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  1. JodyS21

    LED bulbs for MG ZS EV headlights

    Yes that's right, there's room to get it inside. Just don't break it like I did, the fitting was really tight which is why I fitted it as I did in the end
  2. JodyS21

    LED bulbs for MG ZS EV headlights

    Yes wasn't a problem
  3. JodyS21

    Post your MG ZS EV battery SOH data please

    Complete and utter nonsense. The SOH value can be read at any time easily.
  4. JodyS21

    So OTA update is a lie?

    Wow, not been on here for a couple of weeks, but if the OTA updates really are only for the infotainment system, that is very disappointing. From asking a mk1 owner with connectivity in other continent, I thought theirs could do some ECU updates, so thought surely it would be possible in the...
  5. JodyS21

    Standard Range or Long Range

    Remember to allow for battery degradation in your figures. Assuming 70% of WLTP is probably just about ok for those cold winter days, but based on the gen1 SoH is about 95% after 25k miles. So if you're keeping the car for several years after say 3years/50k miles your battery could have dropped...
  6. JodyS21

    Post your MG ZS EV battery SOH data please

    Exactly what I was about to say!
  7. JodyS21

    ZS EV 2022 Granny Charger

    Maybe you should speak to an MG dealer in your country and ask them what the official reason is why they don’t supply them there.
  8. JodyS21

    ZS EV 2022 Granny Charger

    Yes I’d read/seen they don’t include them in some countries. Maybe because of the 3 phase thing.
  9. JodyS21

    Post your MG ZS EV battery SOH data please

    I've finally got around to plugging in the OBD2. We now have a GOM of 155 miles (N3) at full charge/reset etc. The SoH is 95.04% Mileage is 24k. 15months old. (93% real SoC, 449.75V, Min/Max cell 4.148/4.168)
  10. JodyS21

    ZS EV 2022 Granny Charger

    Here you go: In the UK the standard domestic (single phase) installs are: 2.5mm radial circuit 20Amp MCB 2.5mm ring circuit 32Amp MCB I believe the use of the ring circuit is very much a UK thing and pretty much never used on the continent. 4.0mm radial circuit...
  11. JodyS21

    ZS EV 2022 Granny Charger

    There’s a table in the UK regs that shows cable ratings for different installations (clipped/in insulation etc). In the UK we use solid strand copper cable too, usually referred to as twin & earth cable. Obviously different countries have different regulations.
  12. JodyS21

    Original MG ZS EV battery state of health

    All the figures I’ve seen work out spot on based on the percentage of 163miles. 1.6miles per 1%. It really is that simple :)
  13. JodyS21

    Original MG ZS EV battery state of health

    Well there is the SOH box on the service sheet, but if they just tick it it’s not very useful lol!
  14. JodyS21

    Original MG ZS EV battery state of health

    That doesn’t sound right, if you reset the trips and checked the GOM after a full charge it should always say 163(possibly 162) if you’ve got 100% SOH. That said you’re talking the old bms, so…..?
  15. JodyS21

    Original MG ZS EV battery state of health

    Very very good point
  16. JodyS21

    New ZS EV (facelift) owner

    Not like ours left in a tangled mess in our boot..... lol
  17. JodyS21

    New ZS EV (facelift) owner

    Thanks. I wasn't trying to get a sale lol. Maybe I should renew my advert or something else maybe no one sees it now....
  18. JodyS21

    New ZS EV (facelift) owner

    Fantastic, thanks. I didn't want to sell any without being sure!
  19. JodyS21

    New ZS EV (facelift) owner

    Ooh do you get bag to keep it in for the new ZS model!?
  20. JodyS21

    Balance charge on face lift only on granny?

    There’s no figure for how long it will take to do the balance, it purely depends how out of balance the cells are. DC charges are supposed to get it out of balance quicker than AC charges. The recommendation is generally to balance at least once a month. If it’s like the old ZS, it will only...
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