ISTR when I looked em up ages ago there appeared to rather a lot of "young execs with rather grand job titles" all in a nice office in London & all presumably rewarding themselves handsomely for their "efforts"... Wonder if that's where a chunk of the first £4.9m went....
All they appear to do is contract buy electricity & sell it to their "customers" for more whilst presumably paying the charger co.'s a slice? & pocket the leftovers...
If this model works why would they need to crowdfund the £4.9m they have already had & why do they need more I wonder!?
Email today from our chums at Bonnet announcing they are attempting to crowd fund? ???♂️ Why would you ?
Hmmm someone has...
The most user-friendly way to charge your car anywhere
Total funding: £4,920,000
Last funding: 02/03/2022
Funding rounds: 4"
As in how the podpoint charger may or may not kill the power after the free 15minute slurp?
Shurely we'd have more experiences if this was happening regularly?
Perhaps the issue was trying to reconnect for another charge seconds after disconnecting from a charge?
More testing required...
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