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  1. AnonymouseDriva

    Does anyone actually use Speed Assist on the 5LR?

    I ask as I do, but it seems to me that it's a pretty poor implementation. Not sure how it compares to the ZS though. 1) You have to turn it back on in the infotainment unit EVERY TIME YOU DRIVE, regardless of manual or intelligent, it sets back to 'off' when you start the car. I wouldn't mind -...
  2. AnonymouseDriva

    ICE System Carplay problem

    In guessing that's In Car Entertainment, not Internal Combustion Engine?
  3. AnonymouseDriva

    Affinity scheme ending

    'MG's way of rewarding NHS / Teachers / public sector workers for their efforts during the pandemic.' Basically, a fixed discount, a choice of colour without extra charge, and a free type 2 cable. Don't expect much in terms of discount or freebies on top of the affinity deal though as there's...
  4. AnonymouseDriva

    Which wall charger?

    Yeah, I had to tick a disclaimer to the tune of “this is a beta tariff and won’t show properly on your meter/ IHD. “ If you’re technically minded though, you can install (free) Microsoft PowerBI Desktop, hook that up to the Octopus API and analyse / graph your half hourly usage to your heart’s...
  5. AnonymouseDriva

    Charging cables

    I heard that in some places if you can match with a teacher on Tinder that counts...
  6. AnonymouseDriva

    Charging cables

    Affinity is a scheme, not a model. You can still get the LR Exclusive on Affinity. You probably qualify...
  7. AnonymouseDriva

    First time rapid charge on my MG ZS EV

    ZS manual, P150 (rapid charging ) and 152 (slow charging) both have the same note: Not sure what unlocking the car does to the rapid charge for you though.
  8. AnonymouseDriva

    First time rapid charge on my MG ZS EV

    That does seem a bit speedy, but then my point of reference is a 5LR and I've only ever rapid charged it to 'give it a go' for 10 mins. They definitely don't stop at 80% though. It seems that rapid charge times are mostly quoted to 80%. This is because the car will slow the charging down...
  9. AnonymouseDriva

    First time rapid charge on my MG ZS EV

    Hi. - it'll charge until it's full. It just slows down considerably after 80%, so in most people's opinion it's not worth waiting for the last 20% to go in.
  10. AnonymouseDriva

    Windows opening mysteriously

    Ah. The 'Find My Car' feature. P41 of the manual. You can turn that off in infotainment.
  11. AnonymouseDriva

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    Hah - I have the opposite problem. Not used to an auto. Now I've got my head around no clutch and not changing gears, I keep trying to set off from home then realising I haven't put it in drive yet... Loving it so far though. Big test comes in October when it goes on a camping trip. 171 miles...
  12. AnonymouseDriva

    Petrol Ped long term ZSEV review

    I assume that's this one...
  13. AnonymouseDriva

    Am losing initial 'creep' in drive and reverse.

    I assume you've already checked this, but just in case - You've not knocked the 'Auto Hold' on without noticing, have you? Hah! Kithmo just beat me to it (and with a fuller answer to boot!)
  14. AnonymouseDriva


    Actually, there are three if you count the Auto-hold, EPB and Park. But other than that, what have MG ever done for parking.... (Sorry. It was either that or a Spanish Inquisition gag...) So. The big knob in the middle is effectively your gear selector like your previous car. Twist for reverse...
  15. AnonymouseDriva

    Apple carplay on mg5

    It's typically apple. if it's certified, it just works. (unless it doesn't - then it really doesn't!) As biffo says, it's basically just a screen with your phone doing the work. One thing to note is that your MG doesn't have a multi-touch screen and it does feel a little alien having an iphone...
  16. AnonymouseDriva

    MG5's silent protest against 20MPH speed limits.

    Well, it's confirmed that it's not just me. Went up to Chorley MG for them to take a look at mine, and whilst I was there I went for a short spin in their demo car (the grey 5LR that @MilesperkWh stuck the go faster stripes and visor strip on). Took it round the corner to the nearest 20MPH...
  17. AnonymouseDriva

    Drivers Handbook

    I though there were 2 manuals online. One for the standard model and one for the long range, although looking again at the LR one, it talks about buth standard cruise control and ACC / MG Pilot so maybe it's a combined one. Yes, my LR came with a paper copy of the manual, and also an...
  18. AnonymouseDriva

    MG5's silent protest against 20MPH speed limits.

    Yeah - I have one at the start of my street too, but the car never sees it. I find if you're turning into a street (especially if you are turning left) it doesn't see the first sign. There are generally plenty of reminders in 20 areas though... So, I set the speed assist to 'Intelligent Speed...
  19. AnonymouseDriva

    System Fault - HV Battery Shut Off

    Nah - a 12v battery should be showing around, well, 12v. Don't forget that as soon as you connect the HV battery it charges the 12v battery so what you're actually seeing on the display is effectively the charger is putting across the battery. I just popped out to test that theory to be sure...
  20. AnonymouseDriva

    MG5's silent protest against 20MPH speed limits.

    So... Anyone? I've had confirmation via facebook that the ZS recognises 20 signs fine, but nothing either way from 5LR owners. Confirmation either way as to whether it seems to be common or just me would be nice. Either way, it's back to Chorley tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes. Happy...
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