I updated my list from a former post:
First use if the car at 07-01-2020
Last 100% SoH was at 07-01-2021 @ 9000 Km
Just some value’s from the last 15 months:
12-09-2021 97,4%
01-11-2022 97,18%
01-19-2022 96,98%
?? 96,78%
03-03-2022 96,57% 15183 Km
03-14-2022 96,37% 15603 Km
04-12-2022 96,16% 16151 Km
04-30-2022 96,02%. 16666 Km
06-08-2022 95,84% 17694 Km
07-07-2022 95,82% 18205 Km
08-14-2022 95,71% 19700 Km
08-24-2022 95,40% 20391 Km
09-03-2022 94,81% 20846 Km
09-24-2022 94,67% 21380 Km
10-12-2022 94,54% 21820 Km
10-30-2022 94,42% 22194 Km
12-01-2022 94,29% 22646 Km
Everything is still quite linear going down, about 3% per year.
Still no sign of decrease of degradation.

If the degradation is going further in the same tempo it should result in
100 minus 6 x 3% = 82% SoH after the 7 years warrenty!