Previous mg4 owner here. I've just bought a zs EV trophy and it's on R18. I think those go up to R23 which I want for it.
Where would I get the download
Can anyone confirm if 11313413 on a trophy lr registered late sep 22 is compatible with v2l?
I have a cable that I made up for use with my mg4 when I had it and it has a 470 ohm resistor in it.
It's says discharge connector connected and then discharging but never actually works and then...
Luckily (or unluckily) I own the car outright and its mine in its entirety. It has every possible update and is at the latest of everything.
Now in fairness, it's considerably better than it was, and either me or the wife can easily turn off LKA/ELK with the pull down menu ON R59.
But the...
It drifts to the left more than turns to the left.
It's very hard to get the rear toe bang on.
I got it absolutely perfect on the lift with everything centred and a zero thrust angle.
Then you go and drive it and put it back on and when the car has settled it might bit be EXACTLY where you...
Brand spanking new. First one in Ireland. Saw it coming off the lorry. Never damaged. Never even hit a kerb.
Tyres all wearing perfectly even and probably better than any car I've ever had before.
Measured wheelbase on each side and it appears identical.
Measured ride height and all 4...
Hi there.
I have done my mg4 wheel alignment 5 or 6 times in an effort to try and stop it drifting to the left when I let go of the wheel (even on roads with no camber or on the wrong side of the road)
I am a motor vehicle lecturer with an almost new hunter Hawkeye elite wheel alignment...
I'm on R59 now as opposed to previously being on R46.
R46 was near to perfect, only that I wanted the quick disable button for ELK
Well now that I have R59 I'm less than happy with it.
Bluetooth forgetfulness issues back with a vengeance.
Pot luck if the car will remember the phone or not...
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