on the right road and in the right conditions, which includes road, weather and other drivers, including their awareness. In fact the latter is probably the most dangerous part of driving at any speed.
90mph is illegal. End of.
Just as a point of interest, I find it quite offensive it when people finish statements with End of. Always feels to me they want to stifle conversation on their terms, or somehow claim the moral high ground. Still...

I meant it was a minor point as it was only in relation to a small part of your post.

The fact that 90 is illegal here doesn't automatically make it dangerous. It makes it illegal.

It can be dangerous but also dangerous (and, in fact, probably far more prevalent these days and therefore potentially more dangerous than excessive speed) is people hogging the centre lane, which is also illegal, especially when they are driving below the speed limit.

I did mention that most high speed driving I've done was in Germany. I don't need to be told what is illegal here. thank you.
The fact that 90 is illegal here doesn't automatically make it dangerous. It makes it illegal.

It can be dangerous
A small contradiction in terms here I think ?.
It IS dangerous and the only “End Of” bit relates to yours our somebody else’s life when driving at that speed.
Being involved in an accident at that sort of speed is never going to end well for anybody.
It matters not, what speed you travelling on the motorways, as some idiot is always going to want to overtake you !.
You could be travelling at anything from 70 to 90 mph and you will get flashed over by another person egger to end their life prematurely.
That’s totally fine by me, but its the other innocent people that get injured in the cross fire.
Unless it’s the police in an unmarked car of course !.
Maybe one of my relatives - say Hi ?.
There is nothing contradictory in that statement, it's just a fact.

You can have a fatal accident at 30. 70 is a fairly arbitrary number really, as it is well within the safety designs when building roads. I don't have a problem with it but the world won't end if you go over it.

Excess speed is a lot less prevalent that it used and it is sometimes done rather aggressively (i.e. without due care for conditions etc) but for sure people who are lane hogging may well get flashed from time to time. Often the reason people get flashed is because they are travelling in lane 3 on an empty motorway well inside the speed limit (as I witnessed on Friday night) . That is illegal too.

And if everyone can say hand on heart that they have never ever broken a speed limit or any other rule of the road I would be amazed... :)
Agreed, lane discipline in the U.K. has become almost as bad as in the USA. ( well maybe not that bad - yet ! ).
I have done plenty of driving over there and it has to be seen, to be believed !.
Mind you, driving tests are carried out on a car park, so what do you expect !.
"almost as bad as in the US"

But in the US it's not bad, it's legal and accepted by all.

Portugal (where I've just returned from) pedestrians have absolute right of way at crossings, and often walk out without looking. Local drivers wil actually come to a stop in anticipation that someone who is near the crossing might want to cross.

In Egypt is is quite acceptable to be hooting your horn at other drivers pretty much all the time when driving round the towns, it's the way it is done there, and doesn't generate road rage.

And of course, as I said, in Germany (and actually in much of Europe) people will move over out of the way of a fast approaching vehicle, whether or not is is doing an illegal speed.

Local custom and laws are quite different from country to country and really have no bearing on any other country - and it is by far easiest to adapt to the local way of driving rather than just stick in our UK frame of mind.
Just as a point of interest, I find it quite offensive it when people finish statements with End of. Always feels to me they want to stifle conversation on their terms, or somehow claim the moral high ground. Still...

I meant it was a minor point as it was only in relation to a small part of your post.

The fact that 90 is illegal here doesn't automatically make it dangerous. It makes it illegal.

It can be dangerous but also dangerous (and, in fact, probably far more prevalent these days and therefore potentially more dangerous than excessive speed) is people hogging the centre lane, which is also illegal, especially when they are driving below the speed limit.

I did mention that most high speed driving I've done was in Germany. I don't need to be told what is illegal here. thank you.
I'm so sorry to hear that you feel offended by this "end of" comment but the reality is that in this country it really is "end of" why do you feel the need to defend driving at 90 mph is fine when it's almost 30% above the speed limit, so now 39 mph in a 30 mph is fine by you also. Just drop the point that didn't have to be made in the first place, people will make there own minds up about the speed, i believe the point you took this from was just pointing out that you don't video yourself breaking the speed limit if you've any sense
Welcome to the conversation.

If you have a minute or two, just scroll up and read my posts again.

I never mentioned driving at illegal speed.

Nor did I say anything about illegal speeding being OK.

I did say that 70 is a fairly arbitrary figure probably based around the design of our roads as anything but I didn't say it was wrong (or maybe our motorways are designed around a 70 max, whatever).

I did get that videoing oneself doing something illegal is pretty daft but I didn't mention that anywhere and that wasn't my point - hence my minor point comment.

As you said, people will make their own minds up, they don't need either of us to do it for them.

In the meantime, I'll discuss what I like, whether or not you agree with me isn't really relevant. It's just a chat after all. That's how forums work, in fact that's how the world works. Everyone is entitled to be heard, however unpalatable one might find their message.
While you are right that there’s nothing magically safe or dangerous about a specific speed, large speed differentials and close following are inherently dangerous.

Middle lane hogging is annoying but not inherently dangerous - it is impatient drivers behind driving too close that create the danger.

Similarly, if you are doing 90, there’s a big speed differential to some traffic doing 55-60, so that increases the danger.

One of the good things about EVs is they reward slower driving with significantly better range.
As normal folks, we have managed to drift off topic once again ( as we generally do :ROFLMAO: ).
Anyway ....... "What did you think about the comparison test in the video !".
I see some people saying in the comments below the video, that the running cost on this test really shocked them and made them turn away from the idea of buying an EV !.
Well to be honest, it never shocked me that much really, given the type of test they carried out.
It has been long said, EV's are not for everybody usage case, and I agree !.
Do your research first !.
I mean, if you where bombing up and down the motorway in a hurry, covering 200+ miles none stop, day in day out, with little to no time, to even consider stopping to take a charge, or take a well over due comfort break etc.
Then the ICE has to be your chosen weapon I guess.
After owning a few BMW's in my time, I have to wonder what the service costs on that 3.0 litre straight six monster is likely to cost ???.
The services come around real fast when you are covering a lot of mileage each day.
We already know that EV charging away from home, has now become very expensive game and in this respect, that part of the comparison it is hard to be argued with.
If you are unlucky enough not to have access to charging at home, then unfortunately you are at the total mercy of the public charging operators and what they want to charge you.
In this respect it is important to chose the range of your EV very carefully.
When changing out our previous ICE cars, if we miss judged our usage case, or the car failed to make the MPG we expected from it, then it just meant a few more frequent visits to the abundance of petrol stations everywhere.
Wow ........ Not so easy with EV's !.
I would have liked to see both BMW's go "head to head"in a similar test of 200+ miles done in short "stop start" town work and see how that big 3.0 beast did then.
Araahhhhh ....... Not so cheap to run now all of a sudden, are we !.
Horse's for course guy's.
"Stop Start' technology save little to no fuel but make a good job of prematurely wearing out your 12 volt battery and starter motor !.
Middle lane hogging is annoying but not inherently dangerous - it is impatient drivers behind driving too close that create the danger.
Yep, agree with most of what you say Tsedge but middle lane hogging does create risk in that it causes a congested outside lane, and bunching, and people following too close, too fast etc etc. Many of the shunts I see on motorways seem to be in the outside lane, one car having gone into the back of another, and my suspicion is that if traffic were spread more evenly across the lanes then it would flow better and less likely to see those kinds of incidents.

Maybe we should have a new thread on it, sometime :-)
Welcome to the conversation.

If you have a minute or two, just scroll up and read my posts again.

I never mentioned driving at illegal speed.

Nor did I say anything about illegal speeding being OK.

I did say that 70 is a fairly arbitrary figure probably based around the design of our roads as anything but I didn't say it was wrong (or maybe our motorways are designed around a 70 max, whatever).

I did get that videoing oneself doing something illegal is pretty daft but I didn't mention that anywhere and that wasn't my point - hence my minor point comment.

As you said, people will make their own minds up, they don't need either of us to do it for them.

In the meantime, I'll discuss what I like, whether or not you agree with me isn't really relevant. It's just a chat after all. That's how forums work, in fact that's how the world works. Everyone is entitled to be heard, however unpalatable one might find their message.
Just a little point that you again seem to have taken too far, you do not have the right to say anything you want about anything that you choose, freedom of speech no longer exists in this country so it's time to step down off that big horse and take other people's points of view in the context they are meant in, not the way you have because you seem all too keen to point out your rights but then you complain about other people's right to reply
You have put words into my mouth throughout both of your posts. Both times you have made up things you think I said which don't bear much, or any, resemblance to what I actually said.

I have never denied you the right to reply nor asked/told you to "drop the point", as you did me.

We do still have free speech (of course excepting inflammatory stuff) and believe I'm allowed to talk reasonably freely (within, here, forum rules) about things.

I've not complained about other peoples' right to reply. I don't see anything in what I've said which puts me on a "high horse". I think I've dealt in facts or, where something is my opinion, I've said it is. That's certainly how I intend to be.

If I've done otherwise please do point out where, as I can assure you it wasn't intended, and I will of course clarify what I meant.
Having lived in Germany I have seen the results of 140Kph driving and it can be very messy. In one such case the police estimated a car had rolled at least 20 times before stopping

We were passed one time during rain, the other vehicle was probably only doing about 100Kph with lights on. Suddenly the lights ahead rapidly switching red, white, red, white repeatedly all the while veering off to the right eventually stopping. A few second later we passed the car with steaming tyres up the embankment with the tyre tracks in the grass evidence of the violent spin the car had got into. Almost as violent as the vomiting the driver was doing knelt on the grass.

Back on subject, although the switch to DERV was engineered by governments and oil companies for all the wrong reasons I don't think you can compare that scenario to that which has led to the increase in electricity costs. I think the government would dearly love to see that rise reversed ASAP.
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