Once the prices of these come down to £100 per kWh of capacity, I'll be getting one for my ZS.
Another say 7kW could make all of the difference to my use case.
This is where one of the decent apps you can get would come in useful, it will calculate it for you. It's a bit awkward to do it manually using dash V & A as the voltage is changing during the charge process.
That's easy, with no detour to get to a charger, it's the route I go on holiday to Norfolk. It's a right pain. And I did on one of those journeys charge to getting on to 90% so I could make it home without having to try to find another charger.
Commercial profits should sort this all out really, the only reason we have as many petrol stations is purely for commercial reasons. Does this mean though that prices for charging will go up in order to get companies to invest in installing them - at least initially until they are used more...
My ZS EV is on the 456v origina and I have my first service next week. According to the dealer any software updates required will be done. Let's see!
“Required” very much be the important word there....
Just as a note, when I got the latest BMS update my max range dropped from 147 miles to around 134miles ( heater/ air con on in Eco mode) a bit concerning at the time. Over the next few weeks it improved back to the previous readings. The improvements set out by Gomev in post #19 are...
Not at all surprised it wasn’t updated. Most dealers will only do it if it was on the faulty BMS, and then you’re lucky lol.
If you can get the dealer to do it as part of the service then fantastic, but a lot it would seem will charge for doing it.
I would recommend for anyone who cares about...
This morning after being on a partial 4hour overnight charge on my home 7kW, the charge session had finished, the car was not full.
My ZS had the plug still locked in.
I pressed the door button without fob nearby and it unlocked the plug.
That’s with my tethered Ohme system.
@rbpasapera @n0de Maybe worth confirming if it was a home fast charger being used or the granny charger (or a public AC charger). There maybe a difference in functionality depending on this?
It’s good to hear from someone with first hand experience of it.
I’m sure it would be pretty simple for the charger companies to change how they are billing, and they’ll make more money out of sorting out the issue too.
Fully agree.
I’ll be controversial now and say, get rid of free chargers, replace them with at least a nominal charge per kWh/min. Would that help elevate the problem, folk would then only charge on them when they actually really needed to?
The problem with stating a straight 80% cut off, is different cars charge at different rates at different SOC. The new ZS BMS allows the charge to be faster at a higher SOC.
I've charged up to the high 80s % before now and it didn't slow down much before I ended the charge.
Yes that's why I think in those type of circumstances there should be a notice or something that says, you may unplug a car that has finished charging and use it.
As I've said I very very rarely use public chargers.
But I think now, if I were to ever goto a shopping centre or something and...
It's a very interesting topic this.
Here's a thought:
Rapid chargers at a long stay (all day+) parking destination.
E.g. Train station, park & ride.
Should someone need a charge who is going to be away from their car for quite a while/cannot return in 60mins etc, what should they do?
Yeah, It couldn't have done any handshake etc as it wasn't powered on.
Nothing happened regarding locking when I plugged it in. But when I locked the car it locked the plug in place.
Before I switched on the socket I pressed the door lock button (without fob) to see what the dash said, it...
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