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  1. Scorpion

    My first 1000 EV miles of steep learning...

    Driving home at 2am, on M1 HV battery was down to 18% with 34 miles range (8 miles from home) cruise control set to 65 mph then a message came up on the display "limiting speed to conserve battery" then car kept slowing to 62 mph then going back to 65 mph for about a minute, red triangle...
  2. Scorpion

    Android auto phone list

    Huawei Mate 10 Pro, Again intermittent with connection
  3. Scorpion

    My first 1000 EV miles of steep learning...

    Unfortunately i did that last night but only gained 8 miles and have lost the car for who knows how long ?
  4. Scorpion

    Overloaded electric supply

    Okay, well i hope it all goes well for you
  5. Scorpion

    Overloaded electric supply

    Sounds like BP PULSE have given you the run around as well, is this through motability or choice
  6. Scorpion

    Overloaded electric supply

    Thanks, i will take a look at the videos later today, I'm sure common sense should pay more of a part in this.
  7. Scorpion

    Overloaded electric supply

    My supply is separate already but i hope something like common sense can intervene as i don't intend to be running all my household electrical items when I'm charging the car in the early hours
  8. Scorpion

    Overloaded electric supply

    Yay more maths that when calculated will still mean very little to me, unfortunately i don't get a free choice of installer only what's offered. Good to know there is a calculation available if it's needed
  9. Scorpion

    Overloaded electric supply

    Good to hear that you've managed to get even a second EV charge point, none of the showers are power showers and normally for load calculations these are not included as they are considered to be a temporary load for say 10 minutes. I only have one 32 amp cooker point, we don't use the emersion...
  10. Scorpion

    Overloaded electric supply

    Hi, I have a MG 5EV on the motability scheme which also comes with a free home charging unit supplied and fitted by BP PULSE. After sending in all the relevant photos of the drive, chosen mounting position for the charger and pictures of the meter cupboard and consumer board they have said I'm...
  11. Scorpion

    One shot windows and sensitive keys

    Had the exact same thing happen Friday after picking the car up, came outside to find all the windows down but luckily it was in a break from the rain and before the snow. You have my sympathy because it's so easy to do, i don't suppose it's something you can disable in the settings.
  12. Scorpion

    Can someone steal an MG5 while it's preheating? [Video]

    As a new MG 5EV owner who hasn't had to do a charge yet, can you still charge with the car unlocked because i got the impression that it has to be locked to charge
  13. Scorpion

    Cruise Control with Speed Limiter. Not any more...

    The only speed limiter I have come across was a useful resource, you set the maximum speed you want to drive at, set it then just drive as normal on the throttle upto the maximum speed set. Ideal for those "average speed cameras" but you don't have to keep flicking it off when you come upto a...
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