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  1. MonsterMonster

    Do you use AC when you want to warm up

    Also, along same lines as BarryH, running once in a while keeps the seals lubricated so that they don't dry out (assuming they haven't changed much in the last 15 or so years). Expensive repair otherwise.
  2. MonsterMonster

    Ohme Home Pro 3.8kW max charge

    Well, the car is charging at 7kw two days in a row. The only change made was turning off the "Optimize for battery life" option within the Ohme app. However, normal charging only resumed on Saturday after this change on Friday.
  3. MonsterMonster

    Ohme Home Pro 3.8kW max charge

    I just thought it better talking direct to ohme. If they think it's the charger then I'll get the installer to fix it. I'll test the charging elsewhere to see if the problem follows the car.
  4. MonsterMonster

    Ohme Home Pro 3.8kW max charge

    The charger is tethered and I've a separate cable for out and about.
  5. MonsterMonster

    Ohme Home Pro 3.8kW max charge

    Okay, I've just finished speaking with a very helpful lady at Ohme and checked all settings and it would appear that the car is limiting the charge. She mentioned that she has an MG and on 5kw lamp AC charger it slows at around 20 miles from 100%. Mine seems to be worse with soc 60% and 125...
  6. MonsterMonster

    Ohme charger not working?

    Did you ever find out what happened? I'm having the same problem with MG5 (posted under MG5) with only getting 15.7A/3.8kw.
  7. MonsterMonster

    Ohme Home Pro 3.8kW max charge

    Just seen this on Ohme site... "Your vehicle may include a setting to adjust the rate of charge. This affects the speed at which the battery can be charged. If the rate of charge has been reduced in your vehicle, this will result in Ohme charging your battery at a slower speed. For maximum...
  8. MonsterMonster

    Ohme Home Pro 3.8kW max charge

    Just got into settings (hold three buttons for 10 secs), confirmed amp at 32A, load balancing not set (pressed disable anyhow). Charger restarted, unlocked car plugged in, locked and max charge. Still only gets to 3.8kw. One difference is that max charge screen is red with a lot more info...
  9. MonsterMonster

    Ohme Home Pro 3.8kW max charge

    Has anyone had the same problem as me in that my Ohme Home Pro only gets to 3.8kW charging without the house drawing any other power? Usually I've had to unlock the car, unplug, lock, unlock plug in, lock and then it would get to 7kW. When I got the charger I inadvertently turned on load...
  10. MonsterMonster

    Petrol station visit was weird.

    For me it was thinking it as bizarre having to travel 24 miles round trip to get fuel when I can plug into the house and refuel.
  11. MonsterMonster

    Petrol station visit was weird.

    After running the 5LR for 1400 miles since Jan 1st I visited a petrol station for the first time since then for our petrol Matiz. It felt distinctly backwards and old fashioned. Has anyone else had that feeling?
  12. MonsterMonster

    2022 MG5

    I think you're on the right line of thinking. General second hand prices will be high for a while yet. The chip shortage is about to get worse so even fewer new cars. Give it a couple of years and there will be strong demand for used EVs further strengthening prices.
  13. MonsterMonster

    Anyone know anything about Solar PV and Batteries

    I tentatively looked at Emilio battery but the price just wasn't worth it in the several thousands. Our PV is only 1.8kwp from 2010 but we're on the maximum fit tariff. I think the battery would only be decent for storing extra power during a low overnight tariff and then using it outside of...
  14. MonsterMonster

    Home charger

    £665 in Lincolnshire via Smart Home Charge. Installed right next to the meter box so cable about 1m. They ended up using an external distribution box as there wasn't any space. By the sounds of it I might have got it cheaper but turn around was quick and no cost for extras.
  15. MonsterMonster

    MG dealership

    I think you've done the right thing. Having a crap dealer long term after purchase is a right pain. If you're not urgently needing a car I'd put it on the back burner as I think there's going to be many more new electric car models launched this year. The grant will probably go by then but...
  16. MonsterMonster

    MG dealership

    If the order hasn't been placed with MG by the dealer I'd go elsewhere. If you have any problems once you've got the car I'd hate to think of the grief in getting any problems resolved.
  17. MonsterMonster

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    I think the ergonomics of the displays could be better designed. I wanted check the date and couldn't find it anywhere. There seems to be lots of information displayed in tiny corners lost amongst other things. Overall the car is good.
  18. MonsterMonster

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    I was walking the dog last night and I heard a car approaching from about a mile off (we're remote). I was surprised that it was my wife in our 5LR. When she stopped and pulled away again I thought it not as quiet as a normal high end modern ice car. I was expecting its motor to have been eerily...
  19. MonsterMonster

    MG5 owners only. Post on here what you think of the car.

    I'm amazed at how quick it is to defrost. I assumed to give the same ten or fifteen mins as I did with our ice at the same time. I haven't stood and watched it but it must have taken well under five minutes to clear ice from all windows.
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