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  1. Harry 17

    Cyberster - what we know so far

    That light grey though, whilst looks a fantastic contrast, and one which I really did consider, it’s out for me now. Only a couple of days old and the grey was a little dirty and looked to have a little colour transfer from clothing. So my choice would be the campden grey, black roof and black...
  2. Harry 17

    Cyberster - what we know so far

    Loved driving this today, Twas the GT. Sport mode is incredible !! I truly did smash my head back into the head rest. Due to my 4 only being 2 years old this month, looks like I will need to look to an ex demo next year (due the 4’s depreciation). Such a lovely, lovely lovely drive. Still got...
  3. Harry 17

    Cyberster - what we know so far

    oooooH proper result!! My local dealership has kindly offered me the use of the Cyberster tomorrow, for up to two hours!! Whilst my 4 is being serviced, YAY ! Extremely nice of them. Can not wait, though what happened to MG saying we would have the Cyberster in summer, have you seen the weather...
  4. Harry 17

    Is it worth waiting for a used Cyberster?

    Well not this Christmas ROFL! £17K trade in for a 2 yr old 4 Trophy means that this particular deal will be a non starter for me. Going from a balloon payment of £15K in a further two years time, means I doubt I will be keeping my car either LOL. Hand back is nigh on assured. A lot can happen...
  5. Harry 17

    Is it worth waiting for a used Cyberster?

    Yeah, I remember that particular nightmare. Guess I am getting giddy at the prospect of ordering another new car :) I am just wanting to do my sums to see if it is worth me getting all hyped up again, or whether the Cyberster will be a none starter at launch for me. Wanting to be the kid at...
  6. Harry 17

    Is it worth waiting for a used Cyberster?

    Hey. Have you been able to get any indication of Insurance companies that will cover you yet?
  7. Harry 17

    Is it worth waiting for a used Cyberster?

    Thank you. My local dealership do not have a clue and are stating end of August for the demonstrators and similar time for the PCP figures. Frankly, they are blowing smoke up my Aris. I appreciate your speedy response, It is a bit of a trek, but I may very well end up coming to you guys :)
  8. Harry 17

    Is it worth waiting for a used Cyberster?

    Hi Miles, When are you expecting to get the PCP figures?
  9. Harry 17

    At The end Of The PCP Contract

    Interesting thread. For people who have handed a car back on PCP, does some randomer come and pick the car up? Or are you required to take the vehicle back to the dealer? I ask this due to my dealership selling up and ceased trading. Or, would handing my car back to any MG dealership be an...
  10. Harry 17

    Cyberster almost here - thoughts

    @GranTurismoEra , all very valid points for me, and I agree that whilst I hate the initial loss on a brand new car, the difference in low interest rates on new and higher interest rates on used, really makes a calculation to be made and factor in things such has servicing’s / tyres consumables...
  11. Harry 17

    Cyberster almost here - thoughts

    At least 3 years, probably 4
  12. Harry 17

    Cyberster almost here - thoughts

    Thank you! Very helpful ? my maximum deposit would be £10k (providing I can clear my MG4 finance). So those figures work for me. As you say, 0% would be very nice :)
  13. Harry 17

    Cyberster almost here - thoughts

    I understand some our members have committed to buying a Cyberster. I am struggling to find PCP deals on the net regarding the costs. Would anyone be willing to give me an idea on purchasing this car, be willing to afford me some ‘ball-park’ figures on a PCP deal for this car? I get that many...
  14. Harry 17

    Cyberster almost here - thoughts

    Like many of you, I assume, I have been watching this Cyberster story for the last three years. I was very interested at concept, and felt that MG would produce this car very much more affordably, come the time of Launch. We obviously have our own governments rip off duties and tariffs to upt...
  15. Harry 17

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    Thank you!! I am an idiot. I do not remember adding an email address to this account, did it in the showroom with phone number……. Or so I thought. Just tried sending a forgot password reset to my old email address and lo and behold, got a pin to reset, did so, and now I am in. Combination of...
  16. Harry 17

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

  17. Harry 17

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    So here I am, Third day of trying this utter BS. Deleted app, reinstalled (three times now), open app …. Graphic of rear of an MG4 appears with “To Bind” button underneath. Go to car, bring up QR code under user menu, scan QR code, says success at bottom, then just stays on graphic of MG...
  18. Harry 17

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    There is a Maccie D’s in Stamford, it is on Ryhall Road…..but your point is valid….they tried to stop Dominos opening on St Paul’s Street, but it opened anyway. Stamford is nice, but it does have delusions of grandeur.
  19. Harry 17

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    Good luck ??. I have tried 7 times now and it is just laughing at me.
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