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  1. Harry 17

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    Nope, probably not. But I feel confident I will not owe anything on it when the time comes (I did pay £4K off at the start, so hopefully I will not be left with a debit after 3 years….but I guess….who knows??). Just gonna resign myself to paying for the use of it for three years and if I can...
  2. Harry 17

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    I am slowly becoming a bit of a Fan Boy for the new BMW i4 (M40 - for me probs). I notice they have an “engine noise’ Simulation. I am thinking, “it‘s a no from me” , however I am really keen on a test drive, and if that simulation can be turned off (should I find it Wa….) I am quite positive...
  3. Harry 17

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    ?. All good Big Al! ? I think I probably did miss the point. I saw the “vote for Brexit” comment and my mind wondered ?. As for upsetting people on this forum, Guilty as charged, ergo I concur. ?
  4. Harry 17

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    I didn’t vote for Brexit, and through personal experience, I certainly do not want to be French! ??. Re: your other points, however, I do agree
  5. Harry 17

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    An electrical system short would surely blow a fuse first?in any case, I get your point ?
  6. Harry 17

    Poll: Do you charge at home?

    Agree! I did exactly the same. I am due to set aside some time to stop deleting these emails at the time of receiving them, for a time that I can set aside to go through them all and Unsubscribe. That word sounds easy, and it should be, but I always seem to use the simplest route and just...
  7. Harry 17

    Poll: Do you charge at home?

    Wouldn’t be an issue if you could just rock-up..plug the lead in and flash your debit card…but no, being us, we need to have a plethora of cards / apps / payment methods etc…just makes it a small chore. I have Bonnet, and have only ever used the Bonnet app…should they ever disappear, then I will...
  8. Harry 17

    Poll: Do you charge at home?

    saw this a few months back, think it is still crowd funding and not ready for market yet (could be wrong), but the cost was a bit high, I think it could be a winner for some people Portable Charger admittedly, it will only get you around 20 - 25 miles, but for city driving etc….. ? I have...
  9. Harry 17

    Electric vs Petrol vs PHEV Journey Cost

    I suppose a different slant to this argument could be…..whilst the public charging companies continue to rip our eyes out with ridiculous charging per KWh. Most will use these as a last resort (baring the people who obviously have no other choice) ergo making the limited number of charging...
  10. Harry 17

    MG4 -X-Power

    I know this thread will probs get moved to the other X-power thread, but in the mean time, I did. Trade in with dealership was £23K (September 22 with 8.5K miles at the time of asking). Seems the market price at present for used is £28K
  11. Harry 17


  12. Harry 17


    That is so cute! Looks like there is more room in the car from those pics :) I seem to be doing this a lot lately, but forgive my ignorance, can the MG4 actually tow? And if so, at what maximum payload? Thanks
  13. Harry 17

    Trophy owners with two tone roof. Did your roof come wrapped or was it painted?

    So is it just a case of ’knowing’ Lee? Or is it a deal breaker, should it be a wrap?
  14. Harry 17

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    How does a front tyre catch fire? Break system maybe? Or arson by a Sun / Daily Fail reader perhaps ? <just thinking out loud> emoji
  15. Harry 17

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    ? It always astounds me that people still fund this utter comic. oh and thanks for getting us back on topic :)
  16. Harry 17

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Well that is a disagreement / argument that would never happen upon prior discussion. I have solar and battery installation and between the two and Octopus night time Tarif, my current running costs are around 1 pence a mile. (Average 1100 miles per month). If someone wanted to use my charger...
  17. Harry 17

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    What difference does having a battery make regarding how much KWh the car has taken as a charge?
  18. Harry 17

    Anyone out there…swapping / selling their MG …..

    Isn’t this only until Apr25, at which point All EV’s will be levied with a £10 charge for the first year of registration and then subsequent years being levied with the standard Tarif VED (£165 or £180)? Genuinely confused a little here.
  19. Harry 17

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    I was. In much the same boat as you. Renewal due late September, however I have seen horror stories re: new quotes for insurance (including home insurance) since April this year. I think we are going to get our eyes ripped out and to just blame it on the “cost of living” bollox. That was...
  20. Harry 17

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    I agree. So much so I looked into swapping out my trophy for an ER. However found out that the book price for a 10 month old trophy with average miles is currently £23K. So that quickly turned into a non starter. Will stick with my Trophy for another 12 months or so, and see what happens re...
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