Norfolk Enchance
Established Member
- Locked car last night at 17:00 when I arrived at home
- Went to plug in car at 11:45 just before I retired for the evening
- Horrified to see all the widows down and the inside of the car covered in snow, I mean covered!!!
- Spent half an hour in the dark with a series of towels trying to remove as much snow and moisture as possible
- Up at first light repeating the process and even now the car is still wet inside
- Don't leave keys in pockets where you can inadvertently push the unlock button sufficiently to lower all the windows
- Don't purchase a car with "perforated" seats as the water, once in, cannot easily get out
- Hang the key where it cannot be activated
- Read the manual. If I had realised the key can lower all the windows I may not still be trying to dry out the car