So I've emailed MG again and part of me will be gutted if they reply that it's being built/shipped as I've given up waiting and ordered a ZE50.
This will be my third ZE50 so I know what to expect from them and in some aspects it's a better deal than I was getting on the ZS; £22 a month cheaper...
So I've emailed MG again and part of me will be gutted if they reply that it's being built/shipped as I've given up waiting and ordered a ZE50.
This will be my third ZE50 so I know what to expect from them and in some aspects it's a better deal than I was getting on the ZS; £22 a month cheaper...
That leads to my dilemma.
Current car costs ~£120/month more than the deal I'll be getting on the ZS.
So if I wait another say 5 months, that's an extra £600 I'll have shelled out.
I could swap the order to a Renault ZOE. I've had two and like the car and it's fine for my needs but would be...
10 kWhp would be something like 25 panels+
Very few UK houses would be big enough to support that and you'd only be getting that much production for a very limited period over a typical UK year.
It's much more practical, given our weather, to work on the basis that you'll only manage a slow...
Playing devils advocate; your next car might support 3 phase AC and the weight (~3 vs ~3.5 kg) isn't that much more.
If you do go for the 3 phase make sure it is a 22kWh cable though, a 3 phase 11 kWh cable will actually charge slower on single phase than a 1 phase 7 kWh cable...
Fair enough.
Perhaps you could ask your brother in law if you'd have had to pay if you had cancelled?
Will shut up the armchair lawyers if he states you would have to and, as I've said, if not I'd love to hear the legal rationale.
You agreed at the outset to pay for the "free" charger if you cancelled the order.
If they choose not to enforce it then that's up to them but they're under no obligation, moral or legal, to not charge you.
That's a shame because I'd love to hear the rationale behind the argument that you don't...
I have no idea what you're trying to say with that first paragraph, it appears to be that you think there isn't a contract until the car arrives.
A decent barrister should tell you to pay up and stop wasting their time trying to get out of an entirely legal contract you signed up to.
I'm not sure you know how contracts work.
If the installation of the Charge Point is completed prior to delivery of the vehicle or within Vanarama's return policy period and the lease is subsequently cancelled, the customer will be liable for the full cost of the charge point and...
You also seem to be missing; shifting top up charging to an economy 7/EV tariff and unless your export is giving you 35p+ you're effectively losing money by exporting it rather than storing it to use overnight.
Not had the call but that's very tight in terms of keeping the grant.
It would only have to slip a few weeks to lose it.
I'm getting tempted to just swap the order and have another ZE50.
Where are you seeing that other lease companies are delivering?
Other than the odd one or two I've not seen anything in the shipping update or order tracker threads recently.
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