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  1. Fluffykins

    Long wait for charger = parking charge £100!

    However if a private parking company does take a Keeper to court and The Keeper has not been careful not to identify The Driver, it is certainly within the bounds of possibility that the judge may ask "so who was driving?" and one would be obliged to answer. Respond truthfully. If one is caught...
  2. Fluffykins

    Long wait for charger = parking charge £100!

    Someone else who needs to know about
  3. Fluffykins

    Long wait for charger = parking charge £100!

    Nope, they don't.
  4. Fluffykins

    Long wait for charger = parking charge £100!

    Nanuchka: check out post #9 above. Do not identify the driver. The goto resource is
  5. Fluffykins

    Help! Charging cable stuck in MG5 EV

    Nearly got caught out like that once but I just popped it into checked in baggage. I've not yet found a clone that is as good. Leatherman offer (and, I understand) honour a 25 year warranty.
  6. Fluffykins

    Help! Charging cable stuck in MG5 EV

    I've had one of these in my pocket (no, I'm not pleased to see you) for the past twenty something years. Incredibly useful. Mostly for the pliers, then scissors, screwdriver, knives, saw, file, and can opener, more or less in that order. Leatherman Wave®+ Multi-Tool - Stainless Steel
  7. Fluffykins

    Long wait for charger = parking charge £100!

    Not necessarily. Signage is required to be accurate, readable and capable of being seen by the driver. Cases have been successfully defended on the grounds of inadequate signage. Slightly off topic but there are many instances of parking tickets being issued in communal car parks for blocks of...
  8. Fluffykins

    Long wait for charger = parking charge £100!

    Before you contact the parking company, check out this thread here: Help with Parking Tickets and Motoring Offences Never phone them. ALL interactions should be in writing. Never identify "the driver", not even in advice forums as the parking companies aren't above trawling the forums and...
  9. Fluffykins

    MG5 sat Nov - require arrow in driving direction

    See the last sentence in the previous post.
  10. Fluffykins

    MG5 Roof rails decorative only

    Now THIS is REAL roof rack abuse: Officers stop car carrying such a heavy load the roof was caved in
  11. Fluffykins

    Pedal covers and footrest

    Oh well, it was worth a try.
  12. Fluffykins

    Pedal covers and footrest

    You could try looking at AliExpress. They seem to peddle a lot of stuff for Chinese autos and may peddle pedal covers/tops for the MG.
  13. Fluffykins

    Take care out there! This from "The Register"

    Tell that to the <evpletive>ing idiot, of whom I had clear sight (and vice versa) for several tens of meters and who pulled out from the left in front of me without once looking to his right at all. Predictably he got all upset at a 10 second blast on the horn. (I figured if he's stupid enough...
  14. Fluffykins

    Pod Point free charging

    I frequently charge at a nearby Tesco (Aylsham). They offer: 2 Type 2 outlets at 7kW. It's free to use, just confirm charge via the PodPoint app within 15 mins. 2 Type 2 outlets at 22kW It's free to use, just confirm charge via the PodPoint app within 15 mins.(but only charges at 7kW as that's...
  15. Fluffykins

    Automatic Battery Swaps instead of charging

    Not yet. This from Tesla as recently as May 5th: Bit of a bummer. Oooerrrr. Update: looks like there ARE a few Tesla sites open to non-Tesla cars.
  16. Fluffykins

    Today’s Joke.

    A German guy called Helmut approaches a lady of the night in London . "I vish to buy sex viz you." "Okay," says the girl, "I charge £50 an hour." "Ist goot, but I must varn you, I am a little kinky." "No problem," she replies cautiously, "I can do a little kinky for an extra £10." Helmut agrees...
  17. Fluffykins

    Take care out there! This from "The Register"

    Cars in driver-assist mode hit a third of cyclists, all oncoming cars in tests Don't rely too much on automatics yet. Autonomous cars may be further away than believed. Testing of three leading systems found they hit a third of cyclists, and failed to avoid any oncoming cars. Full article...
  18. Fluffykins

    Sneaking up on wildlife

    I don't think it's me, as SWMBO is of a similar opinion, that wildlife doesn't get out of the way of a leccy car anywhere nearly as early as an ICE car. The number of critters we've nearly run down in our MG5 has been startling, especially after our diesel Passat.
  19. Fluffykins

    Lithium Sulphide Li-S batteries coming your way..

    "cycle life approaching that of everyday consumer grade lithium-ion batteries" IOW, not quite as long lived.
  20. Fluffykins

    My brother’s little secret

    There's a really irritating mime artist next door, who manages to be a complete pain from time to time. I get my own back by playing blank tapes on my hifi at full volume.
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