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  1. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    I didn't pay a deposit and, I'm guessing, the same is true for others who are taking it through a lease. It's still a kosher order.
  2. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Similar situation to me and my ZE50. If you're looking for car options to tide you over I can recommend Elmo (see signature).
  3. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Hope this delivery estimate refers to new, rather than existing, orders through Vanarama
  4. Hotlush

    How to tell if your charger is 7 or 22 KW rated?

    Not on UK/Eire specs, not even as an option.
  5. Hotlush

    Solar PV - no roof space

    Got a BP home charger and no economic reason to change it so will stick to the Go window for charging. Even better, first year of car lease (when it arrives) comes with a free year of Bonnet app charging. Spend every Thursday evening literally 2 minutes from an Osprey 50kw for 1.5 hours so could...
  6. Hotlush

    Solar PV - no roof space

    I'm sure I've already said it 2 or 3 times but once more for luck; I'm not expecting to go "off-grid". If I do nothing I'm looking at my electric bill increasing by £150-200+ in September when my fixed tariff ends. Possibly much more when the October cap raise kicks in. Or I could put ~£150 on...
  7. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Facelift - Have you cancelled?

    Don't know where people are getting the idea there's no side airbags at all. They have changed it from torso and head to just torso.
  8. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Did you order before the grant changed, December 15th iirc? And did you change the order before then? If you ordered after you don't get the grant on LR Trophy so changing doesn't have any impact. If you ordered before, and changed after, then the dealer has messed up, you got a stock order...
  9. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Mine turning up on that date would be typical, that's when we're on holiday :-D
  10. Hotlush

    New Car Estimated Delivery Times

    The irony is that they don't list MG ;-)
  11. Hotlush

    Getting slightly concerned…….

    Really? You've never mentioned it before ?
  12. Hotlush

    Solar PV - no roof space

    On an average day I'll use about 8.5 kWh. The Huawei battery they're proposing is expandable in 5 kWh increments up to 30 kWh but 10 should cover most days. Top it up on Octopus Go means I should be able to shift most of my usage on to cheap rate and I'll keep charging the car during that window...
  13. Hotlush

    Solar PV - no roof space

    £15k for a battery? I've been quoted significantly less than that for a 4.8kWp PV system with a 10kWh battery.
  14. Hotlush

    Dashcam fitted to USB power on rear view mirror

    Went for this combo. Mini end fits very snugly on the nextbase powered mount but not in a bad way. The two angled connectors give me some options when the car eventually arrives.
  15. Hotlush

    Solar PV - no roof space

    4000 kWh per year; 16 years but that was based on a 28p tariff and I'm already looking at paying 40p+ when the current tariff ends. It also doesn't take into account topping up at Octopus Go rates. I've basically got 2 choices; do nothing and pay 2-3 x as much for electric from September...
  16. Hotlush

    £37k for a used LR?

    But then everything else would be upside down ?
  17. Hotlush

    Dashcam fitted to USB power on rear view mirror

    A decent dashcam should shut itself off if it detects the 12v is getting low. I've ordered some cables myself, obviously won't be able to check them on the car side for a while but this combination should work;
  18. Hotlush

    22kW chargers

    One of the things I'll miss from the Zoe is the range of AC chargers it supports. In my experience the 22kw was actually much faster than DC charging in the upper percent of charging.
  19. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    I wouldn't worry in that respect, for some reason colours don't show up properly in those images. Google earth image of my old house showed a red car for years and I never owned a red car while I was there... Cars in this are grey, blue, black and red respectively. Blue looks white;
  20. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Just sold my ZE50 to avoid the excess mileage if I'd handed it straight back to Renault. My experience was that carwow, motorway and bestcarbuyer offered the best figures. Should really have waited a few days though. Bank holiday not the best time to put it on them as a slightly better offer...
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