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  1. Harry 17

    The great big insurance rip off

    Some products from Aldi are as good as Waitrose (I shop in both) and I am not sure I understand you correctly. Both sell food stuffs and I would suggest Chalk and erm…Chalk…..Chalk and cheese, in my mind, would be comparing Waitrose with Halfords. MG is no longer an “also ran” either. From...
  2. Harry 17

    The great big insurance rip off

    just had my MG4 for a year now (first service today). So obviously, it’s insurance renewal time. I originally went through Admiral for the sum of £450 (ish pounds). Come renewal they wanted £1045!!!! So after I told them to stick it….they came back with £945.00. Again, told them to stick...
  3. Harry 17

    MG ZS EV Trophy Connect Long Range Depreciation Values

    Who knows mate, could be the Sunak effect, the Truss effect, the Tory `BS’; effect, the ‘Austerity effect’ …..will give the Tories there due, we needed to stop the spending , but for me, went way too far….but that is my stand point, more than happy to consider others, but guess the socialist in...
  4. Harry 17

    MG ZS EV Trophy Connect Long Range Depreciation Values

    Hang on whilst I put on my ear defenders on, in an attempt to drown out the shouting … ?.. Well my MG4 has lost almost £10K in 11 months, so to save that, I would have last years model ??
  5. Harry 17

    Farewell MG4 Trophy

    And no! Define “Normal” lol ?
  6. Harry 17

    Farewell MG4 Trophy

    With respect, I have not read it wrong. Guru has been hell bent on correcting people since he/ it/ them/ her, first started posting. Normal people do not feel the need to pick fault with such information posted by random members, at any given opportunity. Guru knows what it’s doing. I...
  7. Harry 17

    Farewell MG4 Trophy

    In the real world, are you respected and does everyone cow-tow to your every whim and sing praise to your self qualified “Guru’ism”? Or do you just exclude everyone and end up alone, sucking your own toes? I apologise If I have read you wrong, but you’re seem to have a strange ‘God complex’...
  8. Harry 17

    Farewell MG4 Trophy

    You get out much??
  9. Harry 17

    Farewell MG4 Trophy

    Oh For F Sake !!!
  10. Harry 17

    Farewell MG4 Trophy

    Yeah, pretty much made my mind up on the BMW, e40 / m40 versus M50….for me, no brainier when you factor in the costs of both. Want the long range of the M50 (hence the M40 and not the M35), but not too phased about the suspension difference and shaving a second off the 0-60 time. Not for £15K...
  11. Harry 17

    Farewell MG4 Trophy

    Passed my preferred choice of colour (Brooklyn Grey) BMW I4 e40 today whilst enjoying my 5 Kw/Hr drive round town in Newark today. Got a very quick ‘pang’ to say bollox to the finances, and go looking for a deal on a 12 month old Beamer. Luckily I still love my MG4, but my initial statement...
  12. Harry 17

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Overtook a red Trophy around 12:45hrs on A1 northbound (just south of Newark) before I crossed the Southbound Carraigeway (mine was the Tango). We both waved. Also behind (briefly coming to a roundabout) in Bourne A151 this morning - around 10:30hrs. Weirdly we were both in Tango Trophy’s and...
  13. Harry 17

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    OMG! Life is too short
  14. Harry 17

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Subjective. My Tango looks different every time. Rain, sun, overcast, clean, dirty, always looks different. And always gets a comment when on my drive via the postie lads and lasses, or the plethora of delivery drivers. as I say, subjective, but I do disagree with you, the Tangoa looks better...
  15. Harry 17

    Poor quality car mats

    If it is any consolation Ian, the pukka MG ones are utter crap! Well for £75.00 quid they are. Got a cheapo universal set from Aldi when I first got the car as a temporary measure, and they wear much better (think they were £15 :) )
  16. Harry 17

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Agree. on from that, I suspect the majority of people who draw or pay into a pension scheme are indirect shareholders.
  17. Harry 17

    Cyberster - what we know so far

    Love the car, would have bought in a heart beat, however, having a MG4, and with all its foibles, the main issue is dealership back up. Not their fault, MG China are utterly crap in ordering parts , lead time, agreeing works, etc. so for this reason, it’s a no from me. Looking at the BMW i4...
  18. Harry 17

    Farewell MG4 Trophy

    So glad that you are so excited and are relishing the Tesla. I have decided that I too will get rid of my MG4 Trophy. However, I am going to be around 2 years behind you, mainly due to finances. I have decided that I am going to get the BMW i4 (M40) as every review I have seen, seems to be...
  19. Harry 17

    Paint peeling off bumper

    That is all kinds of wrong!! I would be straight on the blower to them about that if I were you.
  20. Harry 17

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    That has made my day!!! That is worth at least £10K of my hard earned :) I am aware of the loss on a new car. I have done it before, when I could ill afford it to be honest. But I was very keen to get the new MG4 from launch, so I am prepared to write off some significant money for the...
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